in #life7 years ago

"United we stand, divided we fall." -- Aesop


United We Stand Divided We Fall

We've all heard the phrase (and maybe used it a few times ourselves) -- United we stand, divided we fall. But we as a people, have always been divide to some degree… The only time we see any kind of united front, is in some kind of crisis. From World Wars when whole countries took part on some level to do their part.., to present day terrorist attacks when people come together to show their unity and that they will not succumb to such horrific violence.

Here in NYC when terror struck on a massive scale, bringing down the iconic World Trade Center -- people stepped up. New Yorkers rushed to the sight of this devastation to dig through piles of rubble, while a toxic cloud hung just over their heads -- they did not think of their own health, their own safety. And many would pay a mortal price for their efforts.., dying from cancer and other equally life-ending diseases.

“All for one and one for all.” -- The Three Musketeers

And it wasn't just New Yorkers, either… People came from all over the country -- the world, lent a hand… There was no doubt of that the world stood united in those fateful days.., and every New Yorker could see and feel it. It was the human spirit at it's best -- our true nature shining through all the bullshit that normally over shadows it… All it knew was something terrible, on a grand scale had just happened.., and people needed help on so many levels -- and we as a people united to do whatever we could, no matter how big or small the gesture, none of it was insignificant.

But since that fateful day.., and all the violence and terrorism that has taken place, we have never been more divvied as a people than I can remember.., our history even dictates it. From the Civil War here in the states, to Apartheid in South Africa and the never-ending struggle between the Israel and Palestine. Even with all the violence we as a people have endured.., it seems we have never been more divided…

"Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too. Imagine all the people Living life in peace. You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one” -- John Lennon

We are divided by race at levels not seen since the days of Martin Luther King Jr… We are divided by class and wealth, not seen since Kings and Queens ruled over the land. And we are divided by politics -- the Right vs Left… Everywhere you turn there is division. Here in America the rhetoric has never been more violent between the two big political parties and it has spread to the people. People actually assaulting one another because they chose to support a certain candidate.., all the while our politicians fan the flames of division. And then there is Brexit in England, the ongoing debate of immigration in Germany and even Sweden…


Instead of evolving as a people (not a political party) we seem to be devolving… We know in our bones that phrase -- "United we stand, divided we fall" like I said above many of us have used this phrase -- from Unions to Coalitions, from athletes to academics. We use it to inspire collaboration.., and that together we are stronger, while divided -- we are doomed. Shit, even J.K. Rowling used it in Harry Potter -- "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."

And yet we turn our back on this phrase that is meant to inspire unity.., every time we spit in the face of someone who dares not to think the same way we do… You can't control how anyone else thinks, feels, or acts.., but you can control how you react to it… Do you fan the flames and cheer, in hopes of even more division.., or do you stop and think and try to bridge the gap between two opposing forces.

Calling Out The Rhetoric

Some people (not just politicians) use this ugly division as a tool -- they see and use it as a means to an end, but what good could possibly come from that end… Yes, there is no doubt we have very real issues to deal with in the world today, but does anyone really think that more division is the answer… When do we wake the fuck up and realize, it is only through collaboration, give and take, unity -- is the only way the human race can start to evolve, again.

“One love, one heart… Let’s get together and feel all right” -- Bob Marley

Are we destined as a people to live divided.., and only come together - unite, briefly in times of crisis… Most people know the difference between right and wrong, moral and immoral. Yet we spin and rationalize behavior that reflects we have no moral compass, at all. The world today is spinning out of control, while division not only wins the day -- it is spreading like wild fire. These "conflict entrepreneurs" that wield divisiveness and despair like a tool, must be called out for their deceptive practices, of consciously trying to divide for their own personal gain.

Fueling the flames of partisanship, participating in hate speech is a disgrace to us all -- the human race. There will always be conflict, but by inspiring more and more, we remove any chance at resolving any of the dire issues facing us a people. We know in our core, our bones, our hearts and souls -- that we are better than this… Accepting the present state of the world is an act of surrender, giving up.., and the fastest way to a state of hopelessness…

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Excellent post dear friend @ macksby a very interesting post, I totally agree with his statement, in all walks of life, the union is always the best, the version divides and triumphs is only for the selfish and manipulative people, thank you very much for This interesting post

Thanks so much @nano2nd... I guess, Im just getting a little sick and tired of all the division. Thanks again, for such a thoughtful comment!

Over the past 11 months, I have seen your name over and over and over, upvoted and commented on your articles multiple times, but I had not officially followed you yet... It is almost hard to believe!?! Well, now I finally and very gladly do.

Thanks again for all your excellent work and dedication to quality while uplifting the veils of darkness many parts of our world have befallen under.

As I usually say, all for one and one for all!!! ( I was so glad to see you had included this quote in this article, it is very very close to my soul...) Namaste :)

Thank you @eric-boucher, for such a gracious comment... I always appreciate your visits and am always touched by your comments. Gotta Love the Three Musketeers! Namaste

Such a pleasure @macksby!!! For me, the saying goes far beyond the Three Musketeers, but it surely was inspired by their words that gave been imprinted in my soul since then. Namaste :)

@macksby Very nice post dude! I like things apart from technology and rush life that let us think about our life on earth as human beings!!! Upvoted and Resteemed!!!

Steem is on rise due to unity of its members which are pouring other new members.. and when more traffic more investors.. so moral of the story its the united force that driving Steem!

I beg to differ.
A massively redundant, widely distributed,, HUGELY parallel networks is my most funnest thang.

You crack me up, bro... Love your comments!

Awesome post. Keep up the great work.

This is a great post and should be seen by all!
Unity is key!
Thanks for sharing and Steem on :)

Thanks so much @jcsteem... Unity seems like such a no-brainer!

It does unfortunately to many people are brainwashed to believe otherwise.

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