Missing Your Joy

in #life7 years ago

We had a fantastic festival here the past few days with dynamic and genuine people committed to making the world a better place.

My favorite speaker of the weekend was Emily Moon, the founder of By Grace Designs.

Emily grew up in Ghana, Africa while her father served as a civil engineer missionary and helped to build 100 wells.

It was through the hands on experience of living with the Ghana people that Emily developed a sincere love and care for their needs.

One of the needs that tugged at Emily’s heartstrings was the desperate situation of the women in Ghana.

Because of her mother’s background in fashion, and Emily’s entrepreneurial bent, Emily decided to help the Ghana women find some dignity through their work.

There are ladies in Ghana, and now India as well, who earn a living wage by sewing dresses and manufacturing clutches that are sold through Emily’s website.

That is the short version of the story. The long version is filled with quality problems, miscommunication, and all sorts of issues you can imagine arising from a start-up business.

There was one quote from Emily that stuck with me from the weekend. When a particularly hard time was going on, Emily confided in a friend how she wished the trial would pass quickly. Her friend wisely responded, if everything happened at once, you would miss the joy of building it piece by piece.

This wisdom reminded me of a proverb that stands the test of time:

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle,
but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
-Proverbs 13:11

As I say again and again, anything of value takes work, time, and effort. May we strive to find our joy in the midst of the step-by-step success.

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How we react to the journey, both the good and the bad, shape us into who we are.

Wise words...

Thanks for that.
Sometimes, you can feel like there are no rewards but imaginary paradigms, powered by confirmation bias, to justify when you're doing the right thing.
Thank you for the re-frame 🙏

Ah my friend, thank you so much for sharing this inspiring tale and special words of wisdom. Tribulation shapes us, and I'm all about gratification over the long term, for it's all about the joy of the journey! So happy for you that you got to enjoy hearing such a wonderful story of perservance and heartfelt service😊

Tribulation shapes us

So true, and so hard to accept amidst our tribulations. Thank you for the sweet encouragement Kat. :)

Awe, you are most welcome!

Great post @lydon.sipe

that explains why those who acquire wealth, manage it, and those who inherit it, spend it

Quite true..

Such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your journey and your struggles with us. It reminds us all of the joy of the grind, for it makes us who we are.

Indeed, it does shape our l

So Encouraging. There is a song I've heard that echos that...And there's joy in the journey, good times in the going
It's not all in the reaping, there's plenty in the sowing
Taking pleasure in the progress, we make from day to day
Oh, there's joy in the journey, to Heaven all the way.
Of course, this can be different to embrace in the midst of a trial, but I think made easier by remembering past victories.

Of course, this can be different to embrace in the midst of a trial, but I think made easier by remembering past victories.

This reminds me of the stones of remembrance that Joshua had the Israelites retrieve from the Jordan.

The tribulations become times of trusting when we remember the faithful Father who held us, and still holds us.

Thanks for sharing about your experience : )

You’re welcome. :)

She is one of many examples to improve that life is beautiful no matter were you are and what you do. Thank you for your great post my friend ;))

Yes, she is. Glad you enjoyed it @margaretwise. :)

I always admire the people like your friend. Those people are inspiration and the best motivation ever for each of us. You are blessed to know her and I feel blessed that I could read your post my friend ;))

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