Cows, Snow, and a TractorsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Since the season for snow is approaching here in the northeastern part of the U.S., I thought I would share a funny story from this past winter.

My uncle runs a dairy farm of about 250 cattle. The farm has been in the family going on 4 generations now. If any of you know dairy farmers, you know they work about 18-20 hours a day on average; it is a hard life.

This past winter my uncle received word that the 2 men he has working his milking shifts were not able to leave their homes. They live downtown and the roads were not cleared yet. We had received 1 foot (0.3 meters), of snow already and much more was to come.

One of my younger brothers works with my uncle and my family lives about 3 minutes drive away. Problem was, our roads were not clear and the state did not want people driving cars on our roads. We wanted to help our uncle, so what could we do?

As you can see from the picture, we called upon the handy 6 foot tires of a Case tractor. We all had a good laugh as we saw this image of a tractor coming down our suburban neighborhood street. It is not something you see everyday. The tractor was easily able to traverse the roads. My uncle and brother were able to make it back to the farm and the heifers were quite content in good time.


Tractor was ingenious... well done!

Haha, thank you @aunt-deb! We thought so too. :)

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