
in #life5 years ago


Ants. That`s what we are. Minuscule creatures slaving for a queen. Powerless in front of a giant, with no chance to escape. Born in an endless rut with nothing to help us make it through the day but dreams and hopes.

The only moments where we are truly free are those when we allow ourselves to dream. Usually our dreams are ambushed in their infancy. Rarely they come true.
Irony is that even when they do turn into reality, they are denied by naysayers.
In a nutshell, we are negative by nature. Our most fierce enemy lies within ourselves, as we are ruled by fear.

Fear dictates the outcomes of our thoughts and actions. No wonder our plans fail one after the other. How could they succeed if our subconscious is set on a negative vibe? We may have happy thoughts, but that does not necessarily mean a positive outcome.

When doubt (self-doubt), fear and anxiety are nested deeply, rooted into your core from a young age, as everyone keeps on telling you what is possible and what is not - constantly defining your limitations - the chances of you stepping out from under the big black cloud are getting slimmer by the day.

People don't change their habits or mindsets easily, unless they are faced with a life-threatening situation which requires a radical solution. Even in such a case, some of them will refuse the challenge and chose a sad end instead of a chance to improve their survival skills.

As humans, we believe we are a superior species due to the free will and the opposable thumb. Though have you ever asked yourself how many animals have lead their own species to extinction?

We have destroyed the environment and used most of the global resources available without thinking about the future of our children. We have polluted the air, the oceans, contaminated the soil, etc. - we have committed a long series of irresponsible and perhaps irreversible actions that lead to global warming.

Dont you think its about time to take a step back, have a look at the whole puzzle and try to reset our minds? How about instead of seeking ways to get rich or looking at others as bodies, we start seeing souls?

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

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Definitely need a rethink about how we live, with technology change on the horizon we will no longer identify with life as we know it.


Technology is only one of the many things that we need to reassess. ;0)

@lymepoet, your writing style moves me. I look forward to reading many more of your posts. 🌱

These are powerful, powerful words.

People don't change their habits or mindsets easily, unless they are faced with a life-threatening situation which requires a radical solution. Even in such a case, some of them will refuse the challenge and chose a sad end instead of a chance to improve their survival skills.

I think this is the crux of the situation, truly. I think we are being asked as humans to change and to create change in a way that has not been tested in our human history. We have faced disasters that led to humans taking sides against other humans, creating the false concept of otherness. This type of thought can be sustained indefinitely, because there is always a way to determine differences - to separate ourselves from another. However, I see that there is an ultimate shift coming in our collective consciousness. We must choose to see the truth in that we are all one, and all connected to all things on Mother Earth. This is radical thinking that could lead to radical change, that could result in permanent, unchangeable peace. If we see the threads of energy that weave all things into one, we could no longer act in otherness.

I am hopeful that the people open to changing their habits or mindsets will outnumber those who will refuse the challenge and chose a sad end.

We are destroying our world and abusing our natural resources. Unless people wake up sooner or later all will be lost.

The wake-up call is ringing from quite some time but many still don't want to hear it!

As humans, we believe we are a superior species due to the free will and the opposable thumb.

this its true

A quick glance at any news channel shows what that opposable thumb is capable of ....

Congratulations @lymepoet! This post has been featured in today's Power House Creatives curation post!

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Thank you for the support! Appreciated! ;0)

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


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We're definitely the superior species. We control everything on earth that can be controlled. The problem isn't us as a species, it's that we've allowed ourselves to be controlled by the absolute worst examples of the human race.

And it's next to impossible to escape them and become the kind of people we could be.

But we should never give up hope, regardless. There is good in humanity, but it needs room to breathe.

"we've allowed ourselves to be controlled by the absolute worst examples of the human race" - well said! The role models of our society are off. The educational system is off. So many things are not what they should be. People are not living at their true potential and so on... Yes, there is good in humanity and hope is the last to die. ;0)

Very well said! Humanity is unfortunate in that, the worst among us seem to be also be the most highly motivated among us - to our detriment. They've made it easy for themselves and increasingly difficult for all others to make it in this world.

I could not agree more

Fear dictates the outcomes of our thoughts and actions. No wonder our plans fail one after the other. How could they succeed if our subconscious is set on a negative vibe? We may have happy thoughts, but that does not necessarily mean a positive outcome

We seem to be wired to torture ourselves with endless possibilities and endless fears.

Fear is our number one critic or enemy. Fear can morph in so many forms that many of us can't ever come out of its tight grip.

I love you perspective of our lives right now. I hope that we will all change for the better of the world.

Thanks for sharing this and have a great day!

There is hope for the future! We hope our kids will be wiser than us and that faced with scarcity they will take better decisions than us.

Some humans definetely think they are superior

So many of them do... And there are some who simply follow others blindly...

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