A sad soul is a soul with faded lights?

in #life7 years ago

Father Arsenie Boca said, "The sad soul is a soul with the faded lights." Certainly, I know from my own experience that sorrow fills your soul with bitterness, despair, boredom, indifference, unhappiness, and darkness. As St. John Chrysostom said: "Just as a thick cloud prevents the sun from reaching the earth, and sadness, like another thick cloud, covers the soul and leaves it illuminated by the rays of reason", the sadness Appealing to itself: either meaningless speech or whimsical silence. Saint Ignatius (Briancianinov) said: "STARTING = bitterness, grief, hopelessness in God, blessing of divine promises, dissatisfaction with God for what is happening, littleness of soul, impatience, selflessness, Against his neighbor, mourning, denying the cross of his own destiny, trying to get out of it. "

Why are we so sad? Perhaps because sometimes we do not like to live simply, we want to adapt to modern times and because we can not live to a higher standard of living, we get grieved, we get grieved when we make comparisons between our way of life and our lifestyle Of the richest, perhaps we are saddened that between dreams and reality is too big a gap, we are sad because we are not satisfied with the state we are in, we want more and more, we are saddened because often the career is In the first place, and in order to advance in office, you have more and more responsibilities that you no longer face, the fatigue you sometimes break down, leaving you with no power and no blessing.


We are sorry, because we do not know how to spend our time, enjoy ourselves, enjoy the beauty and fragrance of a tender flower, the delicate trials of a bird, the infinite blue of the sky, the innocent smile of a child, Exciting movie, an escape to such brilliant and delightful nature.

We are sorry because we are isolated from people, we do not communicate honestly, we do not socialize with our fellow men, our relatives, our children, we do not smile anymore, we do not talk, we do not visit, we are alienated from each other, We use masks and play false roles, becoming talented actors on the stage of life.

We are sad because we think too much about tomorrow and live a permanent fear because we do not have its own safety, so we do not trust that the Good God will help us to have the bread all the day and to take care of us As a loving and merciful Father, forgetting that the condition of union with God is the perfect trust in His hands.

We are sorry, because we are lazy to prayer and we lack the joy of the pure prayer in the heart of man. Prayer casts out all sorrow, it is the theme of the good will, an opportunity for unceasing pleasure. When you pray, the soul is touched by the joy and sweetness of the Holy Grace, then you feel that nothing evil can touch you, you feel loved by the Good God, and sorrow is far from you, driven by your strong belief and leaving in the Will of God .

We are grieved when we are offended, treated from above by our fellowmen, we are grieved when we are wronged, we are grieved when we are the beating of our fellow men, we are grieved when we are mocked, when we are judged by false appearances, we are grieved when we are exploited by those Around us, because they are accustomed to refusing to let them go, we are sad when people turn against us. We get grieved when we are gossiping at the back, sometimes even people you did not expect from such a thing. We are grieved when those around us carry with us, with much selfishness, with great pride, you are grieved when you are envied for your achievements, for your gifts, we are sorry for any harm done to us, to our neighbor.

We are grieved when we put a bit of our soul in everything we do and the others around us are careless to our efforts, they are indifferent to our love, they are indifferent to everything we have done, for them, maybe sometimes with great sacrifices and Titanic work.

You are sad when your soul is hurt by people in whom you have great confidence, and these have deceived your expectations, disappointing you, groaning, using yourself, being with you only when you were up, and not And when you were knocked down under the burden of weights and trials.

You are sad when you see a lot of snobbling around you, a lot of falsity, a crazy run after fulfilling the goals of the material part of this life. You are sad when you see that the whole creation of God is not loved and valued, you are sad when you see so indifferent, individualism, so much hardening of our hearts to the pain of our less favored allies.

You are sad when you see that the values ​​and belief of our ancestors are no longer respected, that there is no good sense, respect, that nurture and culture are at home all around us, that there is no civic spirit, that at the lesson of patriotism And love of the country we are corrupt and repetitive.

You are sad when you see so many young people without a job, not just young people, but also people who would like to work and are not given this chance, having to be able to secure their everyday bread, Many times the way of wandering, going to work in foreign lands, leaving home children and grieving families. We are sorry when some of our Romanians decide not to return to the country and to make all their talents available to foreigners, multiplying their gifts on foreign land.


We are grieved when we are ironic, we are talking too much about the Good God, we are saddened that we are laughing when we want to confess our dear Lord. We are grieved when we are despised by our fellows, forgetting of those written in the Gospel: "Blessed are you when you will hate yourselves ... and will reproach you ... rejoice and salvation" (Luke 6: 22-23) , Forgetting that we must thank God that we have been partakers in this way of grace to suffer for Him.

