in #life7 years ago

Fame.., ain't it a bitch!



We've all seen it before, from Mel Gibson losing his shit, to that famous mugshot of Nick Nolte (YIKES) -- some big hollywood star, going off the deep end… For many other famous people, their stardom and fame.., and how they chose to deal with it, led to death -- John Belushi, Kirk Cobain, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson… For them and many more.., their stardom was more than they could handle.

The biggest in their field, to those still yet to really shine.., the list of names is endless… But besides all the death, the City of Angels is directly responsible for.., there are some less tragic -- but real trainwrecks, in their own right.. From Britney Spears to Lindsey Lohan, there is something about fame.., that makes you BATSHIT!

Successful rock and pop stars are twice as likely as the rest of us to --

It's no secret.., most people that achieve such a high level of fame, lead somewhat, reckless lifestyles -- fueled by sex, drugs and alcohol… Thrust into the spotlight -- a whole new world, seemingly overnight, can be (and obviously is) a bit overwhelming. And if you are not completely ready, have your head firmly planted on your shoulders, some good people around you -- it will chew you up.., and spit you out!

Regardless of how it may look.., all that fame is not all glamour and glitz. Most of these "stars" have worked their asses off to get where they are… They have struggled, sacrificed.., and done whatever they had to (and then some) to, what in most cases, is fulfill a dream. Only to be met with extreme self-doubt, guilt, fear, more insecurity than they know what to do with.., and not a lot of people they can trust -- if any. And all this, before the drugs and alcohol come calling…

Besides all the cool parties, fabulous vacations, pretty people and beautiful homes.., so many, are so miserable… Their craft dictating that they live life to a greater degree, both on screen and off… They are required to to dig deep and really mine those emotions, for the rest of us to enjoy. They are by nature.., more susceptible to the perils of fame.

And this is nothing new, either… For as long as there has been "celebrity" there has always been some miserable son of a bitch, drinking him or herself to death. Can anyone say Judy Garland (The Wizard of Oz) -- such a beautiful, talented young woman, at the top of her game, a huge movie star and all the comes with it.., was one of the most unhappiest people on the freaking planet. Popping prescription pills like tic-tacs and washing them down with a few martinis -- she battled drug and alcohol addiction her whole life, was married 5 times.., and passed around Hollywood like $2 whore.

Doesn't sound like any dream, I ever heard of...

That was 50 years ago.., but in "celebrity years," it might as well be yesterday. Montgomery Clift to Philip Seymour Hoffman.., fame has taken the lives of celebrities long before Judy Garland -- and hasn't missed a beat since...


The HIGH Price Of Fame

The massive toll of such reckless and relentless lifestyles.., all the decadence and excess -- celebrities have more to fear than just a debilitating addiction… Heart disease and cancer are pretty common killers for us all, but when it comes to some huge Hollywood star who's nightly routine consists of a few bottles of booze and a couple of 8-balls of cocaine -- ending with a couple of xanax or valium to eventually get to sleep.., their severely abused bodies are in no shape to fend off these chronic diseases…

These are the same people, years earlier -- that were desperate to be famous… Just like the actual drugs they are now defined by.., that bewitching lure of adulation was just as addictive. And while many of us secretly dream (some not so secretly) of some kind of super stardom, living the life of a celebrity.., actually walking in their footsteps -- might surprise you… Being loved by so many, can actually be very isolating… Living in a bubble consumed by your fame, surrounded by YES people riding your coattails -- no wonder they feel so empty inside.

Living your life in the spot light, under a microscope.., those moments that most of us experience behind closed doors -- the hardships we all must endure, from a cheating spouse to burying a child.., but for that Big Hollywood Star it is broadcast for the world to see. The constant critiquing, having to be "ON" 24/7.., and knowing damn well, everyone of your FUCK-UPS will definitely go viral -- I guess, could drive anyone to drink!

Image Source: 1 2


Indeed it's tragic knowing those people who once our idols for they are good actors and actresses but the only problem is they forgot who they and where they came from. They are being blind and drunk of what they have achieved in life and most if not many of them ruined their own life by their own doings. They seems to think they'll always be on top and forgot that life is short and live it without regrets and give what it takes to share good life with others. Hope what happened to those will be a good lesson to the next and new generation of same profession! And for us steem on and go steem for good. @macksby this is a very interesting post to resteem, tnx :)

It would be nice if the next generation could learn from the previous... Thanks for the comment -- CHEERS!

Hopefully they will or we will or someone who has the guts to be a leader will make a difference. Steem on!

Hello didn't rply so soon for I am in mourning with my father's lost. He just past away last Monday and having hard times but coping it up and I'm posting for some assistance financially it is and steemians are good enough to share their U.V for me. Thank u for the rply :) appreciated much.

Would you be willing to pay that price?

Fame and Fortune = No privacy and criticism of every move.

It does have its perks... :))

even fame sometime has few minutes of Glamour !!

Just a few... :))

good post

Well ! you could start by following me!

I found out about Steemit through you and I upvote your blogs whenever I see them.

Honestly, I feel like this has been a one way relationship.
Upvoted @macksby

Ain't it the truth @macksby and as always, you say it like it is :-)

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