Clones/ Robotoids/ Elites & Vrill Part 1

in #life9 years ago (edited)

These are the accounts  of Donald Marshall, a former Illuminati insider turned internet  whistleblower. We came across Donald Marshall's online posts in late  2011, detailing his firsthand accounts with a powerful global  organization known as the Illuminati. He describes their secret  involvement in such criminal acts as murder, kidnapping, torture, rape,  child abuse and child exploitation. As a victim himself of the  Illuminati, Marshall details his own experiences of torture, kidnapping  and abuse at the hands of this large global conspiracy, reaching  shocking levels of depravity. Marshall exposes many major Illuminati  political players such as Queen Elizabeth, her husband Philip, Duke of  Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He also names many other world  leaders, politicians and famous celebrities secretly involved. Many of  Marshall's claims can be substantiated by events catalogued by public  and private organizations, such as Child Abuse Recovery, a division of  Trauma Research Center, Inc. and the International Common Law Court of  Justice in Brussels, which found Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince  Philip guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the  Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia on October 10th,  1964.

 So begins the  accounts of former Illuminati insider turned  whistleblower Donald Marshall who,  in late 2011, published an online  expose detailing his eyewitness reports of  the crimes committed against  innocent citizens that, he claims, take place  nightly in deep  underground military bases around the world.  Conspiracy theorists  have long  contended that major world events are under the direction of a  powerful  global coalition of wealthy secret societies known collectively as The   Illuminati.

                                    They hold that this  shadow  government has been orchestrating world events for many years, long   promoting a hidden agenda, which includes the ultimate control of all  areas of  society from banking, business, politics, military, education,  religion,  medicine, media and entertainment.  Donald Marshall has  risked his  life to speak out about this select group of individuals who, he  says,  maintains world control without the majority of the public made even   aware.  He says that their  vast member  base includes royal bloodlines, prominent wealthy families,  influential  members of finance, banking, media and entertainment, as well as   religious leaders and politicians, all of whom agree to join and  participate  within the organization.  He explains that  while members  within this elite club enjoy access to unlimited opportunities,  in  exchange, they must agree to participate in secret meetings, held  nightly in  deep, underground military bases on highly restricted  property. There they  utilize top-secret cloning technology to meet as  clones during their dream  state, to discuss and plan future events,  while the rest of us sleep. Sound impossible? Not so, says  Marshall, who states  that the practice of human cloning is far from new, and  maintains that  covert experiments in genetic engineering have been conducted by   Illuminati scientists for many decades.  He explains that  beginning in the 1940's, human cloning technology was used as a way for world leaders to meet in secret in order to  plan and discuss future events.  Over time, however, they  got bored  and began to clone others and bring them to the cloning center, as   well. Famous movie stars, artists, musicians, and celebrated sports  figures,  were all cloned and personally delivered to the Illuminati, in  order to indulge  their every fantasy.  Marshall says that in  time, this  slowly degraded as members began showing off for the rest, resulting  in  committing shocking acts of depravity, including crimes such as murder,   kidnapping, torture, rape, child abuse and child exploitation. Marshall claims to  have witnessed  numerous crimes committed by many members of the Illuminati  since early  childhood as an unwilling participant in many covert government   projects. He states that he  remembers attending these secret meetings as a child as young as 5 years old. However, while  Marshall can relate  in detail the events that took place at the cloning center  every  night, he reports that he could never remember how he got there and, at   the time, believed that he had been kidnapped during his sleep. Marshall says that he  had no understanding of a top-secret technology known as R.E.M-Driven Consciousness Transfer which is used  to transfer  one's individual consciousness during the natural REM  cycle of sleep into an  identical clone located at a cloning center many  miles away. Marshall explains  that when he goes to bed at  night, his consciousness is stolen while he  sleeps and is held hostage until  his real body wakes up. He maintains  that this consciousness transfer happens  almost every night, even  though his real body never leaves the room, and  continues to sleep  through the night.  