My Money is Me, and Your Money is You

in #life8 years ago (edited)

One of my least favorite questions to ask someone is what they do for a living. This is not because I couldn't care less what they do. The fact is, I care for who they are. I care about their money. That may sound strange and as if I wish to steal from them. The truth is, the money someone earns says a lot more about them than their job could. The money within their possession is a sum of who they are as a person.

In its simplest form, my money is me, and your money is you. There is certainly more to life than money, and yet there is nothing more to our money than our lives. Confused yet? Psychologist William James explains it this way:

"In its widest possible sense, however, a man's Self is the sum total of all that he can call his, not only his body and his psychic powers, but his clothes, and his house, his wife, and his children, his ancestors and friends, his reputation and works, his lands and horses, and yacht and bank account. All these things give him the same emotions. If they wax and prosper, he feels triumphant; if they dwindle and die away, he feels cast down - not necessarily in the same degree for each thing, but in much the same way for all."

Money then is not the piece of paper in our wallet or the digits in our bank account. It is not even the Bitcoin or Steem in our digital wallets. Money is our character.

Successfully making money is connected with successfully living. You can be a crook and make money, but eventually it will leave your hands. People will not do business with someone they do not trust. You cannot hope to build a brand and serve multitudes of people with your gifts if your personality mirrors the Grinch.

We give the physical representation of what we did for someone else in exchange for what they are giving to us. Translation, we give our money to people for the goods or services they are providing for us. If we want more money it is not so much a matter of working harder, though that is part of it. Making more money is closer to being a better servant than it is to being a harder worker. It is your character and commitment to serve that individual better than the next guy. The better you serve, the wealthier you become.

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Sources: 1-2-3-4


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Wow. Thank you! Just created my OL account. I like the idea.

Everybody wants what everybody has got in the world of things (to have)
or "Know Yourself "and get rich in spirit (to be)
Life is a balance of choosing where you want to live in, on the axis of To Be in one extremity or to Have in the other extrem.
To have or to be, that's the question

Thank you for commenting @charlie777pt. You're right, we balance between the state of being and the state of having. Holding on too tightly only leads us to let go of what is worth having. I certainly do not want things more than I want my Savior. Things that pass are not nearly as precious as the people we care deeply for.

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