
in #life7 years ago

Happiness, the chimera that deludes you a good part of your life, first appears in the form of joy, from the first years of your life. The baby is glad that the mother takes him in his arms, then when he is bigger, he is glad to play and is heeded. Then the baby is happy to take the first steps, to start becoming independent, to meet other children and to play with them, to get to kindergarten and more. After all this joy begins to appear shy and happiness. A slightly more joyous joy. Bigger children are happy for school results, for gifts, for hours spent with friends. As the years pass, happiness becomes more intense during puberty when the first feelings of love begin to appear. Then everyone is theirs and nothing stops them from going. Young people dream and believe themselves invincible.


Then comes the time of maturity when happiness also takes on other forms with the founding of new families. Young people are happy when they get married, they are happy when their descendants are born, they are happy when their children take their first steps, go to kindergarten and do good when they go to school and have good results. Parents from now on to their second youth are happy when their children finish their studies and come alive, when they become grandparents, and are thus partakers of the perpetuation of the life cycle. So, as we progress into life, the reasons for happiness are diminishing. We finally end up being happy for the health we have, when happiness actually turns into thankfulness. These are the phases of happiness mirrored in the eyes of an old man through life. The enthusiasm of young people differs greatly from my way of looking at the world. For them, "everything that flies is eaten" while for me remains only the mallow.


Symptoms of happiness are easy to recognize. In moments of happiness man feels that he has a special state and feels like he is floating. He sees nothing else but the reason for happiness. Then, as the elders come forward and the motives of happiness dwindle, man falls down with his feet on the ground, happiness is tempered and becomes apathetic. We want, we do not want, we like it or we do not like it, that's happiness. Some will write commendable articles to her. Others will describe it in pastel colors. I can not. For me, happiness is the way I presented it. From few to no one will be the ones who will appreciate this article, but that does not bother me. I know only one thing: this is life and it is not pink, and I like to look at her as it is and everything I write is and will be viewed in the light of the reality I have lived. Maybe others live differently. Blessed with them. I like how I live and look at the world, life as a whole, and even death: a beautiful woman, not a scrawny paper. Under these conditions, I do not see why someone would be guilty of their own happiness. It is a feeling that comes naturally in one situation or another. It is a state that encompasses us without being able to stop it from its path. Happiness is generated both by internal factors, specific to each individual, but also by external factors, coming from family and society. Happiness is met on all social levels, from the rich to the poor. But not all the rich are always happy, just as not all poor people are ever distressed. The Alternate of Values ​​is also here and is part of the UNIVERSAL BALANCE.


very nice , thank you for sharing

Thank you and I'm glad you like it @halo

Great thing about happiness is that it doesn't require beauty, fame and certainly not richness. Stay happy!

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