Once his real body  eventually  wakes up, however, his clone body drops limp. Marshall says that all   goes black and, as he wakes up, his consciousness quickly returns to his  real  body. Marshall claims that  this transfer  can only take place once the brain has fully entered the REM  sleep  cycle. Once you begin to dream, he says, they can steal your  consciousness  and bring you wherever they want. As Marshall reports,  "I go to  sleep at night, [at home in Eastern Canada] and an hour later, I  open  my eyes to find myself, naked, on a stainless steel rack, at a cloning   center hundreds of miles away." While he says he doesn't know the exact   location, Marshall surmises the center is built underground on highly   restricted property in Western Canada.  Disoriented at first,  Marshall  says he finds himself lying in a room filled with computers, one  nearby  is monitoring his brain wave patterns.  Marshall explains  that a green  light on a control panel will light up to indicate when the  subject has  entered REM sleep. Then, he says, "workers there just push a  button  and you open your eyes, in the  clone zone". This is the way large  numbers of Illuminati members meet every night in complete secrecy, with no  chance of discovery. Marshall claims that  when one  considers that there are many thousands of Illuminati members being   activated in deep, underground military bases around the clock, in  different  time zones all over the world, that the level of organization  involved is  staggering. Marshall is often  asked how he  came to be selected to participate in these top-secret government   programs, especially at such a young age. According to  Marshall, his  childhood was "normal enough", as he grew up, living  with his mother,  step-father and three brothers in the harbor city of Halifax,  Nova  Scotia, on the Atlantic coast of Canada.   Smart, athletic and  popular,  Marshall excelled at both sports and academics in school. After   graduation, he found success working in building and construction. "Life was  good," says Marshall, until the day shortly after his 30th birthday. Marshall explains  that he was  living in Dartmouth at the time, right across the bay from the city  of  Halifax. He remembers opening his eyes one night to find his roommate   standing over him.  "Come with  me," he said. As Marshall started  to get up, he discovered that he was not sleeping in his bed, but was resting  on a narrow cot.  Looking around, he  noticed that he wasn't in his  bedroom, but was instead inside a small, dark room with thick concrete walls,  empty except for the cot. "What's going  on?" Marshall wanted to know.  "Just come  on," his roommate replied. Silently, Marshall  followed him  out of the room and down a corridor that opened onto a wide  concourse.  As he looked around, Marshall realized that he was inside some type  of  large indoor sports stadium, although he had no idea how he had gotten   there. I thought I had been  kidnapped, Marshall remembers. As he got closer to  the main gate, his roommate stepped aside, and Marshall entered the brightly  lit arena alone.  Looking around,  Marshall saw that  he was surrounded by crowds. He quickly scanned the faces of  those  sitting in the dark, all watching, all waiting… Loud music began to  crank through  loud speakers as he began to walk toward the center of the arena.   Marshall immediately recognized Guns N'  Roses' 1987 heavy metal classic Welcome  to the Jungle as it played over the stadium sound system. I am so dead,  Marshall thought, as  he sensed a silent threat from those gathered, as if all  had arrived  here to witness some sort of blood sport, with his murder served as   their entertainment.  Well, he thought to  himself, if they think I'm going to cry and beg for my life, screw it… Marshall figured that  if he wasn't going to get out of there alive anyway, he might as well give them  what they came for… Showing off his rock star moves,   Marshall began jumping, thrashing, grinding, and head-banging, as he  shredded  the strings of his air guitar, screaming: Welcome to the Jungle…We've got fun 'n' games…We  got everything you want…honey, we know the names... As soon as he began to sing,  though, the music abruptly stopped. "You remember, don't  you?"  someone called out. "I remember nothing. Where am  I?" "You don't remember anything?" "No, I don't," Marshall said, "I  don't know why I'm here. You must  have me confused with someone else.  Look," he said, "if you're going  to kill me, just do it and get on with  it. I've seen your faces. I'm not  getting out of here…" "You're not  going to die," they answered, "You're just going to wake up back in  your bed." "Then, if I'm  not going to die," he said, "I want to go now." Marshall says that  next they told him that he was very special, and then all went black.  When he opened his  eyes, Marshall found himself back in bed, with his heart pounding and mind  racing. What was that? he  thought. Had he just been dreaming? It had felt too real to be a dream, but if  it wasn't a dream…what was it? What Marshall didn't  know was that  he was not in his real body while at the cloning center, but was   activating an identical clone. He would come to learn that he had not  been  kidnapped or abducted at all, in fact, his real body never left  and was still  sleeping in his bed back home. He would later find out  that while there, he was  in temporary use of an identical clone body  that feels, according to Marshall,  as real as real. What's more, those he  met at the  cloning center weren't in their real bodies either. They were also   activating clones as well and actually lived all over the world. At first, he didn't  tell anyone,  but in time Marshall decided to share his "dream" with a  few friends.  