Why Do We Not See the Future Coming?

in #life7 years ago

We've all experienced a crisis at one point or another in our life. Everything seems to be running along smoothly and then out of nowhere a wrecking ball destroys it all. Our close friend suddenly turns on us, the company we work for begins downsizing, our health starts deteriorating. Why do we not see these things coming?

We are caught up in how well things are going. Life is smooth and we are relishing that smoothness. The challenges we faced that sparked our recent growth spurt are on the back burner of our mind - we are lazy, not content, and there is a difference.

Contentedness is a state where we treasure the moments we have and live in them. We are not looking back at the way things used to be or looking so far into the future that we don't do the necessary work in the present. When we are content, we take care of our business now and are in tune with the shifting sands.

When we are blindsided by life we are not taking the time to ask the question, what might happen next, or how can I take advantage of what might happen next. Keeping one eye on the future ensures that we ride the waves instead of crashing with the tide.

I remember a story about my grandfather who worked as a tractor trailer driver. He was self-employed and usually had plenty of work to keep food on the table for his family. There are times in the delivery business when the volume of work is not available, and the steady income becomes unregular. My grandpa realized this after driving for a few years and decided to build a side hustle that could even out the spikes and maybe become a full time income one day.

Grandpa was an astute enough man to see that the times are always changing. Granted, he did not see the drone delivery services coming because he did not live long enough to even see computers.

My grandfather was killed in a motorcycle accident a little over 3 years after he started his side hustle. Thankfully, he was a hard working man and had built it to a point that supported my Nanna, and her 3 children. She was never in want, and in fact, she never had to go find a job because the income was so good.

None of us know what the future holds. My grandpa's case is an extreme one, and not as poignant now since life insurance has become more affordable. Yet, we know that we ought not rest on our laurels. Life can change in the blink of an eye, and what we took for granted could all be gone before we know it. Keep working, and keep one eye on the future - two eyes when you can spare them.

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This is a great reminder to be diligent...

I find myself in an agonizing place at the moment. I have been working diligently to establish an enterprise and try to make it grow. It was booming for a while, but then a key marketing company "in the middle" began behaving badly, and I find myself scrambling to find alternate outlets...

What's I find frustrating is that I've developed an awesome product that has literally been saving lives, and I have as yet to figure out how to get that message to the eyes and between the ears of the people that really need it but don't yet know it... );

Thanks for a thought-provoking article!



I'm glad you found encouragement from this piece. We never know what our words or example mean to someone else and their situation. Thank you for reminding me of that.

I am sorry to hear about your frustrating predicament. I looked at your product and website - you have a worthy endeavor. Colloidal silver is a powerful healing agent.

My family has a means of making silver now but I am uncertain how advanced their machine is.

My cousin just bought my Nanna's naturopath business. I'm going to ask some questions and get back to you my friend.

Thank you so very much, my friend! I really appreciate your very gracious response to my "groaning."

I have a great interest in developing mutually profitable relationships with naturopaths, as they are starting from a place of understanding the value of elemental silver! :D

Thank you again, you've now encouraged me twice today! :D

You are most welcome brother. Happy to connect two parties for mutually beneficial outcomes. :)

Up until you spoke about your Grandfather, I was wondering who had told you my life story?
So True!

It is incredible to me how our lives can be parallel to one another and not cross for so long. I'm glad you found encouragement in the article!

we all want life to run smoothly, but it's like a story - conflict develops character, engages us by creating interest, enlivens us by providing suspense and deepens our understanding as we struggle with the eternal questions of human existence. We shouldn't desire not to have conflict, but to learn how to wisely navigate it

Spot on there my friend.

Oh, by the way, Wiersbe says God puts us in adversity to develop our patience and love - I couldn't agree more

Love some good Warren Wiersbe teaching.

why do we not see the future coming?
well...too much TV and not enough books?
most people haven't even caught up with the present.

Haha, that is quite true.

"too much TV and not enough books?"

Very well put! This resonates with me, as I try to encourage my children and grandchildren to read more. I have no problem with TV if it's kept on a leash, but books are so important! :D

Thank you for your great work! This leads to appreciate what we have and lean on the Lord!

You are welcome! Truly, we lean on Him when we are grateful - you are so right. Thank you for your kind words!

Well written and thought provoking. I think we can see broad trends develop over time. I don't think we can really hope to know the near future because its..the future lol. Even Yoda said, "Always in motion is the future."!!!

Thank you my friend - you always have wise words. Lol, a pertinent quote you have stated. 😄

Brilliant narrative! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

Thank you! Appreciate you scrolling through my articles.

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