in #life8 years ago

The atom bomb fueled the entire world that came after it. It showed that indiscriminate killing and indiscriminate homicide on a mass level was possible ... whereas if you look at warfare up until that point, you had to see somebody to shoot them or maim them, you had to look at them. You don't have to do that anymore. -- Bob Dylan

broken arrow

Nuclear Screw Ups

Believe it or not, since 1950 there have, supposedly, been 32 Broken Arrows -- which is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons… It can mean, theft of a nuclear weapon, firing of a nuclear weapon, accidental launch or detonating.., of a nuclear weapon. They have happened all over the globe, from the US to Russia, Great Britain to Canada… Most of these "accidents" or broken arrows involved nuclear armed warplanes colliding, submarines that were armed with nukes failing in someway -- things that seem, could have been avoided…

While accidents happen, all the time, on the road, in the air.., even in the bathtub -- it is safe to say.., most do not involve nuclear freakin' weapons. And in 1956 a B-47 out of Florida, carrying 2 nuclear capsules, just went missing -- vanished, just like that, poof… Really..? How the heck do you lose a whole plane carrying 2 nukes… This is not to mention, all the nuclear reactor accidents that have had horrific outcomes, resulting in death and destruction…

Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island.., are some of the more well known nuclear accidents… Chernobyl, while only killing 31 (I don't mean to trivialize 31 deaths, but I say only because it could have much more) directly, it is estimated that there will be another 4000 deaths from cancer, attributed to the high levels of radiation released into the population.

Even though nuclear power plants are not weapons, they can just as easily be used as one, if attacked -- causing widespread damage.., and even worse. And this kind of attack on a nuclear facility can come from anywhere -- ground based troops, from the air (can you say 9/11).., and even from cyberspace. All that is needed, is to damage enough equipment to cause the core to meltdown -- not good for anybody.


In these kind of accidents or attacks, it is the amount of radiation released that is the real killer… While a "dirty bomb" set off in a heavily populated area will kill a significant amount of people.., the amount of radiation is nothing compared to what a whole nuclear plant can release into the atmosphere -- the widespread effects are devastating, lasting for decades too come…

But at least we know where these nuclear plants are located.., and are hopefully guarding them, diligently. But how about all the missing nuclear weapons or material, that is unaccounted for… The United States Defense Department has admitted to losing 11 atomic bombs -- WTF?! How do you lose an atomic bomb -- never mind 11..?!!! And during the Cold War another 50 nuclear weapons were lost. And while most of these nukes were lost at sea, not all are resting at the bottom of the ocean...

And then there's this...

With all these missing bombs floating around, how long before some maniac, with an "end of days" hard-on, gets ahold of one… I mean, there have been over 1000 incidents, in almost 100 countries in just the last decade that have involved the trafficking and theft of radioactive materials -- some involving Highly Enriched Uranium or Plutonium… And, to be completely honest, it's not that hard to imagine something.., almost unimaginable -- happening.

There are different code names, like Broken Arrow, Bent Spear, NUCFLASH and Faded Giant.., all revolving around some kind of -- nuclear mishap. All of which, you never want to hear…

Pressing The Button

Of course, we could always do it consciously… as long as there are nuclear weapons, there is always the danger, of not just an accident or mishap -- but an actual launching of nuclear missiles… And this has happened, mistakenly, a number of times…

Nuclear annihilation has always been a fear to many.., especially to the people, "in the know…" With 1000's long range ballistic missiles pointed at the US, there really is no defense, if things were to spiral out of control. What's worse, it doesn't seem that hard to.., make things seem like WWIII has just begun…

When a nuclear attack is detected from the Early Warning System, the policy is to -- Launch-on-Warning… The Launch-On-Warning system is attached to the Early Warning System.., and once they detect incoming missiles, all kinds of alarms go bat shit… From that moment of detection -- missiles with nuclear warheads are on the way, the man in charge would have only about.., a measly 12 minutes to decide if they should launch a retaliatory strike.., and launch there own missiles -- nuclear annihilation!

With there being no defense -- let me say that again -- with there being no defense against a nuclear attack.., and the result of such an attack -- can you say The Stone Age, you would think that there are all kinds of the highest measures taken to safeguard against nuclear war… While nuclear war would be a horrible way to go out.., an accidental nuclear war would just be embarrassing...

And while accidental nuclear devastation may seem impossible.., so outrageous -- it has almost happened a number of times.., and for reasons one would think could be sorted out, easily. But back in 1980 a malfunctioning 50 cent computer chip was almost responsible for the "end of days."


While working a late night shift at NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense).., a member of the Air Force noticed that the screen that detects incoming missiles, that always reads "0" had a number "2" in the place where the "0" was supposed to be… When he glanced at it again, it read "220" incoming missiles (the shit had hit the fan)… Alarms sounded all the way up the chain of command...

Bombers equipped with nuclear warheads started to take off all over the country, ready and prepared to deliver the "death blow" to it's attackers… But before a retaliatory strike was ordered, someone realized no actual missiles were detected by our radar systems… The counterattack was cancelled and the bombers recalled.

But it doesn't get much closer to complete nuclear annihilation than that.., and the culprit was a faulty 50 cent micro-chip that was causing the detection screen to show the number "2" instead of "0."

REALLY?! and WTF!!!

Is it that easy for the world, as we know it.., to end -- a god-damned glitch in the system and all of a sudden, BAM -- hundreds of millions of lives incinerated.., and a quick trip back to the stone ages… But that wasn't the only time we almost wiped out civilization… From down phone lines, bad computer simulations, misunderstood science experiments.., and even human error -- we have had more than our share of.., close calls -- too close. But the Grand Daddy of them all, was during the Cuban Missile Crisis… As if things weren't tense enough with end of the world missiles armed and ready to go at the drop of a hat -- the whole world was on edge...

Then it happened, a guard at an airbase saw someone trying to climb over the fence, doing his job he set off the alarm, signaling an intruder was trying to get on the base… Well, the wrong alarm sounded -- the end of the world -- alarm, the start of WWIII. As US war planes armed to the hilt with nuclear warheads, took there place on the runway.., ready to unleash hell on the enemy -- they were flagged down by one lone truck driver flashing his headlights to call them off and alert them the strike was off.

What's that line from Spiderman -- "With great power comes great responsibility." You would think that the people charged with manning and unleashing nuclear payloads would be.., well, a little more responsible, considering the fate of the whole damn world is in their tiny little hands… But as with anything in life -- SHIT HAPPENS!

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