While they didn't know what to think, they all believed him, for   Marshall was known to tell the truth. It was clear that something was  happening  to him, but no one knew exactly what. Marshall says that  over the next  several weeks, he began to remember more. He became aware of the  many  different times he had been there before, from early childhood on.   Although, he didn't know where "there" was, he began to wonder if he   was being brought to another dimension of time or an alternate reality. Marshall decided to  move back to  Halifax and stay with a buddy, although by now some friends had  begun  to distance themselves, afraid that whatever was happening to him, would   start happening to them next. "I knew it  wasn't a dream. It was  something else," remembers Marshall. "It was  too real to be a dream.  But then, I thought that maybe it just seemed real to  me because I was  losing my mind. Maybe I was going crazy." And for the first  time in his life, Marshall would realize just why he could never seem to  remember his dreams…because he never had  any. As more memories  returned,  Marshall says he would jolt awake at night with searing chest pain,  his  heart gripped in spasms as his body re-experienced the trauma from the   events that took place there. It was always the same place, he  recalled, the  same big sports arena filled with crowds watching, as  different people hurt  him, in different ways. He remembers that he  would wake in  crushing pain, with his heart pounding and body shaking, trying  to  breathe as new memories began to surface. He worried that one day his  heart  would fail and he wouldn't make it. He decided that he had to do  something to  shut this place down, whatever it was, wherever it was,  this just had to stop.  Marshall decided to  start with the  police. One morning, he went to police headquarters in Downtown   Halifax, in order to make a public report.  He tried to explain  to the  officers that when he goes to sleep at night, he pops up in this other   dimension, that there were lots of other people there, too, doing  terrible  things to others and that something has got   to be done about it. Marshall said the police just told him to go home,   suggesting though, that he might want to go to the ER to get himself  checked  out by a doctor.  From there, Marshall  contacted Canadian Intelligence, and visited the regional headquarters for the  CSIS, located downtown.  Marshall says he  approached the  two officers in charge, telling them that he had to tell them  something  and began again, saying that when he goes to sleep at night, somehow   he is taken to another dimension or something, where the people there  hurt him,  and hurt others, and that this needs to be investigated and  stopped. "You want me to  police another dimension…?" the officer replied. Then, Marshall says,  two psychologists, both female, stepped out from a nearby office. They introduced  themselves and said they wanted to talk to him. At first, they  expressed concern  for him and began to ask him many questions about his dreams.  Could he  describe his thoughts and feelings about them? Next, they encouraged  Marshall to  check himself into a psychiatric ward right away for a full  evaluation  in order to get help with these disturbing dreams. Instead, he walked out, his mind racing.  Somehow they knew  that I was  coming, Marshall thought. He surmised that they planned on getting  him  locked up in some mental ward, so they can dispose of him later.  Where would he go  now?  he wondered. That night, when  Marshall fell  sleep, he opened his eyes to find himself back at the same arena,   standing in the center of the dirt pit, with a full crowd in attendance.   Two men approached  him and  immediately began taking turns punching him, laughing and showing off   for all those watching. Marshall said they looked exactly like the two  CSIS  officers he had met earlier that day.  Marshall says that he  was somehow  disabled and unable to move, fight back or even block their blows.  They  continued to pound and kick Marshall, until he fell in the dirt, bloody  and  broken. "Don't contact  us again," they warned him. "Oh, I'm going  to tell everybody about this place," Marshall answered.  Then all went black  and Marshall woke up to find himself back in bed, his head swirling with  questions.  What was going on here?  How could he report this to the police, when  the police are there, too? They are the police… Just how far does  this go anyway? Frantic, he made a  3:00 AM telephone call to his father. "Dad, help  me," Marshall said,  "I'm trapped in some weird zone, some other  dimension or something. I  don't know what's going on. People are hurting me  there…I think my  heart is going to blow up." "I know what  you're talking about," his father replied, "I know all about it, but  I can't talk about it," and hung up. Marshall was left on  his own with more questions than answers. What do I do now? Where can I go for  help? As more memories  returned,  Marshall says he realized that he wasn't in another dimension or on  the  astral plane, in fact, there was nothing at all spiritual about his   experiences. He realized that he was just a victim of real people  "messing  with tech". Marshall claims that  he is often  asked to explain how the consciousness transfer works, to which he   answers that he doesn't know how it works, although he imagines that  there must  be some way to block it.  