How to Control and Hack Your Body to Avoid Feeling Pain

in #life7 years ago


The human body is amazing, but when it comes to pain, it is something more complicated. Once you overcome some type of pain, you realize that another appears shortly after.

However, you can get a quick relief by using a few simple tricks without having to assault your medicine cabinet the next time you have a stuffy nose, itchy throat or anything else unpleasant.

Then I will leave you eight tricks that will help you calm down.



We have all had stressful stressful days. Everything is too much and you can not relax, no matter what you do. There is a simple and quick solution for this problem. Splash a little ice water on your face for several minutes.

This triggers the so-called immersion reflex of mammals, which ensures that your body absorbs oxygen more effectively and at the same time calms you down.

2- Decongest the nose.



Having a stuffy nose can drive you crazy. You can blow your nose as loud as you want there will be times that it will not help you.

To clear the nasal passages, press the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth for several seconds. At the same time, press the point between the eyebrows with your index finger. After about 20 seconds, you will be able to breathe freely again.

3- Get the toothache disappear.

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The following trick can get real wonders against toothache. Press the back of the hands with an ice cube on the thumb and forefinger. This will immediately activate your desire to rub again.

The nerves that pass through there are responsible for the sensations of pain. The cold numbs them and relieves pain in almost 60-90 percent of all cases.

4- Relieve the migraine.


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Migraine can ruin your day. Instead of dealing with it alone or resorting to pills, you can use this simple trick. With the thumb and index finger of one hand, press on the area between the thumb and the index finger of the other hand. Make circular movements with both fingers while you exert a slight pressure.

5- Relieve throat itching.

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If your throat itches, you can not stop coughing and not even a glass of water or help, this advice could help. It is a simple trick that solves the problem in a matter of seconds. Rake your ear energetically.

It may sound a bit strange, but by stimulating the ear, it causes a cramp in the throat that in turn relieves the itching sensation.

6- Stay strong while they draw blood.



Taking blood is a challenge for many people. If only the idea of ​​the needle gets you nervous, this advice could be useful. You have to distract yourself! This works very well when you cough while the needle pierces the skin.

Distract your mind from the image of blood and needle. However, you must inform the doctor or nurse of what you are going to do so there are no complications. You must also be sure that you keep your arm immobile while coughing.

7- Avoid blisters.


When you burn, most people grab an ice pack for immediate relief. But instead, you can press the affected area gently with your fingers for several minutes.

This will help the burned area return to a normal temperature, which prevents the formation of blisters. Your skin will heal itself, naturally.



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The feeling of being nervous can be very annoying. If you can not stand the sensation, just blow on your thumbs for several minutes. This calms the breathing and the vagus nerve, which is what slows down your heartbeat. The sensation of nerves will disappear alone.

Well here we finish this post Thank you for read my post, see you in the next time :3

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