10 Best Tips To Stay Motivated All The Time - You Are Awesome [INSPIRATIONAL]

in #life7 years ago


Whether you believe or not in the power of the universe, scientific research proves the effects of positive thinking. Read these 10 most valuable Law of Attraction lessons that could change your life for good.
Let's get started:

10. Your thoughts attract good or bad experiences

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The one who always speaks about failure, suffers from failure. The one who always speaks about winning, always wins the big one in the end.

Yes, you attract all of it. When we focus on something we make it happen.

9. We are inviting something by thinking about it, even if we don’t want to

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When we think about something which we want, the law of attraction makes that thought grow larger and makes it even more powerful.

Instead of thinking “I will not fail in my exams!”, think of “I will pass my exams with great marks!”

Keeping your thoughts positive is very important.

8.See the things as you want them to be, not as they are right now

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This will make a change. What I am talking about is Visualization. What makes successful people successful.

To make a change, they see things as they want them to be. They know this is how the law of attraction will work for them. Visualization is the key.

Michael Phelps, Olympic swimmer and gold medalist quotes “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”

He always pictures himself winning every night before bed.

7. Good thing can come in your life more quickly by thinking about them more

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You want a car. But you don’t have enough money right now. But what you have is a strong desire. Then make a strong note in your mind that soon you’ll by a car. Make it more visible in your mind. Like which car you want. What is the color of it.

So, if you desire of buying an expensive car let’s say an Audi. Than always think more and more about it. Keep saying to yourself with the picture of an Audi completely visible in your mind.

Keep saying to yourself, “Soon I’ll have a white color Audi A8. I’ll be riding my own car and taking my family to a trip.”

This will attract positivity. And you’ll work even harder in your life to get what you want. And eventually you’ll get it. The Law of Attraction never fails in this.

6. Our FOCUS makes it more powerful

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Take an example, you are going for an interview all prepared, but keep on saying to yourself “This one is tough, I’ll not be able to clear this interview.” Or “I’ll won’t get the job, I don’t think I deserve it”.

So, what do you think will happen when these thoughts become powerful, eventually you’ll be rejected. You’ll fall hard. Why? Because you bought this into your life. If you have focused more on winning and thinking it like “I am the best candidate out there.”

Or “Next time I’ll come here, I’ll be coming here as an employer. I’ll get the job.”

Having this kind of mindset can make the law of attraction work for you.

5. We can increase our Law of Attraction power by every day devoting some time to Powerful Thinking

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What we have to do is spend 15-20 minutes every day all alone in a room and then thinking hard about our life goals.

What is our Dream, what we really want in our life? Get those answers from yourself. This will increase your chances of success.

4. Always listen to your intuitions

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Instead of over thinking your decisions, it’s better to trust your emotions. Whatever you think is right, let your intuitions, your emotions take you to the right step.

Listening to your intuitions will result in a more successful and satisfying life. The law of Attraction is always there for you if you use it wisely.

3. Use Your Dreams as a guide

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Use your dreams as a powerful weapon and instead of just dreaming, wake up and work for it.

Think of it like how it feels, when your eyes are closed and you’re dreaming yourself as a powerful rich person.

A rich person who is having all the happiness in life. Now think of it like seeing those things with your eyes closed is making you feel so good, then how good it could be if all of this could happen with you with your eyes open.

2. Don’t tell people about your success before it is completed, let success make the noise

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Let’s say, you had a goal to make success in online marketing. All of your work was going good. Your earning has been amazing until you start telling people about it.

You told about this to some of your friends, colleagues, relatives etc. and overnight all of your earning stopped. This could have happened to a lot of people.

The reason?

When you have a desire to work, you work toward it and keep working on it until it is achieved.

When you are in the middle of your work and keep telling people about the current success, what your mind has decided is that you have reached your goal. What happens next? Your energy, your desire to work all disappears.

I bet you have never seen a very famous or rich celebrity boasting about how rich he is. Because they know they don’t need to keep talking about their success to anyone.

So, as it is said – “Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise!”

1. The Law of Attraction wants you to “Feel the Success”

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In the book “Wishes Fulfilled” by Wayne Dyer he makes it very clear that last 5-10 minutes before we go to bed are the most important time of our entire day.

Why so? Because when we are about to sleep, whatever we think of in that time will soak in your subconscious mind for the next 4 hours.

So, here’s what you have to do. This will really help you gain confidence and can make your desire even more stronger.

Right before bed, close your eyes and visualize + feel what you want to manifest. You have to feel it from the perspective that you already have it. Just feel the joy and the excitement of having everything that you want from your life.

So, that's all folks!

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True, and it all boils down to the power of affirmation! The physical changes that the thought process, the power of the spirit and mind generate. Quantum physics. Fantastic, magical, and limitless.

Absolutely correct @ericwoelk. Everything depends on our perception and our thought process. Power of mind is limitless.

True, and the more people awake to this awareness, the stronger our power of mind as a collective being gets! So thank you for spreading awareness, every single person being inspired is a step closer to global awareness, the only way out of the system of enslavement in which we live.

Just when I started to read this 'Break my stride' by Mathew Wilder started to play on the radio. haha Come through, success frequency!
"Ain't nothing gonna Break my stride! Ain't nothing gonna slow me down! Oh no! I gotta keep on moving"!

Well! So for sure motivation is working for you @kiwicanfly.

Oh Yes! I love having a constant reminder that the universe has my back. Thank you for sharing the positivity and helping to motivate others!

Your Welcome @kiwicanfly
Stay Positive! Cheers :)

Nice post, I'm following for more inspirational updates.

Thanks for the words @fraze. Sure, more will be coming !

Great article.

Very much motivational. Desire is the key to success. It brings positivity in our work and motivates us to work harder to achieve our goal.

Just loved your 2nd tip:

“Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise!”

Thanks. :)

@nitesh9 right bro. That is the trick every other successful person is using in his life.

Thanks for the kind words!

That's the kind of post i like, fully upvoted, keep on posting

Thanks a lot @bubke. Glad you liked it.

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