Saturday Decluttering

in #life6 years ago (edited) (1).jpg

I can't say I am worth to be called a Minimalist,but I have been radically downsizing my possession for the past one year. I donated things that no longer serve me a purpose and only keeping things which are necessary and needed for my daily life. I also explained earlier the reasons behind my journey. Does it make me happier? partially it does.

Last Saturday, I didn't get a chance to clean my place because I was still overwhelmed. I arrived to my room after long hours and days of travel. I was still unable to think clearly and suddenly get caught up with academic routine. However, only later I realized, there are things from the past; memories I had with the person I no longer want to associate with effecting my emotional well-being.

This Saturday I decided to donate and throw some items. There were mainly posters, papers, and some junks that only filled up my room without a purpose. I feel more accomplished and slightly happier. More on that, since I venture on this journey, I managed to see the beauty in simplicity.

The idea behind minimalism does not stop with material possession. It is a whole- affecting our life, relationship and ideas about our society. I am far from being the minimalist portrayed by the media. I have my own way and it goes back to the reason of our existence. The why are we alive? and the what can we offer to the world?. I only need things that will help me achieve my goals. I will try to downsize my possession even replacing them if needed. This is my first week and I am planning to share my journey weekly.

The information provided is part of my personal interest. If you have any objection, ideas or constructive criticism, do not hesitate to leave a comment. Any form of feedbacks are appreciated.I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Any start is a good start :)

And don't worry about what other people say being a "minimalist" is - just do you.

I too am at the start of my journey into minimalism. I've always loved minimal art & design, but the more I've seen of the 'minimalist movement', the more I like.

Exactly ! just do you and I wish you luck with your journey!

I have to de-clutter too, too much junk here.
Your disclaimer is awesome.

Yeah, I have junks but being a woman, it's most dresses. I am not sure where to give away half of my dresses cause I just love them lol

Maybe abandon an idea to give away, but sell for second hand price?? I usually list my junk on LetGo or Facebook Marketplace ( plus one local website for selling), can be useful.

not sure if people here would buy a secondhand dresses because mine are just so meh ( unfashionable) well unless it was versace or a dress from Zara someone might be interested!

I would not know, I don't do clothes, all my junk is mainly tech stuff. We give clothes to the charity.

Yeah, I am currently looking for charities project to donate my clothes. Cause after I replied to ya, I recalled there were my neighbors looking for clothes donation.

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