A Bird's Egg, A gecko, My Cat Buddy, and Three Life Lessons

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

Do you remember the baby birds that I spotted from my window at our new apartment? I was thrilled to witness their feedings and then their virgin flight, and within no time, I watched them venture further and further away, until like all children, they left to explore and enjoy their own lives.

Today, I spotted this bird on the post, and instantly attached my motherly, human emotions to it: "Oh, look how sad mom is, forlornly gazing at her empty nest", but then I looked a little closer...

Did you spot the new egg in there? Wow, nature move's fast!

So I climbed on a chair to look out the top of the window, and saw something else. This little fella looking for his next meal. (Sorry for the quality, but I took it from inside

Again, my "humaness" kicked in: "Hmmmm, what's that I see here?"

"I better make sure no one is looking."

I think that Momma must have sensed something amiss, because in no time, she was back!

And all the while, my little Buddy was intrigued, to say the least!

Which really does wear a little guy out :)

This got me thinking about a few different things:

  • What is the recent trend of parents not allowing or welcoming their own children to "leave the nest"? I always believed that my job as a mom was to prepare my children to leave home and then marvel in the awesomeness of their adulthood, all the while being able to enjoy those things in my life that I perhaps had put on hold. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved raising my boys, I spent piles of time and energy devoted to them, and I love them with all of my heart. But one of the true purposes of raising children, is to develop and rear healthy, respectful and genuine adult human beings, who will make the world a better place because of their existence. Not to continue parenting them for the rest of their or our lives. Is it just me who feels this way? Is there something wrong with my thought process? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

  • The other thing this bird-egg-gecko-Buddy made me think about is the idea that we all have a purpose in life, we all have our jobs to do, and it's not our job to judge the purpose of others. Of course there are obvious exceptions, but that's not what I'm refering to here. Is that gecko bad because he was going to eat a bird's egg? No, of course not. Am I glad he wasn't able to? Yes, I was thankful I didn't have to watch that, but let's face it, he's gotta eat too. Our world seems so full of judgement, full of those who believe their way is the only way, and everyone else needs to conform to their way of thinking. I wonder how that started? How does someone become this way? I was always taught to respect other people, and that includes their religion, ideas, thought processes or beliefs.

  • Lastly, I was reminded of the pure beauty in nature; and it's something that way too many forget about, or simply forget to look at. How lucky am I that I was in the right spot at the right time to watch baby birds be fed by their mother, to watch their virgin flight, to watch a new egg appear, to watch a gecko nearly eat that egg?! Everyday, I take the time to appreciate the birds and the trees out my window, the shape of the clouds, the dogs and cats on the street, the ocean breeze, the cool evening air, the smell of the flowers in the heat of the day. All of it and more. Our world is an amazing place, and we need to ground ourselves with this earth, and love and protect it, because it's the only one we have.



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Lynne, this is such a wonderful post. You bring up so many great questions about how we view our purpose and that of others. Thanks for getting me over here to take a look.

Thank you @energyaddict22! I appreciate that very much :)

awesome post babylooo. Buddy wants the bird, gecko wants the egg......now I know why we always wonder how the chicken crossed the road lol

hahaha you're silly :)

...but I love it!

all babylooo....its the most amazing posts that you come up with. murals. cool trees and just life....I love your posts

Thanks baby! Your posts aren't too shabby either :)

lol yes I can say though that your computer is getting worn out lol

I love the thought processes you've highlighted here! First, when you started, I was just thinking: Ohhh this is someone who is doing what I do, something others might think silly, but this is what adds colour to Life, I think... 😊 Second: One of the true purposes of raising children - to add value to the world not add trouble Third: Good thing that gecko didn't get the bird egg while you watched, but yeah everyone's gotta eat - think of the story from gecko's point of view... trying to avoid starving to death! Another sad story (horrors!) if that happened!!! Lastly: Yes, yes, yes ~ watch Life! I love noticing details that others "too busy" with their lives miss! How dull life must be for them... That's my take, in brief... Lol, I could go on and on... Cheers! Have a happy day!!

What an awesome comment!! I feel like we could be old friends in some past life, and we just ran into each other, recognized each other, and are breathless trying to say everything that is bubbling up inside!! :)

You have a happy day too...but I have a feeling you will :)

That's a really beautiful post about... life, and how everything somehow fits together. Observing life and wondering can be such a marvelous thing... the bird, the egg, the lizard, the cat... everything has its place, regardless of whether we agree with it. "When the lion eats the gazelle, it's bad for the gazelle, but good for the lion." Most things are simply "events," and the idea of good or bad are things we assign...


Thank you...that's it exactly! I appreciate your insight in all of this too :)

Our instinct is to want to keep that egg safe. It's hard to detach and look at nature just as it is, with compassion and without judgement. I really liked how you did that.

Although I am not a parent - I am a child, and an educator. I agree with your first point there.
In the cycle of life, we want to continue giving in such a way that our community, tribe, family - bring up individuals better than our past and our struggles, AND to equip them with enough strength, compassion, intellect and empathy to go out there and do the same - ensuring not survival, but an evolution to higher states of being and living.

Thank you so much for recognizing value in my post :) I was a teacher for years, and know all too well the effects of parenting; your description is absolutely perfect. Thank you for such a thoughtful comment!

Thank you. :)

Love your quote in your description. Means a lot to me at present....as Malaysia as a nation just experienced a coming together that created history.in our nation.

Made me smile to see that....beautiful reminder for me today. :)

That quote is so powerful, and I am pleased to see "proof" of it in the world :) Thank you!

Hey, Lynn!

Thanks for your beautiful Life affirming post. So many wise ones who came before us taught that studying nature reveals life success secrets and it's so true.

Thank you for sharing the secrets you are discerning from your slice of nature in Mexico with your Brian.

btw, LOVE your pictures. Feel right there.

Thank you @angelacs!

So many wise ones who came before us taught that studying nature reveals life success secrets and it's so true.

There's power in advancing and looking to the future, but we must also remember and look to our past for wisdom as well. Thank you for your kind words!

So great how you documented, in just 7 photos, the everyday drama of life that goes all around us, often unnoticed. By image #3, my mind was saying, 'please noooo!!!'. Glad there was a happy ending, at least for the bird.

A nice meditation on life purpose and non-judgement as well... Cheers!

Thank you so much @mmo-mmo! I appreciate it; my post did exactly what it was intended to do then :) I was thinking the same as I snapped the photos, actually, I think I was saying out lout, "please little fella, go get your food somewhere else" haha

Love the reflections on life inspired by nature that you captured in this post!

Thank you @grolelo! I've always felt that nature can teach we humans so much, if we only take the time to watch and listen ;) Thank you for stopping by ;)

What a beautiful thing to get to see and experience that with this mother bird and her babies. That is something most people never get to see like that in Nature.

Thanks for sharing @lynncoyle1 :)

Thank you @robertandrew ...if only everyone would just watch out for it a little more, but yes, I was very fortunate to be able to observe it. Thanks for popping by! :)

I think you are right, that we should train and educate our children to to take flight of their own accord. I love my children, but I will be prouder when they learn to achieve their own success under their own power!

Nature is equal parts beauty and brutal!

Well said! I'm so proud each time I hear from my kids, and know that they are happy, stable and on their own :)

So true about nature too! It can be so brutal.

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