Raising Libertarian Children

in #life6 years ago


Having kids is a huge responsibility. It is one that I take very seriously. As a Libertarian it has some unique challenges. In our society raising a child is sometimes treated as the parent instilling, or forcing their views on the child. As a Libertarian I oppose the initiation of force. This includes my children. Does this mean that I do not advocate discipline or have rules for my kids? Of course not. My kids need to learn not to touch hot things or how to be polite just like any other child. How I raise my children is a balancing act. It is one that teaches them what I believe to be right and wrong while at the same time respecting their ideas.

It really is not as difficult as it sounds. First of all, let me say that I in no way claim to be a perfect parent. I have made my fair share of mistakes. That being said, I do have four wonderful children. Each of whom are different and fantastic individuals. In my opinion, that is one of the strengths to raising kids as a Libertarian. I recognize each of my children as they are. Just like every adult is different, children are just as unique as well. So, I treat them that way. I try not to judge my kids by anything my other children, my wife, or myself has done. This life is their own personal journey. It is my job to help them figure out how that begins.


As a parent, it is hard not to try to mold your child into your image, or the image that you want for the child. We must set aside our wants and focus on their needs. We should encourage them in their path forward. I am not saying let them decide everything, I am simply saying that we ought to allow them to make decisions for themselves whenever possible. Sometimes that means letting them make mistakes. I know that this is really hard sometimes but in the long run it is better for the child.

I will admit that I have not always followed my own advise. As I said, I have made many mistakes. It should also be said that I have been blessed with a wonderful Libertarian wife to help me. This is sort of the point. Every life is different and instead of fighting to make every child conform to these set ideas, it is better to set some parameters and otherwise let them find their way. Some children will want you to help more than this. Do it! If they are asking for more help than you are not forcing it, and it gives you the chance to really help if your child has seen the value in your expertise.


Now that I have given my opinion on how I raised my kids, I get to brag about my success. I have raised friendly, intelligent, creative, and self assertive individuals. By not forcing my opinion, I have four kids that are everything I could have ever wanted, they are a loving joy in my life.


My oldest child is Brianna. You can find her on Steemit, she generally writes about her family and is currently focused on weight loss. You can find her here @brichris. She is 25 and is married to a wonderful woman name Jessie, who had a little girl named Skyla when they got married. Skyla is a really smart grandchild, nothing will hold her back.

Brianna is a Libertarian, and always has been. When my wife and I worked on the grassroots campaign for Ron Paul in 2012, my daughter stood right beside us. Her first vote went to Ron Paul in the primary. The issues that mean the most to her are gay rights and taxation. It is fun watching her and my daughter-in-law get upset with the new taxes in our state. Brianna complains about the Republican passed gas tax every time we pass a gas station or run over a pothole, which is what the tax was supposed to fix.


My second oldest Child is Raven, also a Libertarian. He has been more vocal about his political opinions. When he was in high school he debated multiple times with not only other students but teachers as well. Raven was especially successful because of his mild and kind personality. Still, he can argue and debate pretty well for a 21 year old man. The issues that matter most to him are monetary policy, the police state, and ending the drug war.


Nathan is my 14 year old son. He lives with his mother, so I cannot take as much credit for him as the others. He is a pretty typical teenage boy. That being said, he has read Freedom, and is really looking forward to meeting Adam Kokesh in a couple weeks. For Nathan, I don't think it gets much more deep than each of us should be free.


My youngest is my daughter Anya. She is a jam packed source of lots of happiness. Anya really isn't at a point to where she understands most of the issues. It is hilarious that she has a little girl crush on Adam Kokesh. It started when she met him in September. Both her and Skyla run around my house shouting Freedom!!! For Anya I think it is just part of what our family identity is. I have to add in contrast to the statements I just made, Anya is extremely anti-war. When talking with us or her friends she says to everyone that war is bad. It isn't just surface either, it is the primary reason she dislikes president Trump. All of that aside it is really cute when she talks about our country not needing a president and proudly supporting Adam for Not-President.


I hear all of the time from people who identify as liberal or conservative about the black sheep in their family who is the opposite. I have not experienced that. Maybe Nathan or Anya will grow up and not be Libertarian, I have no idea. What I do know is that I will respect their choices and love them the same.



I teach my kids the non-aggression principal - but not to be pushovers. I teach the "speak softly but carry a big stick" way of thinking. I point out flaws in logic - what double think is and how to spot propaganda. I teach history to them, and I point out the realities to them that very, very few people are actually of a quality of character to be leaders among men and that the ones who have that quality of character are among the least likely to seek out leadership positions.

In short I try to teach them how to be objective.

I stop short of actually trying to get them to be libertarians like myself. I want them to seek their own paths, but I also believe that once they learn to be objective and they see the corruption that exist in us all, even the best among us, that they will likely be libertarians regardless of what label they chose to wear for themselves.


a very great post ... I really like your photos, you are great ... thank you for sharing, this is a tremendous knowledge for those who have read ... you are incredible @ marcus.pulis. oh yes if you let me want to make a post for you, about How your struggle to be a press secretary for @adamkokesh. if mr. @ markus.pulis agree, you may see my post there i always make a post about mr. @adamkokesh. thanks, have a nice day. 🤗


semoga Anda dapat meluangkan waktu untuk membacanya, dan saya sangat berharap Mr.@adamkokesh memberi saya sedikit cinta 🤗😚😚


good afternoon @marcus.pulis ?

it looks like adam did not post on all channels today.
Where is he today ?

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