in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello my great steemians my name is Lucky Spark I will like to share with you a brief life story this morning, though I don't know what you are passing through but read and reflect on this.

I had just finished my 5th Job interview last weeks and got the very same heartbreaking phrase "we will get back to you"..Yea they did get back to me by never getting back to me.. With all these many interviews, one would think i was trying to break a record.. The first two was during my father's burial which I can't miss
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My friends insisted that i kept trying and never Give up and being a Christian whose Faith was smaller than a mustard seed i kept trying and hoping things will change for the better, though within me,i knew it wouldn't,Maybe that's why i have never made progress or so i thought.

I stood on the road and looked down at my shoes and it frowned at me seriously. I mean, I have been using it consistently for long, Even during my school days without any hope of replacement, I could tell the shoe hated me for putting it through so many humiliations. Deep down i knew that if i kept this shoe outside one day, it would on it's own run away..You know that kind of shoe you wear and you feel as if you are walking in reverse? That's exactly how mine is.. At this point I loose hope bit all hope are not lost so..

I checked my pocket and I had just #200 with me, the worms in my stomach called my attention to their plight as i had ignored them since yesterday and i could tell they were in no mood for any more excuses. But come to think of it..

If i used that #200 to buy food, then i would have to trek home. I looked at my shoes again and it begged me to take a cab as it just couldn't bear the suffering anymore but i totally ignored it and walked into a restaurant close to where i was standing. Looking so gentle and good

I called on the girl selling food and she came rushing and smiling sheepishly like someone who's finally had the opportunity to get to spend a night with her crush. I ignored her seemingly attention seeking attitude and asked her to get me rice #100 and beans #50 and instantly the Joy on her face changed immediately, she gave me that "Fine boy with no money" look. You know na, The one that says fine for nothing. and

I repeated my order again and this time with confidence and aggressiveness and she brought it almost immediately. I feasted on the food in seconds and the worms in my stomach gave me the thumbs up.
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I brought out my earpiece and closed my ears from all the troubles of the World as i began my trekking..
Deep down, I wasn't at peace with God. I Mean, after 6 years and still no job? God must be so unfair, i said to myself. But I still hope that one day he will come to my rescue.

I decided to trek to where i can get a cab for #50 but it's really a long walk and
i didn't mind, i was no stranger to non competitive Marathon and this was not going to be any different.

When i saw people whom i know around the area , i didn't wait for them to ask me what i came to do there, and I will be like
I came to check on someone around here, you stay here too? and with that i escaped multiple questions.
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Just as i was about fixing my headphones again, i heard a familiar Voice, a voice i can never forget even if i am in coma, it's IFEANYI, the most brilliant guy in the University back then.

Before turning back, i had already started programming the lies i was gonna tell him, but what i saw humbled me, IFEANYI was selling waterleaf and pumpkin leaf.

He dropped his wares and gave me a hug, he was so happy and excited and i was utterly confused as to what to say.

IFEANYI begged me to follow him to his place as it was just by the corner and i reluctantly did. The place was the most uncondusive place i had ever seen in my life and it had a very repulsive smell..

"My brother, life hasn't been fair to me but God has been faithful.. after our graduation, i lost my Dad and mom in a ghastly motor accident and my younger sister is battling with leukemia, i hustled for Jobs in different companies and never got any luck, I just had to do something to survive, but God has really helped a lot"

The fact that he kept mentioning God made me angry and sober at thesame time. Here is a Man who had no reason to thank God for anything still giving him reverence.

I told him my story too and how things had been for me, he encouraged me and even prayed for me.. He then reached for his pocket and handed 1k to me, (one thousand Naira only) i rejected the money but he wouldn't have it, he begged me to collect and not feel sorry for him. You know the kind Of Smile my shoe observed that moment?

We chatted for a while and then i left. This time i had money with me but i just decided to stroll, i just wanted to clear my head and think of this God again, i mean, what kinda game was he playing with me..
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I got into my compound and i saw so many people outside, murmuring to themselves.

"Oga, what's the problem" i asked one of the men outside.

My brother, you de live for here the Man asked and i nodded in agreement.

Hmmmmm, it's Armed robbers, they robbed and killed everyone in your compound oh, they didn't spare anybody, not one soul

At that point i broke down in tears and cried uncontrollably..

No no, God didn't send IFEANYI to tell me about his predicament, he only brought him to delay me from being a victim of untimely death... I just knew right from then that he had serious and good plans for me!!

Moral lesson

Always appreciate God even when things seems to be had in life don't be in a haest wait onto the Lord and he will reward you at the due time.

My dear reader I want to tell You are child of purpose Godlovesyou.

I Am your life coach
{Gifted hand}

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