Life In The BIG CITY…

in #life7 years ago

“New York was a city where you could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street
and nobody would notice.”
-- Bob Dylan


Big City Livin…

Living in New York City used too be sooooo cool… Besides the typical touristy things, that most Ny'ers could give two-shits about.., just walking around the streets was amazing -- all the characters you would inevitably come across was like a scene right out of a movie… Plus, if you were actually from New York, you knew where the coolest places were -- where to get the best burger, which movie theater had the best popcorn, how to sneak into Madison Square Garden (no shit, I saw the Rolling Stones there.., and I didn't even have tickets. Not to mention all the Knick and Ranger games I attended free of charge.). And all kinds of other super cool things that only a big city could offer.

But all that has changed…

NYC and just about every big city, that lures you with its bright lights and mystique, have become way too overcrowded…Paris, London and after reading a post recently by @budgetbucketlist, even Amsterdam.., are just bursting at the seams with too many people… Here in NYC those leisurely walks down the street have now become a battle zone… It is impossible to walk along the streets of NYC (don't even think about it during rush hour) without constantly slamming into any number of people. As a matter of fact, if you spend any length of time in NYC.., you will find yourself walking in the street (with the cars) not the sidewalks -- people have had it with the sidewalks, that they now just walk in the damn street.

Even the subways are crumbling under the weight of it's rising population -- that's not to mention the lack of upkeep and the non-use of all the amazing technology at our finger tips… What was once the best way to get around the city (besides walking) is now a joke -- or it would be a joke if to wasn't so sad… There are 75,000 subway delays every month -- yeah, you read right, 75K a month! Like I said.., just sad. And when your train finally does show up, if it does.., you are packed into those subway cars like sardines -- not a pleasant experience, at all.

And that hamburger I mentioned earlier, will cost you $10.., and that's at some cheap, fast food joint. If you want to get a burger in restaurant these days, it will run you on average $17 to $30 -- $30 freaking dollars for a burger… And if happen to order the one at the famous Serendipity it could run you as much as $295, of course it comes with a diamond-encrusted toothpick… Or, if you like food trucks, there is always -- 666 Burger in NYC and you could have the pleasure of spending $666 for a gold leafed wrapped kobe burger with lobster, truffle, caviar and foie gras.., and it is rightfully named the -- DOUCHE BURGER.., at least they got the name right.

While some of this is a novelty.., and Im sure a burger that costs between $300 and $666 is pretty tasty.., it really only caters a very small percentile of people that would drop that kind of cash on some ground beef (douchebags). But just hearing about things that absurd, is like a magnet for the masses -- even though most of them will never taste one of those ridiculously priced burgers, they flock to the cities that dishes them out.

(the $666 DOUCHE BURGER)

How about going to see a Broadway show -- HA.., the average cost of A TICKET (that's one ticket) will cost you at a minimum slightly over $100 for a cheapy one.., want a good seat, well that will cost you anywhere from $300 to $477 for one ticket -- and you have to deal with the insane crowds of people in the theater district, which also happens to be Times Square! So, if you think about it for a minute… You come to NYC with a family of four, you go out for a few burgers at a restaurant, add a cocktail or two for the parents and two $5 sodas for the the kiddies and it will run you about $160-$200 for burgers in a half-way decent place. Now add-in those Broadway tickets for 4, for a decent seat -- that will run you another $1200. Plus a cab ride (if you can even get one) -- you just spent $2000 in one night on the town in the BIG CITY.., and you didn't even have any dessert. And I haven't even mentioned the cost of your hotel room or rent!

Like I said.., things have changed -- they have changed drastically!!!

Even the famous Corner Bistro has increased the price of its burgers to $9.75.., Im pretty sure I can remember paying $6.75 or even cheaper for a burger plus a McSorleys Ale on tap for $2.75, which is now $4.75. Yep, even the old haunts that gave this city its character have cracked and raised their prices, to go along with BIG CITY LIVIN'. But even with the increase, it's still a far cry from $30 a burger. And while a Big City does have it's conveniences, they do come with a price -- a hefty one. I mean, I can walk out my door and drop off my laundry and dry cleaning in the morning, pick-up some breakfast or coffee, a few groceries -- in about 15 minutes, all within 2 walking blocks… But even that, with all the overcrowding and all those Mom and Pop shops going the way of the dinosaur, Big Cities are losing their charm, quickly.

From over priced burgers and Broadway shows.., big cities everywhere have sold-out to the tourist industry.., and forsaken the locals. And if you do chose to live in one of these Big Cities be prepared to shell-out between $2000 -- $3600 for a one bedroom apartment.., a plain cookie cutter, no frills apartment. Now tack-on your electric bill $80, cable/internet bill another $170, groceries $200 per month (I just paid $5.99 for one red pepper) and $116.50 for your monthly Metro card. So, on the low end, being extremely conservative, living in NYC will cost you roughly -- $2500 per month without adding any incidentals, like -- eating out, going to a movie ($15-$20 per ticket), going on a date (the average price of a cocktail is $14-$18), etc., etc… Yep, BIG CITY LIVIN'.

Is Big City Livin' Worth It

Besides the insane cost.., of just about everything -- living in a Big City could possibly be killing you… From the pollution, crime, stress and infectious diseases from all that overcrowding.., will definitely have an effect on your well-being… Even new mothers are at a greater risk for postpartum depression. And these days, Big Cities are the number target for all those terrorist attacks and acts of senseless violence we see on the news every night. And for what -- the opportunity to indulge in a $666 burger, or a $400 theater ticket…

Big Cities have lost their character in an effort to squeeze every last dime out of its inhabitants.., and the tourists that come to visit, even more so… They have become, solely about economics.., and ironically at the same time have lost their soul. In a world that is screaming out for more personal, human interaction, these Big Cities -- while overcrowded have become more isolating… Even surrounded by millions of people, it's amazing how alone everyone is… In order to take advantage or indulge in what these cities have to offer, you have to be independently wealthy or work your butt off, leaving you no time to enjoy it. And what tends to happen is.., you wind-p just existing, instead of actually living. Instead of Big Cities working for us -- the people, to make our lives easier and a little more enjoyable.., it seems we are now working for them!

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My friend, you are not frequenting the correct places. Also, the prices you mention are full-fare tickets. Yeah, tons of tourists and other rich, to quote your burger friends' name, douchbags, will pay full price, most of us are too smart to pay those outrageous prices!

The only people who buy those prices are buying for special occasions or gifts. The rest of us buy same-day (because I'd you can't do something on NYC within 1 hour of when you decide to do it, there are 600,000 other better things you could be doing!).

Granted, I want these stupid stupid prices to drop, but there's no way in hell I'm paying them full price!!

Also, getting away from these pompous (tourist trap) locations, you can easily find a $10-15 burger with beef+brisket+pork at a solid restaurant/bar if you know where you're going.

Thanks @evolved08gsr... I was just trying to say, the cost of living and the overcrowding in big cities is out of control...


That makes sense, and is very true. Once those self-driving cars are invented, urban sprawl will commence and prices will drop again.

I wish to visit New York City

It's still worth a visit!

it seems to be legit crowded so much !!

Way too crowded!!

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