How Famous People And Celebrities Have Achieved So Much Success {Read Their Secret} (Part-1)

in #life7 years ago

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Hello Steemians

Doubting yourself is one of the biggest obstacles of your life that can stop you from achieving what you want. even if you are trying very hard, but a small doubt on yourself can send conflicting intentions and thus can undo the work you put in.


Have you ever thought what makes all the billionaires or the celebrities different from other people?

Ummmmm….. Nothing actually.

The only thing is they are people knowing how to use the law of attraction.
The celebrities who have achieved some kind of success are standing out of the crowd not because they are born like that. But because they have mastered a skill that many can’t.

These celebrities are truly very inspirational and can completely change your perception.

Lady Gaga


The Grammy Award winning singer Lady Gaga, in an interview has revealed that she is so successful only because she is using the power of the law of attraction.

“Its sorta like a mantra. You repeat it to yourself everyday. Music is my life, music is my life. The fame is inside of me, I’m going to make a number one record with number one hits.

And its not yet, its a lie. Your saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true.”

Law of attraction means you need to desire and also to feel what it’s like to Have what you desire.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


You call him an actor, a bodybuilder, a politician or a businessman. Arnold has seen success in every field. He also believed in visualization and has stated that you need to have a vision to get success in your life.

It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding: What you do is create a vision of who you want to be — and then live that picture as if it were already true.

We always need to have a vision of what we want to be like in future. That’s how Arnold has been so successful in his life.

Jim Carrey


So many people think that he got lucky by making all those funny films. But this is not the real story, there is a lot more to the story and he has shared everything.

Below are Jim Carrey’s own words. Here’s what he thinks about the power of visualization.

I would visualize having directors interested in me and people that I respected saying that “I like your work” or whatever that is.

I would visualize things coming to me that I wanted or whatever, and I had nothing at that time, but it just made me feel better. At that time all it really was for me was making me feel better.

I would drive home and think “well, I do have these things; they’re out there and I just don’t have a hold on them yet, but they’re out there.”

I wrote myself a check for $10,000,000 for acting services rendered. I gave myself 3 years and dated it Thanksgiving 1995.

I put it in my wallet and I kept it there, and it deteriorated… But then, just before Thanksgiving 1995 I found out I was going to make $10,000,000 on Dumb and Dumber.


Then he talks about us being the reality creators.

This insane belief in my ability to manifest things… I think it’s ultimately complete sanity, but I believe we’re creators and I believe we create with every thought and every word. Every moment is pregnant with the next moment of your life.

And now, whether he believed in manifestation or not..Read what he said:

Total believer, yeah. I believe in manifestation… You get it when you believe you have it and that’s the key. People still sit around think “when’s it gonna come…” and that’s the wrong way.

You’re facing the wrong way, you’re facing away from it. You have to go “it’s here, it’s here, it’s here.”

God..his words are truly inspiring and really gives us serious goals in our life. We really need to think about it.

An average guy after believing in the law of attraction has achieved real success in his life. And the best part is even we can do the same thing too.

So, that was Part 1 friends. I will be posting Part-2 having more celebs and millionaires sharing their secrets and inspiring quotes and trust me you should not miss that.

They are really inspiring.






Wow, that was so amazing! Keep posting eagerly waiting for Part 2.

It is very good... I it was very good to read :)

Thanks a lot @foxkoit for your words. I just published Part-2 of this blog. It would be generous of you if you would take some time and read that post too and hopefully upvote it if you liked it.

Thanks @foxkoit

you are welcome :)

This is a great idea! Very interesting information!

Thank you for your kind words @innavtsh.

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