You are sad when you miss a loved one you have not seen for a long time and you know that you can not even see it soon because of the distance or other reasons.

You feel sad when you have no hope in your heart, you feel sorry when you feel alone, forsaken by everyone, incomprehensible to anyone, betrayed by friends, loved ones, we are sad because we are disappointed by ourselves because we are perfectionists and we are not Satisfied with how we manage to achieve our goals and goals.

We are saddened because we can not stand to see our happy people and we do not enjoy their achievements, the envy biting with lust from our egosistic hearts.

We are saddened because it seems to us that we have a heavier spiritual cross than other fellows. We are grieved when we face health problems, we are sad when we lose someone dear, when our business does not go, when we go through a life test, etc.

"The fashion mourn cry because it does not have a new spring hat and its boots are out of fashion, that" such "has begun to curse" such "and that" it "is more beautiful Happier than she; The young man is sorry for the small amount of pocket money he can spend for pleasure; The wife is crying out of the wounded pride because her husband deceives her and her husband in turn because she has failed at work; The doctor, the engineer, the lawyer - they are all dissatisfied because they do not earn enough, no matter how little they seem; The trader falls in despair for a suffered damage, and so on, and so on."


There are so many causes of worldly sadness and many effects of it, but why do we not get angry and because we have a God missed that we do not know how to fill it, why do we not be sad about our sins, our spiritual condition, Which is not that of a true Christian? We should therefore let the soul be contained only by the sadness of God that leads to the rebuke of conscience, the desire to pray more, to draw closer to the Church, to desire to repent for your sins, and not to The worldly sorrow that leads to the sickness of the soul and the body, depression being the disease of our century.

We are sorry, because we do not love the Good God, our fellows, because only when you love your soul is invaded by love, the enemy of sadness. Jesus' name is sweet, he utters the demons and brings the angels back. "Happiness has one Name: Jesus Christ. Maybe unknown or misunderstood by too many of us. A name the saints have described as being ... dear, dear, sweet, etc. It is happiness in itself, as it has never been and will never be. It is all that man can desire. More nobody can ask and absolutely no one can receive. It's all! If the human heart is thirsty for eternity, then He is eternal. If she is starved with Truth, then Christ is the purest and purest Truth. If the soul sighs after the light, then the Light will find Him who will embrace it and comfort it for eternity. And if man just wants to be happy, then he only has to ask Christ to come near, come, receive and offer to him all that from the beginning of the ages Prepared for him. Without asking for anything in return, for man is sick and too helpless. Without being held accountable for what he did before he met him, for the being of man is so imbued with sins that he often does not know what is good and what is worse in him. "

source:(Monah Paulin , Invitation to Freedom, Egumeniţa Publishing House, 2008)

We have to try to protect our souls from the cancer of sadness and hopelessness that casts away all the joy of the soul that make man feel alone in the world without any support and help without any purpose in life without the desire to be Enjoy life and accept it with both good and evil. This depression is very perfidious and we must be stronger than her, to cry to the Good God when we face some of the more turbulent waves of our lives, we must cry out to the Good God, help us reach the shore of hope and destitution The will of God.

Praying, communicating with those around us, doing activities that please and motivate you, humility, patience, forgiveness, are the best solutions, I believe, to keep away sadness and depression. When you talk to the Good God in your prayer, you can not feel an unhappy man who sometimes wants to die or who thinks about taking his own life. When you have a heart full of God's love, you are driving the sadness to enrich the joy caused by the Gift of Grace. Hope floods your soul and feels powerful, knowing that having God's support and help you can overcome all the temptations and overcome all the trials of life.

When you talk to someone close to you, or even to an unknown God Good Lord puts you in your way, to your troubles and troubles, then you can ease your soul by the weight of the weight that presses it. And doing something you like, like listening to a soothing music, watching a comic movie, reading a book, writing something beautiful, walking in nature on a bunch of woods, watching the flowers through the meadows, spending more and more time In the bosom of wonderful nature, draw, knit, coat, play with a child, make a visit to a loved one, spend a bit of your time in a company useful for the soul, meditate for a few moments in silence and sunrise, listen to silence , To order your thoughts, to quietly pray, to disconnect yourself from daily worries, to be alone with God and yourself, to do a housework that you like, to cook something good for you and your family, plant a flower In your garden, etc., you are not sad anymore, the soul manages to rejoice to some extent and you take your mind with other beautiful thoughts, you do not think only about problems with your car You are confronted.

