What should you know about the before and after in a Yoga practice?

in #life7 years ago

Something that seems elementary but many times it is not said

Before you Begin ... BREATH
Take a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and breathe, focusing on lengthening the duration of both the inhalation and the exhalation over time. Visualize the skin around the throat, jaw, and mouth softening.
Relax your jaw, but do it! I opened your mouth, simulated a big yawn, your jaw must understand what it means to be relaxed, we contracted our jaw most of the day and did not even notice it, do you agree?
attention to your eyebrows, relax it as your face and if you need to massage it with your index finger and more.
Leave the shame aside, you are doing Yoga! self-knowledge and connection.
Are you going to try it?
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After you finish... REST
Take a rest (Savasana -Corpse Pose), supporting your head on a folded blanket and releasing the arms and back fully into the floor. Stay there, relax, you should not feel tension, effort or intervention, let the energies of your practice become quiet and seek the balance and balance of your body, mind and spirit. Good luck with the experience!
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