They Grow up so Fast

in #life7 years ago

My brother is out of town this week for sales training in Texas. His lovely bride is missing him terribly as she is entering her second trimester of her pregnancy. This has started a surge of wedding pictures on our Facebook wall.

This particular gem is all 6 of the Sipe offspring. It is a rare thing for us all to be in one place anymore so the picture is priceless to us.

It hit me as I was looking through the wedding photos that I am going to be an Uncle in the fall.

I’m sure you all have had those moments that you marvel at how fast time flies by. I still feel like I was graduating school just last week.

What truly blows my mind is when I set my mind to eternity. The years we have here on earth can seem long or short depending on our activity, but they truly pale in light of timelessness.

I for one have trouble comprehending what life outside of time looks like. My only purview is what I experience in a 24 hour day, and organizing my projects around a schedule.

There is a verse that comes to mind when I think about these things.

“He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart”...
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭

What I glean from that truth is that time indeed is flying by from our view, but it is not outside of what is ordained.

I may feel at times that I have missed something or that my plate is too full to finish in any reasonable period.

Yet, seeking to understand why things are the way they are is not what I am to be about. What is before me is what matters and handling something outside of my time is not my duty to fulfill - my duty is to be faithful with what I am given.

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the major adjustment will come when you are a father - you then are no longer your own - you'll be incorrigibly plural and see yourself as lydon and Dad - and then watch how time flies as your own children grow :)

I can only imagine, lol. :)

Time? O yeah...I remember that lol it goes supersonic when your children have children. Whoosh!

Lol, words of wisdom!

I find that contemplating eternity is an excellent mental exercise.

Have you ever read any of my meditations on eternity? There's one about surfing, and one about coffee... ;)



I completely agree.

The surfing one rings a bell, but not the coffee meditation. A link good sir? ;)

How are you doing this morning? No, wait; that's a stupid question! We're on the New Earth.

I don’t know why, but that made me laugh in a joy-filled laughter. No more sleeping! Lol..

Oh, I believe that we will sleep...

Just My Not So Humble Opinion, of course... ;)

All I know is its quite weird to be in my fifth decade while my brain is stuck in my second.

The most amazing thing is the acceleration of time the older one gets.

All I know is its quite weird to be in my fifth decade while my brain is stuck in my second.

Must be something about that second decade we all enjoy, lol.

Happiness is round the corner time just fly away :)

that's how life changes in a matter of seconds and we can only cherish these moments

Indeed. Cherish what we have.

Well you all look very great !After all family is that matters !All the very best for the upcoming family member to your family ;)

Thank you! We are excited. :)

Beautiful photo, I perfectly understand your words and feelings. I have two brothers and everyone lives in a different and distant country and I miss them a lot every minute of the day. Your post filled me with nostalgia. Good to see people who treasure the family as much as I do with mine. I hope you are together again as much as in that photo.

That is sweet of you. Good to hear other people love their families as much as I love mine. Many blessings upon you and your loved ones, @kaorujimura.

Time fly really fast. My son is 2 years old now. I even wished he would not grow up that fast. Hehe! Congratulations. It would really be fun to be an uncle.

As my friend John says in his reply, fatherhood really speeds up time. :)

Aww.... They are so adorable, I wish her safe delivery @lydon.sipe

You're welcome sir

Life of fulfilment is a life well lived.
When we live a according to the commandments of God, our lives only get more better.
Really feeling your emotions through this post, it happens. That's why they call it family, because you are related by blood.
I really feel this article.

When we live a according to the commandments of God, our lives only get more better.

So true. It may not always look like it is better, but receive better than we deserve.

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