The Biggest Clinton Scandal You Most Likely Never Heard Before: Tainted Prison Blood

in #life7 years ago

It has the makings of a thriller of sorts; prisoners being able to make some cash by selling pints of their blood, and the prison then selling the blood to pharmaceutical companies to be distributed all over the world for humanitarian efforts...but that blood is tainted, with infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C, and it was still used for "humanitarian efforts," which means infecting a populace with killer diseases...and then a cover up to keep it on the down low. Unfortunately, it's not fiction and it's already happened.

It happened in Arkansas when Bill Clinton served as governor. Vince Foster played a part in it, too.


How come we haven't heard of this? How horrific is it that people being treated for haemophilia were infected with diseases; that the files kept by the prison were falsified so it appeared that the convict donors were disease-free. This is huge; to deny it is to enable the deliberate poisoning of a vulnerable populace. It's almost like preying on those needing blood plasma, purposefully targeting a population for destruction.

When a civilization is ruled by greed, that civilization will fall. Bread and circuses pale when compared to justice. Are those who designed such a terrible system held accountable? The answer is no. Bayer, one of the pharmaceutical companies which bought the blood, was taken to court, but not those who falsified records and arranged the blood draw. Those people have yet to taste justice for their part in the poisoning of people, including children.

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A documentary had been made on the topic; it's scrubbed from the internet. The trailer exists, as do articles mentioning it and interviews with the investigative reporter who made it, but that's it. Kelly Duda, the man behind the documentary, was stalked, threatened, had his property stolen among other things. Why? Because those who engineered the poisoning of humanity don't want the attention that their actions have wrought. Because if it were widely known, it'd have to be addressed and a hearty helping of justice served cold.

Next time someone tells me to stop the Clinton hate, I will use this knowledge as ammo and ask how they can support and enable those who conspire to poison a vulnerable population. Pondering about it makes me think Nazi tendencies, the extermination of "weak blood" and that just pisses me off more.

Dammit America, get your shit together all-fucking-ready.


Somehow, Hillary Clinton is still free?


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