1 of 35: Discovering your hidden talent

in #life6 years ago

We are all born with a gift that we have to discover in this life, when we discover why we are send here and what is our purpose of live, we are born again and that's when we hit the sky and people couldn't believe how an ordinary person who could not even think of shooting to the moon is actually way above the moon!

How can we discover our hidden talent, a very renowned personality Donald Clifton spend many years researching different personality traits, strengths and how one person reacts and responds to the information being given to them or how one responds to the daily tasks in an organization, in short, he researched different talents required for different roles in an organization.

He presented 34 themes of personalities which he called 34 types of strengths which can help a person figure out his hidden talent. Following paragraphs are just an introduction to this amazing book and how can it help you and how it works, I will discuss each theme separately in separate posts coming up in following days.
34 themes in 34 days! hope it will help you rediscover yourself and I will share mine in the end of these 34 days.

You need time, everyone needs time to be alone with oneself, just sit quietly and think about the day you spend. Did you have fun today? when, where and how? figure out these answers, if nothing comes to your mind then you need help. You need to know whats your passion. There is a great guy, Qasim Ali Shah, you will be astonished to see his life and how he turned away from engineering to motivational speaking. He says that if I had known such things before, my life would have been way better than it is today! why do you think he said that, he wasted his life on something he didn't even liked. When he discovered himself, he couldn't let a single minute pass by, he started realizing the value of time. He is happy, content, satisfied and if a person having such abilities talk to a group of people, it causes impacts! he is the one who mentioned this book to us and he even presented different careers to different talents.

Everyone cannot become a doctor, engineer or astronaut, you need to figure out your strengths. Following images are the main theme of Clifton's 34 strengths which I will discuss one by one in my coming posts.

You need to pile up your shelves with these books if you want to find out your hidden strengths, the more you read the more you will learn. You cannot figure out in a month or year, you need to give time to yourself. It took me 32 years, 5 broken relationships, pretty disturbed childhood and two kids to finally realize why God created me and what is my purpose over here. I will recommend teenagers to go through this process in order to avoid some circumstances and others too, there is no age limit to figure out your purpose, some get it done early rest with time. I hope you get my point and like this introduction. Ill come tomorrow with the first theme and at the end of 34th day we will be able to achieve our goal of figuring out our strengths.


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