I am with terrorism

in #life6 years ago

We are accused of terrorism
We are courageously defended
About Balqees hair ...
And the lips of Mason ...
And about India ... and about ...
And about Lubna ... and Rabab ...
About the rain of kohl which
Come down like the inspiration of the cilia !!
You will not be in my possession
A secret poem ...
Or secret language ...
Or secret books imprisoned in the inside
the doors
I never have a single poem
She walks in the street wearing
The veil

We are accused of terrorism
If we wrote about the remains of a homeland ...
A disheveled
His remains were scattered ...
About a country looking for its title ...
And the nation has no sky !!

About the homeland .. No left of his poems
The first great ...
Only the poems of Al-Khansaa !!

About a homeland that did not remain in its horizons
Red freedom .. or blue ... or
Yellow ...

About a homeland ... it prevents us from buying
Or hear the news ...
About a homeland ... all the birds are by him
Always banned from singing ...
About the homeland ...
His book is used to writing
The severity of the horror ...
on air !!

About a country like hair in
Our country
It is a loose word ...
Improvised ...
The face and the tongue ...
What a start ...
It has no end ...
It has nothing to do with people ... or
Land ...
Or the human dilemma !!

About the homeland ...
Goes to peace negotiations
Without dignity ...
Without shoes !!

About the homeland of his men
Themselves for fear ...
Only women are left !!

Salt ... in our eyes ...
Salt in our lips ..
And salt ... in our words
Shall the drought be in our hearts?
The legacy of Atana from Bani Qahtan ??
There is nothing left in our nation ...
And Abu Sufyan ...
No one left to say (no) ...
In the face of the waiver
About our house .. And our bread .. Our weight ...
They have transformed our ...
To a shop !!

There is no poem left in our lives ...
What I lost ...
In the Sultan's ...
We are used to Huanna ..
What is left of man ...
When used to Huan ??
From Osama bin Munqz ...
And Aqba bin Nafi ...
About Omar ... About Hamza ...
About Khalid creeps towards Syria ...
Search for Mu'tasim Billah ...
To save women from brutality
And the tongues of fire !!
Look for other men
Time ...
At night I see only cats
Frightened ...
She fears for her life ...
Of rat power !!

Is the national blind ... hit us
Is he dumb?
Or we complain of color blindness
We are accused of terrorism ...
If we refuse our death ...
Israeli bulldozers ...
Tumble in our soil ...
Explore our history ...
Explore our gospel ...
Explore our Koran ...
Tumble in the soil of our prophets ...
If this is our sin
What a beautiful terror ....

We are accused of terrorism ...
If we reject it ....
By the Mongols ... and the Jews
... and barbarians ...
If we throw stones ...
On the glass of the Security Council
Seized by Caesars !!

We are accused of terrorism ...
We refused to negotiate with the wolf
And to extend our hands to a prostitute !!
USA ...
Against Human Cultures ...
It is without culture ...
Against urban civilizations
They are without civilization
USA ...
A giant building
It has no walls !!

We are accused of terrorism ...
If we refuse time
Became America
Enchanted ... rich ... powerful
Translator ...
For the Hebrew language !!
We are accused of terrorism ...
If we throw a rose ...
For Jerusalem ...
For Hebron ...
Or Gaza ...
And Nazareth ...
If we carry bread and water ...
To the besieged Trojan ...

We are accused of terrorism ...
If we raise our voice
Against all the populists of our leaders ...
And all who have changed their saddles ...
They moved from unit ...
To a bargain !!

If we do the culture profession ...
If we rebelled against orders
The Caliph
The Great .. and the Caliphate ...
If we read books in jurisprudence
... and politics ...
If we mention our Lord ...
If they recite (Surat Al-Fath) ..
And we listened to the Friday sermon
We are involved in terrorism !!
We are accused of terrorism ...
We defended the Earth
And the dignity of the soil
If we rebel against the rape of the people
Our rape ...
If we hold another palm in
Our Sahara ...
The last stars in our skies ...
And the last letters in our names ...
And another milk in our mothers' breasts
If this is our fault ...
What is the most wonderful terrorism !!

I am with terrorism ...
If he can save me
Of immigrants from Russia ...
Romania, Hungary, Poland ...
And landed in Palestine on our shoulders
The minarets of Jerusalem ...
And the ...
They stole inscriptions ...
The domes ...
I am with terrorism ...
If he can edit
Jesus ...
The Virgin Mary ...
The Holy City ...
From the ambassadors of death and ruin !!

Yesterday ...
It was the national street in our country
As easy as the horse ...
The squares were rivers
Overflowing with violence ...
After Oslo ...
No longer teeth in our mouths ...
Have we become a people?
From the blind .. And the sheep ??

We are accused of terrorism ...
We have defended with all force
About our poetic heritage
About our national wall ..
About the rose civilization ..
About the culture of illiteracy .. in our mountains
And black eye mirrors
We are accused of terrorism ...
If we defend what we write ...
About the Blue Sea ...
And the smell of ink
The freedom of crafts ...
And the sanctity of the book !!

I am with terrorism ...
If he can free the people
From tyrants ... tyranny ...
And saves man from human brutality
Lemon and olives are due
And the gorse
For the south of Lebanon ...
And return the smile to the Golan ....

I am with terrorism ...
If he can save me
From the Jews Caesar ...
Or from Caesar Romans !!

I am with terrorism ...
As long as this new world ...
Between America and Israel
Fairly !!

I am with terrorism ...
With all my hair
It is prose ...
And from the teeth ...
As long as this new world ...
In the hands of Katsab (Butcher)
I am with terrorism
As long as this new world
We have rated
From the category of flies !!
I am with terrorism ...
If the Senate is in

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