He once tried setting  his alarm to  go off at short intervals to wake him throughout the night, hoping  to  prevent REM sleep. Eventually, however, Marshall found that he still  fell  deeply asleep. He has even tried to  stay awake as  long as possible which, Marshall says, only works for several  days  before the body just shuts down. In that case, he claims he's then stuck   at the cloning center even longer, while his body catches up on the  lost hours  of sleep.  Marshall says that he  has  experimented by going to bed after taking alcohol or prescription  medication,  hoping that it might interfere with the consciousness  transfer.  Marshall reports,  however, that he  was still brought to the cloning center anyway, feeling  drugged or  drunk, even though, strangely enough, the clone never consumed any   drugs or alcohol. Once, Marshall even  fashioned a  hat out of tin foil, and wore it to sleep. He says he got hopeful  after  several days with no activation at the cloning center. However, later   Marshall opened his eyes to find himself stuck there again, trapped in  the  clone zone, with all those in attendance enjoying a big laugh at  his  disappointment. They told him there was no way to block the  transfer and that  it was hopeless to even try. Some have asked  Marshall why he  can't just move somewhere far away, to which he explains that  moving  would be of no use as there is no distance limit to prevent the   consciousness transfer. He says they have told him at the cloning center  that  they will find him wherever he goes. Marshall claims that he  could even move to  Antarctica and they'd still activate him and bring  him to the cloning center. Others have suggested  that  Marshall try prayer as a means to ask God for help. He says he tried   praying many times as a kid stuck there, desperate to find a way out. They would just  laugh, and then hurt him more, asking, "Where's your god now, Don?  Where he at?" Some say that  Marshall is just dreaming and that the experiences he describes are simply  vivid dreams. Marshall replies that  what he  experiences at the cloning center feel nothing like a dream; the   details are as clear as real-life experiences, and time passes as slowly  as  time passes in real life. What's more, when you wake up, it's not  like  remembering a dream, he says, but more like remembering the events  from the  previous day. "They're not  dreams," says Marshall, "I wish they were…" Hard to believe?  Can one have years of  experiences stored within the brain, with virtually no memory of them? Two recently  published scientific  studies show that memories can indeed be blocked and even  completely  erased from conscious memory.  The October 2014  issue of the journal Neutron published a study conducted by researchers at the UC Davis Center of Neuroscience and Department of Psychology  where  light was effectively used to track the specific nerve cells in  the cortex and  hippocampus that were activated in learning and memory  retrieval and switch  them off with light directed through a fiber-optic  cable. Known as Optogenetics,  researchers were able to  use this new technique to test a long-standing  theory concerning how memories  are formed and stored within the brain.   Neuroscientists have  long believed  that learning is processed within the cerebral cortex of the  brain,  but retrieved again through the hippocampus.  This small structure  deep within  the brain reproduces the memory upon retrieval, allowing for the  event  to be re-experienced again, and remembered. In cases where the   hippocampus is damaged, researchers say, patients lose decades of  memories,  still stored within the brain, with no way to access them. Drs. Tanaka and  Wiltgen  demonstrated this by placing mice in a cage where they received a mild   electric shock. Then, by switching off specific nerve cells in the  hippocampus,  the mice lost all memory of the unpleasant event and, when  returned to the same  cage, did not demonstrate any typical freeze or  fear response, but instead  nosed around the cage, eager to explore  their new environment. Another test  published in the March 2016 issue of the scientific journal, Nature, set  out to study not only how  to block unpleasant memories stored within  the brain, but also how to  effectively erase them completely.  Dr. Cornelius Gross,  of the European Molecular Biology  Laboratory in Italy, led a research team to study the way the brain erases  memories as it creates new ones.  Gross' team first  monitored the strength of the synapses within the brains of mice during  different behaviors.  Then, through the use  of drugs, they blocked those same synapses.  A rapid loss of  strength was found  within the synapses, Gross reports, in that "it seems  that within a  day - a half hour even - [the mice] were losing everything they'd   learned during the week." Dr. Gross  hypothesized that  blocking the synapses would be like "clamping a  hose", in that the  memories would still be there, but would no longer be  accessible.  And in time, as the  synapses lost strength, those memories could be erased, completely.  Is  it possible that the Illuminati  have the technology to select which memories  one is allowed to  remember and which memories one will forget?
