Maxim: How to Fulfill our Desires? (Stories and Values of Those Lost Days)

in #life8 years ago

What I see theses days astonishes me a great deal. Everything is so fast, everyone wants everything so fast, and everyone wants everything done quickly by other "everyones" so fast that I got confused, dizzy and trapped in this so actual and sick reality.

Here is a story: How to Fulfill Our Desires?

I was looking at old John very busy sweeping the dry leaves off of the garden. The area was large, and the old man was careful not to leave a leaf on the lawn.
"John," I said smiling, "how wonderful if you could only see all these leaves suddenly piled up in a heap!"
"And I can," the old man said promptly.
-- "If you can, let's see!" I challenged him.
-- "Leaves, please, pile up on that corner!" said the old man in a commanding voice and he continued to clean the grass until the leaves were together in one pile.
-- "Have you seen it?" he said to me smiling. "This is the best way to see our wishes come true. Work hard, so that what we want is done.
The incident fell silent in my mind. Later in studying the biography of scientists and all those whose works sometimes seem to us to be truly human miracles, I discovered that they generally adopted the old gardener's system. All his achievements resulted from the fact that these men, wishing earnestly to reach a certain goal, never ceased struggling to attain it.

Maxim: If you have wishes, work to make them come true, do not wait sitting or doing so very little and complain about life. All accomplishments will come through hard work!


Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post!


12K posts later ... I know how that ant feels @manadezo! Excellent wisdom.

I know about that too, my friend @mindhunter!

309 posts!! You are Steeming on dude! The 1K posts target awaits you!! I remember my first 1K posts :))

I will get there with lots to learn here with everyone! :)

Now you know where my own username comes from!! I'm like a vacuum cleaner sucking up the knowledge on here!!

And I just follow the videos you launch so I learn from you! =)

My first video tomorrow will be: @mindhunter Is Happy To Learn Than 33% Of The Steemit Audience Is Now Women From The Non-Crypto Community. YIPPEE!!

P.S. 10K posts was the bitch for me! It takes forever man!!

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