in #life7 years ago

"Limits only exist in the mind" -- Aristotle


The Comfort Zone

Stepping outside your comfort zone.., makes you feel alive!

We humans like to be comfortable, we like take the "easy way..," and while that's all fine and good, every now and then we need a challenge -- something different to spice up life or break out of the ruts, that are all too easy to slip into… Life has a way of just going by.., and when you finally look up, it has passed you by…

That "comfort zone" we find ourselves falling back on, or into -- that routine we follow day in and day out, the path of less resistance, gives us that sense of security we are under the impression we need… I mean, there's nothing wrong with a comfort zone, it gives us a feeling of familiarity, is stressless, safe -- but it's neutral.., and where's the fun in that!

No risk, no reward -- isn't that how it goes…

Finally having the guts to ask out, that person you have secretly been infatuated with.., has some risk involved… They might not feel the same way, they might even laugh at you -- at least, that's what we tell ourselves, over and over -- and that keeps us from taking that chance -- keeping us in our safe, little comfort zone. But how many of us would even be walking this earth if our parents never took that same walk across the room…

The rewards are beyond.., and better than you can imagine, even if it doesn't go your way… The worst that happens is you live to fight another day. Stepping out on that metaphorical ledge and saying -- YES, Im going for it.., will only add depth to your character.., and possibly the time of your life.

"In any given moment we have two options: To step forward into growth or to step back into safety." -- Abraham Maslow

Sometimes though, our comfort zone can keep us from doing things.., we have to do… Staying in a bad relationship because in some weird fucked-up way, it's comfortable. Like a bad habit, it's become part of your life.., and confronting the failure of yet another bad choice is not fun… So we lock ourselves behind those imaginary walls we've built that make us "feel safe." And in the confines of this walls we convince ourselves -- "maybe it's not so bad…" or "it's better than being alone…" -- anything to avoid the pain of what that confrontation might bring. Even when we know it must be done, our comfort zone tricks us into sticking around a lot longer the we should have…

Even things like losing weight get muddled up in our comfort zone… We know being over weight can lead to health problems.., but that burger, fries and shake we eat on a daily basis tastes so damn good.., and it makes us feel good too (for a little while) -- there's a reason it's called "comfort food." That whole pint of ice cream we polish off after a stressful day, helps take the edge off and plops us down right in the middle of our comfort zone.

Making a career change can scare the shit out of anyone… Even that shitty 9-5 job you have been showing up at everyday for the last 10 years -- is comfortable. We know what to expect from it, we know the people -- but inside it's killing you! But chucking it all to travel the world as a travel blogger or taking your life savings and moving to a beach on a small island to open a Tiki Bar -- seems INSANE! We've been trapped inside our comfort zone for so long.., it's hard to even take those options seriously…



All those amazing possibilities life has to offer, become nothing more than a far-off dream when we chose not to -- Step Outside Our Comfort Zone. Almost like a self-confined jail we relinquish all those fabulous possibilities we once dreamt of actually doing… Life is not easy.., and neither are many of the choices we will be faced with -- but it doesn't have to be as hard as we make it… And by staying confined in that little, safe comfort zone.., it's costing you all those dreams. That safe harbor we sail into every night after another long boring day.., is robbing us of all the possibilities life can offer us…

Being slightly uncomfortable has never killed anybody -- at least, I don't think it has… :)) But never venturing outside that "Comfort Zone" is killing a little piece of you everyday. Somewhere hidden way back, in the that dark little corner of our mind or tucked away in our heart -- we secretly hope that things will somehow change… We blindly and unconsciously accept that the way our lives are.., are the way they are supposed to be… We have programmed ourselves to exist and just get through another day, only to repeat the same old routine again tomorrow -- instead of just living!

"You're off to great paces! Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting,
so get on your way!"
-- Dr. Seuss

Not every part of our lives need to to be planned out… But living in the moment, stepping out on the ledge, taking risks.., makes us uncomfortable (to say the least). We are so entrenched in our comfort zone -- it scares the shit out of us. But when we boil it all down, life is just one big game.., and only we have the power to change the rules… Unfortunately, we conveniently forget that and let others and even certain circumstances set the rules to our lives.

The word courage is thrown around quite a bit… But actually being courageous is a whole different story… It is foreign to us because we don't act courageously on a daily basis -- anxiety starts to rear it's ugly head.., and fear tries to keep us, right were we are safe -- our comfort zone. But taking that leap can restore all those wonderful childlike qualities we have forgotten about, the ones society has beaten out of us.., and the ones that don't fit in our comfort zone. Nobody knows what life has in store for them.., so why not take the bull by the horns and ride that son-of-a-bitch for all it's worth!

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Woah I really enjoy reading your posts. And it's so true what they say; magic happends outside your comfort zone. And sometimes you just know deep inside your heart it's time for new beginnings. To release any limitations you have. Spirit knows.. Ego tries to control everything to play it safe. Well, safety is an illusion anyway...So i'm learning to flow with life.. :)


Sounds good... Thanks for the comment!

Nothing but jumping since I can walk :)

I knew you were my kinda woman!

Hahaaa ! Thats a funny comment

I stepped out of my comfort zone a year ago, when I retired from the appliance repair business and manned our store full time. It was a bit scary, but I did not look back and have no regrets.

Way to go!

I love your post!! Thank you for sharing!
I need to get out of comfort zone and experience the magic!!

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