                                    According  to Marshall, elite  scientists have been manipulating memory for decades, and  have the  ability to turn on and off access to a memory with just the "push  of a  button".
                                    In  this way, he claims that this  top-secret technology allows them complete control  of the brain, in  that they can decide who remembers, what they remember and who  never  will.
                                    Marshall claims that  Illuminati  members have always had access to top-secret science and technology   that are years beyond what is officially released to the public.  Marshall maintains that this  tech was perfected many decades ago, and has been utilized  since to  bring many to the cloning center for a variety of reasons.  He says some are  brought to be  interrogated for passwords and professional secrets, while others  are  brought for to be tested to see whether they would make loyal Illuminati   members. Some are simply  brought to be used  and abused for sport, which presents a disturbing thought as  to just  how many of the public have been transferred there in their sleep with   no conscious memory? If this is true, it  would explain  why Marshall was unable to access any memory of attending the  cloning  center for years, until the elite decided it was time to mechanically   release these memories to his present consciousness. Marshall says that he  was allowed  to remember at the age of 30. Over the course of several months, he  was  able to put together some of the missing pieces, although, he says it  took  years to understand the full extent of the technology involved. With his memories  returning,  Marshall says that he began to remember more about his double life,  as  an unwilling participant in top-secret scientific experiments held at  the  cloning center.  He says that he began  to recognize  many of his family members there, and would sometimes see them  sitting  in the stands, with some participating, others just watching. He   recognized his mother, brothers, step-father and his step-father's  family, all  there.  Marshall realized  that his entire extended family was involved and that they all played a part in this, but at first, wasn't sure  how.  In conversations with  them there,  however, his family seemed completely aware, in that, they were not   memory suppressed about the time they spent there. They remembered what   happened every time they were there, and would remember again when they  woke  up. It seemed that he was the only one, Marshall realized, that  could not  remember. He says that later he  would learn the truth about his family, and the deep ties they had to the Illuminati that went back  generations.  Although, appearing  to others as  "regular people with regular jobs", they were secretly  in service to  this dark organization, as ground-level members, always eager to   improve their standing there.  What's more, Marshall  would learn  that his mother had actually sold him to the Illuminati, at the age  of  5, to be used, abused and discarded in time. He became what is known  there  as a slave, one with no human rights, no hope of freedom, forever  trapped in a  high-tech hell with virtually no way out. Marshall explains  that this is one  way to gain full membership within the organization. If a  parent  selects a child to sell, to be used in any way they see fit, in   exchange, the entire family benefits  in terms of opportunities and favors granted from the other Illuminati members.  While the rest of the family  will attend cloning during their dream state, and watch the  nightly  atrocities inflicted upon the sacrificed child, the victim himself will   remain memory suppressed and will not remember the perversity that  takes place  there. Children are always  in high demand  there, Marshall tells us, and like him, most remain memory  suppressed  about how they spend their hours of sleep. Once they reach  adulthood,  however, the Illuminati can decide whether or not to unsuppress them   and release their locked memories to conscious recall.  Marshall says that if  they can be  useful to the organization, the Illuminati will memory unsuppress  them  and select them to hold key positions  in law  enforcement, local government, etc., where they can assist in any   cover-ups and help to maintain secrecy and safety for all members  involved. If, however, these  victims are not  useful in any way, the Illuminati can choose to leave them  memory  suppressed forever. That way, they will never remember and usually end   up as damaged, addicted adults with unexplained fears and phobias.  Marshall  says some don't make it and end up killing themselves instead. Marshall explains  that he has  since learned that elite scientists must take great care when  releasing  a person's suppressed memories, in that, the memories must be   gradually released over a period of time, so as not to cause any  unwanted  results.  