We must lift the stress and sadness of our lives, hope that the Good God will help us overcome all the obstacles of life, accept that everything that happens to us in life takes place with a purpose, we must try not to do it anymore So many worries for tomorrow. The sad and hopeless soul is a dead soul, it is a soul with the faded lights, it is an unhappy soul, and we must try with all our strength and by all means not to bring our souls into this state of numbness and darkness. We must try not to be indifferent even when someone near us is confronted with sadness and depression. We must intervene as we can best, pray to the Good God to enlighten us how to proceed, because our help in time can save a soul from the clutches of despair.

As Valerio Albisetti said, "life can be terrible and fantastic, gentle and bitter, light and heavy, but so it is. But we can change our state of mind, our attitude of life. We can create a state of serenity in us. We can become sympathetic, not boring people. Enjoy. Who knows how to laugh in the heart. They know how to free themselves of the bitterness they have been holding in them for a long time. "

"Let's be joyful," urges Father Arsenie Papacioc, adding: "Whatever the reason for sadness or sorrow, it is only from demons! ... If you create this state of agitation, of sadness, Satan nests and nests its eggs; You can no longer love, you can not see any more in the future with the reason God has given you, you can not, because you are sad. That is, you are not capable of anything - a very poor state of affairs. When you're sad, think about this, "Wait, there's a hell here." And you do not accept. "

Saint John Casian said that we could cast out of us this cruel passion only if we are supported by the hope of the future and the contemplation of the promised happiness, because: "all kinds of sadness, either from a previous anger, or from the loss of Gain, or any damage suffered or caused by any offense, of any mindless disorder of the mind, or those that push us to a despair of death, may be overcome, when we look upon the eternal things that will come, we They remain always cheerful and unwavering. Then we will not even be overtaken by the present misfortunes, nor be thrilled with the good fortune, looking at them all as deadly and useless things. "

The Antiochus said, "Let our despondency be turned away, let us not obey, but strengthen us and bind us with the light of faith, with great man to say to the wicked spirit," What is new to you Alienated from God, fallen from heaven and wretched rocks? You will not succeed in doing us anything, Christ the Son of God has power over us and all. And you lost, get away from us. Armed with His Holy Cross, we will crush your head with snakes. " It would be wonderful if we put into practice the teachings of Antioch, but most of us do not do this, but in trials and tribulations we fall into the race of despair, we lose our peace of peace, we lose our bodily health, because we feel overwhelmed by the multitude Problems, because we have no hope - the power of grieved souls, the strengthening of the Christian in the trials of life, We leave ourselves deep in the desertion of despair, in the waves of turbulence of the sea of ​​life. Hope in the Lord calls divine mercy and salvation. Blessed is he who hopes in the Lord!

If we are saddened for the disease and bodily pains to remember the terrible pains of the Lord Jesus Christ, when he was crucified on the Cross, if we are saddened with poverty and the lack of need to remember the last poverty of our Lord, the poor And the too narrow bed of the Cross, on which he rested altogether empty, having no place to bow his head, and how to his thirst did not give him even a glass of water, but vinegar and bitter bile. If we are grieved that we are defamed, mocked, humiliated, if we are grieved that the world is dishonoring, seeing Christ crucified in the midst of two robbers, as mocked, laughing - the Emperor of the Emperors, and then we will recognize and acknowledge That the reproach that is brought to us is nothing more than what Jesus Christ suffered. Let us always have this thought and then we will never be sorry, but we will rejoice, knowing that in the Cross and the Passion of Christ is our salvation, our life, our healing and our joy. So let us use this doctor in all our sorrows and troubles, and if we think of how long he has patiently forbidden us for our God and Master, we will not have the courage to weep, to be grieved in our troubles, but we will try to We are glad that we have been worthy to be just as shortly after our passions.

Let us pray to the Good God, to be merciful to us, to be able to acquire peace of heart, peace of mind, gift of prayer, hope, strong faith, patience, forgiveness, love for Him and our fellow humans, humility, diligence, temperance, The sadness that extinguishes the light of the soul, and gain the joy of the soul as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the joy that ignites its lights and makes it bright as the sun.

Oh, holy joy! Oh, joy, delight and pretense of Heaven! Oh, joy that preaches the unspoiled sweetness! I want you, I seek you, too, by gaining your pledge here on the earth, or to meet you in the heavens, where the uninitiated voice of those who honor you and where the unforgiving pleasure of those who see the neglected The beauty of God. Amen! ''

source: (Saint Nektarios of Eghina)


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