Break free

in #life6 years ago

You hold all the possibilities in your hands before making the choice and picking one over the other. While you hold them though, you have nothing. Nothing is happening, nothing is changing or shaping. Just a whisper in the wind. You can daydream and hope for some sort of outcome, but the reality is always different. Too many variables to take into account. It is not a still picture. It is ever changing, moving picture. Blink and miss something that has moved out of your picture frame or is now hiding somewhere in plain sight.

Your instincts are there to protect you. They tell you to be careful with the choices you make. They also stop you and slow you down. Fear control you to be safe from unknowns while you shut the doors to the very same possibilities you dreamed of before even making a single step in their direction.

Regret only the chances you did not take, they say. So cheesy. Also very true. Do you remember taking a chance? Do you regret it? Some things are inevitable to crash and burn of course. At least in those failures you still learned something. Perhaps even something absolutely crucial you wouldn’t have discovered in any other way.

We learn from our failures way more than from our successes sometimes. Maybe we should fail more often or maybe change our perspective about failing in general. It is not something to be fearful of, it something we can in some way be welcoming of. Train ourselves to see it as what lessons I will from this if all goes to shit. Shut the doors of fear, not those of possibilities.

Song of the day: Queen - I Want To Break Free


Hi m31. If you took a chance and failed at least you tried. Maybe it is a good lesson to learn so you don't fail again the next time.

Hi cryptoandcoffee. I guess not trying is failure as well in a way. Lack of action, stagnation and indecisiveness that leads almost nowhere.

It is good to try and see if you can achieve a thing. They say no risk, no reward; The risk being the possibility of failure. If we but take a chance everytime the opportunity arises, we would achieve more.

Risk taking should be taught and encouraged early on, but instead we are papered and please, be careful, choose wisely since childhood. Not saying that it is our parents fault, but maybe that should be there sooner other than later so we can be strong, fearless to achieve more by taking on risks as soon as the opportunity arises.

One of my favourite all time quotes is "If I fail, i want to fail giving my best - so at least I'll have a high fail".

The fear of failure should not stop us from giving our best

Wise words indeed. I guess the way to move past the place of fear is partly convincing mind failure is nothing to fear, there is almost nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

hey m31,
i'm a full-timer failure, but i learn the ton from myself.
Very helpful post,
You have an incredibly beautiful writing your contain ...keep up ❤

Hey! ^^

High five! Me too. Being in my current position I've realized some really important things for myself and it took me a while as well. I am grateful for those lessons though :)

Thank you <3

if you don't mind, where r you from, im from india

I don't mind :) I am from this tiny country in north called Latvia.

Aww India, I would love to visit one day. Seems like completely different world from here, would love to learn more about it :)

my Mother tongue is bengali, i'm from west bengal, india. totally different world from here, if i any mistake in plz forgive me.

Absolutely nothing to worry about ;) English is not my mother tongue as well. We speak Latvian here.

First, I love this image. The seagull is one of the animals that inspires me most. And yeah, I think your "cheesy" message feels cheesy only because it's so often repeated because it's so true:

Regret only the chances you did not take.

I especially like the fact your writing seems to reflect the context of the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the story of the seagull who pursued his passion for flying, even going beyond his worldly existence to follow his heart.

So true M. Sadly people do learn more from making bad choices than good ones. Maybe that's why so many top businessmen say they were on their knees many times before making it big. Good piece dear

Your words are especially pertinent right now, as I have been thinking about possibly changing jobs... From English Teacher to Flight Attendant.

Regret only the chances you did not take, they say. So cheesy. Also very true.

Indeed! Clichés are clichés for a reason.
And yes, the last big risk I took was when I decided to let my return flight leave without me 8 years ago while visiting Brazil. Turned out to be a great decision... =)

Have you seen the movie Sliding Doors ? ^^

You got a 43.45% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @m31!

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