Marshall claims that  this is what happened in the  much-publicized case of brothers Lyle and  Erik Menendez, tried in 1994 for the  shotgun murders of their wealthy  parents, media executive Jose Menendez and  wife Kitty Menendez.  On August 20th, 1989,  a 911 operator received a frantic call from Lyle Menendez, saying that someone  had killed his parents.  When police arrived,  they found  the bodies of both in the den of their luxury Beverly Hills  residence.  Jose Menendez had been shot in the back of the head, while Kitty   Menendez had been shot repeatedly while trying to escape the killers.  With no suspects in  the double  murders, the case remained unsolved until police discovered tapes of   Erik Menendez confessing his involvement in the killings to a therapist.   Both brothers were  charged in the multiple murders and, if convicted, could receive the death  penalty. The brother's first  trial, broadcast on Court TV, created a national frenzy, by providing daily  coverage of the trial.  When the jury  deadlocked, unable to agree to a verdict, the prosecution vowed to try the  brothers again.  Three years later,  both brothers  were retried, convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and   conspiracy to commit murder, and sentenced to life without possibility  of  parole.    Many at the time  wondered what would have caused the Menendez brothers to kill their parents in  such a brutal way.  Marshall explains  that their  father, Jose Menendez, a successful media executive, was also a  loyal  member of the Illuminati, and as such, was required to attend secret   meetings at the cloning center, and bring the entire family. Marshall explains  that both  brothers attended cloning, where they spent their hours of sleep   surrounded by acts of sick perversity.  Coming of age as  young adults,  Marshall claims that both were in the process of being  "awakened" to  the truth about their twisted childhoods.  While he could find  no one able to  understand his memories, Marshall says that the brothers were  able to  discuss their strange dreams with each other, dreams they both shared   in detail. By corroborating each other's experiences, the Menendez  brothers  realized that they were not imagining things, and once they  discovered the  truth, struck back at those responsible. Marshall claims to  have met both  brothers at cloning years ago. He says they agreed to a bargain  with  the Illuminati not to reveal what they remember about growing up at the   cloning center and the perverse acts they witnessed in their dreams, in  order  to escape the death penalty.  Marshall says he was  disappointed  at the time and wanted them to tell all, so that the world might  learn  the truth about the abuse that takes place within prominent Illuminati   families at top-secret cloning centers. As time passed, more  and more memories surfaced for Marshall.  He was able to  remember the pain  and suffering he endured there nightly, all the while  realizing that  his family had been there from the very beginning, had watched all this from the stands,  but did nothing to help him.  Over time, Marshall's  thoughts turned to revenge. Marshall had in his  possession a special sword, one that he had ordered and purchased years before.  Lately, he found his  thoughts  returning to this sword, imagining the weight of it in his hand, as he   swung at his mother, his step-father, those  that he had trusted and had betrayed him. He dreamed of the  night, when he  would wait until dark. Then he would carefully remove the sword  and  leave, walking quickly through the quiet neighborhood. Once he had reached  their house, he would wait outside  until all had gone to bed for the night. Then, when the time  was right, he would kick down the front door, entering with sword drawn.  Marshall would find  his parent's bedroom, where they lay sleeping, and start chopping and hacking  each one into bloody pieces. I might as well, he  reasoned, I'm doomed anyway. Marshall knew though,  that he would be quickly arrested, and confined to a prison cell for the rest  of his life.  He decided that it  would be better to find a way to tell the world and expose them all at the same  time.  He says, "I'll  get them better if I get them smarter."  As of now, Marshall  continues to be activated at the cloning center nightly, with no way to block  the consciousness transfer. He is sometimes asked  how he manages to keep on. Some say they would have taken their own lives long  ago.  Marshall says that  suicide is not  an option for him, as he is the only hope for so many others  trapped  there. For that reason he says, "I soldier on…" Marshall says he will  never stop  speaking out about the use of top-secret human cloning in deep   underground military bases until those  there are freed and all cloning  centers are shut down forever.  

More in part 2 

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