Why PATIENCE Is A Virtue…

in #life7 years ago

"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."


Patience Is A Virtue

In a world filled with people looking for instant gratification.., it's all too easy to lose sight of the importance of.., just being patient. We seem to want everything as fast as possible -- from internet connections to our morning latte at the local coffee shop… And when it doesn't happen as fast as we want.., we respond with attitude, anger, ignorance -- we are just plain out RUDE!

We yell at our computers, co-workers and even spouses when things are not happening as fast as we'd like… This overwhelming demand for instantaneous results has invaded our world everywhere you look… We are so quick to lose our cool (not cool btw).., that being patient doesn't even enter our minds.


Ambition is a great quality to have.., and being a go-getter is also very admirable -- but they are, by no means, an excuse for losing your shit at your waitress because your food is taking a few extra minutes to arrive. When we take a positive attribute, like ambition.., and soil it with impatience, we don't only come off as an asshole (to be blunt) but we do ourselves a disservice.

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." -- Napoleon Hill

Learning to practice this old adage above -- "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar" can benefit not only that poor waitress you just made cry.., but can benefit you as well, in many ways… For one, it might lower that blood pressure a couple of notches… But by practicing the lost art of compassion and understanding, that not everything runs on your schedule, not everything is in your control -- can make you more human!

Just being patient, has the ability to guide you through all kinds of unexpected events… And approach the people and world around you, that is met with a smile, instead of a frown. In a world where you can place an Amazon order in the morning and have it the same day (for a price $$$ of course), it is costing us more than that dollar amount -- it is costing us a little bit of our character.., and teaching us it's okay to be impatient.

The Power Of Patience

The definition of patience is: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, difficulty, or annoyance without getting angry or upset. How often does getting angry and upset serve you -- not often… Getting angry and upset, clouds your mind and leads to hasty decisions.., and very often poor decisions (we've all been there). When instead of blowing your top, you take a deep breath.., and let it go, you get the opportunity to avoid all the unnecessary headaches that come along with, not learning to.., not sweat the small stuff, but rather rise above it.


Be the person you want to be.., and not the person people expect you to be… Today, people expect you to be a dick when things aren't going your way… Surprise them, with some understanding.., and watch how fast that next course gets to your table… People, even if unconsciously appreciate understanding and compassion and react accordingly, even if they don't realize it at the time…

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time." -- Leo Tolstoy

By no means at all, am I suggesting, you be a doormat and let people walk all over you, while you sit back and smile about it -- trust me, that's the last thing a real NY'er you tell you to do… But maybe try and put yourself in the other persons position, for a second.., and consider how you would want them to react, in the same situation… Being mindful of your emotions.., and in control of them, is a sign of maturity and grace.

The lack of patience and rise of impatience makes us and the world around us.., a less inviting place.., and only enhances the all the anger and division that already exists. What you put out into this world, is what you get back -- that's not just my opinion.., that's the universe speaking to you, directly.

Image Source: 1 2 3


Be patient with that reward pool refill :P I know it seems like they are using a soda straw instead of a fire hose, but eventually it is said that rewards for posts will be at decent levels again! My income was curation and that is gone, but I am trying to have patience that it will also come back. :-)

😂😂😂 smooth even got you again

That is partly what inspired this post...

Cheers @kenny-crane!!!

Priceless advice, energized with timeless quotes, eloquently shared...
If you reminded us of these principles with this exact post every 6 months or so you would be doing the world a great service.

Thanks for the kind and wise words @scan0017... Couldn't agree more.., the whole world could benefit from a little more patience. CHEERS!

excellent advice and I love that cat-mouse photo!

Thought it was a rather timely post...
That cat will sit there all freakin' day, being patient, waiting to pounce!

Brilliant ! I am so damn patient. It took me 16 years Bali and learning about devotion with a fruit basket on my head, waiting 5 hours in the boiling tropical sunshine, on the very crowded steps of some temple. Why ? What's the point to reach the top? .......no it was not red hot chili pepper .......I went up and up and up, sweating and nearly in tears ........for 5 minutes prayer 🙏

And worth every minute of it.., no doubt!

Never ever again .......but those fruits in the baskets/offerings I held for hours were delicious after the blessing . Gone in seconds

In Scotland we say

You get more with sugar than shit

Pretty much the same thing!

Well that says it all, doesn't it!

I know, it's a tad blunt!

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