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RE: "Just do something" -principle

in #life5 years ago (edited)

You're very focused on going to gym or not.. but is it that important?
Isn't it about training and exercise? Staying fit. Doing something for your body/ health.

The place isnt that important. (we're talking about average gym user, who wants to stay fit - not people who need bigger and bigger weights because they compete)

Try to combine time-consuming activities with sports/ training.
For example go to your job by feet or bike. Do exercises in breaks.
Or try to workout together with your wife. Together it makes more fun and you can motivate each other instead of just yourself.

Doing sports with kids is also fun :)


You are right. At the beginning it was really like going there to compete. But it changed and I went there because it was fun and to stay fit and I felt good after the workout.

I think statistics show that in my case in Germany more people are getting overweight and fitness programs and what other kind of drinks and diets are getting propagated to be the solution.

I feel like it is a bigger problem. Like a whole system we are living in that makes informations faster and so makes our lives faster. ( I feel like a week is just passing by like a day) and so we have more stress and then you are here....deciding of doing something for your health and you decide...naaa man instead I'm having this chocolate bar and watch an episode of Game of Thrones :D
You have to have a strong will in these days.

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