My love affair with the seasons (image heavy)

in #life7 years ago

While February meanders on by in my neck of the woods, California goes tri-polar. From heavy rainstorms bringing flood waters, to cloudy with a chance of attitude, and then onto clear, blue sky in a single day.

It occasionally gets all Silent Hill-creepy fog. No pyramid-heads, though!

But then spring emerges, verdant and lush. That's when I get to garden to my heart's content and enjoy the outdoors with my family.

In the summer, we go camping. Deer hunting is a traditional sport in our neck of the woods. We don't hunt for trophies; venison stocks the freezer. I realize many are anti-hunting, but consider that a well-placed shot is much kinder to a deer than dying of starvation or disease from over-population.

Summer also provides bounty from the garden; squash, tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumbers, peppers... all nummy things.

Summer also means road trips, like to San Francisco and Monterey Bay.

The Palace of Fine Arts, San Fran

Then comes autumn. Leaves fall, mushrooms grow, and the earth gets tucked into bed to sleep through winter.

Good Night, Earth...

Because when the earth wakes up again come spring...

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