How to stop the time?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What I am going to write about?
I will express my very humble view on growing up older and unavoidable changes related to this process with more attention on the creative and positive aspect of this stage of life but not as the end of the world.

Everybody love to look young and beautiful, however women seems to take special care to this subject.
The biggest paradox in terms of womanhood is so funny; their view on the beauty changes with time as before they are 18 years old they would like look more mature, however this change dramatically as they reach the magic 18 as they do everything to stop this process, especially the visual signs of aging.

Good news in relation to this topic is clear; the whole aging process is very closely correlated with daily habits and some of them can inhibit the negative changes, please remember they are not quick fix changes indeed.

I would like you to understand one crucial concept of loving yourself unconditionally and full energy should be focus on maintaining the beneficial habits and changing the ones which are negative and can lead to quicker aging changes.
• Learn to prise yourself for doing good job, be positive not a negative person. Look for brighter aspects of life
• Do not be so harsh on yourself, constructive criticism is ok; however under one condition not too frequently and not too
• Learn to smile to life and life will start smiling back to you
• Laugh as frequently and as much you want
• Start complementing yourself, best practice is as first thing in the morning
• Pay more attention to your spiritual, emotional aspect of your life, praying is good for me, so I make sure every day I am
making time for praying. Practice yoga, sometimes walking in the fresh air can do wanders
• Practice gratitude for everything what you have
• Have a passions and dreams and make them reality!
• Forgive yourself especially and everyone who hurt you. None is perfect, however the key to be happy is about accepting
yourself for who you are now
• Eat well, best organic food, stop eating fast food as your body is not a rubbish bin. Eat mostly vegetable and fruits. Treat
your body as a temple
• You are beautiful and you deserve for happiness in every aspect of your life, do not settle for less
• Talk to yourself with love and respect
• Surround yourself with people who are building you up on the fundamental truth of greatness not destroying you
• Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day, because your body need to be hydrated and see how quickly see the difference
how your body perform when you are hydrated as well as you do not misinterpretate thirstiness as a hunger.
• Treat yourself as little baby, you deserve to be a number one, without treating others as not good enough
• Invest in yourself and look after your health as this is your most important asset. If one day your health would start to fail, learn to prioritize and switch your energy on repairing, healing your health as this is your priceless gift

Please let me know what is your best working tip in terms of slowing down the aging process. I would be interested in hearing from you.

I am sending you lots of love and cuddles. Learn to take your life into your own hands, as you are the best person to look after yourself, you know yourself the best. Sometimes little changes can make the biggest difference

Lots of love
from Margo :)


I am very much interested in other people experience of ageing happily. As I could observe people in my career who were old in terms of years however biologically they look so young and most importantly they did act young.

Hello, thank you for the advice! Very useful and positive post! :)

thank you for reading and looking forward to reading your post as well :)

I am a humble but very earnest seeker after truth.

- Mahatma Gandhi

very nice topic welldone inspiring
Do Good :)only

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