Why We Live - Most People are Trying to Find The Answer [My Thoughts]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit Friends,

Today I want to share some of my thoughts about LIFE with you all. I know most people are trying to find the answer of what life is about like me...

We think like we are born to work, suffer, and serve, and when it's over we die!!!

During the course of life, we are often happy, sometimes sad, we suffer pain and loss, and we are either successful in our minds or we regret the opportunities that never came our way. Some may incur depression while others have lives of misery. Others still are born into wealth and have everything laid on but most are poor.

Adding to the challenges are the trials inflicted by disease, famine, drought, war, and so on. Many leave their homeland to find riches elsewhere while some are forced out due to war and loss of security. Some bear children who may die while others live full and happy lives.

It doesn't matter how or what they become the ultimate destination is death and there we are equal. The emotional make-up of each is there to rip us apart when sorry overtakes the frame or to express anger and hate that affects those around us. Some die young and others live to a ripe old age, which in these times is being stretched often beyond a hundred years.

So what is the purpose of life and why the secrets surrounding it? My reincarnation and link to the Spirit of the Universe gave me insight into some of them. To begin with we have all reincarnated and according to the bible it has happened at least six times (Job 5:19-21). That means that there is no heaven or hell and that all religions are wrong.

The Spirit is the real God and it created everything and fills all of space. It is the little voice inside that often speaks to us. It guides and directs our path and it has made some spiritual and others to be the test for that link. Those who grow strong in their connection to God are called the Children of Israel. They are also referred to as the vineyard Isaiah 5:4,6

Vineyards produce wine and spirits. In order to grow they need manure, weeds, soil, and other things that are essential. They include wind and rain and the Spirit provides both through the link.

We are now at the end of the day when things will simply cease to be. This may happen through wars, which are already threatening. Prophecy tells us that the dead will stretch from one end of the earth to the other and be as dung upon the ground (Jeremiah 25:33).

Prophecies also tell us of God's anger towards those who oppose the Spirit and put up false gods and prophets to entrap the spiritual within their walls of deceit. Those who free themselves from the prison and listen to the voice within will be saved forever.

To make this happen the Spirit provided the two beasts of Revelation 13 to rule over the day. One of these is Constantine who is the Assyrian and the one with the number 666. He he is being removed now that his identity is known and the religion of his creation, that of the Catholic Church, is exposed as fake. The Spirit promised that at this time:

"I will break the Assyrian... then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden... from off their shoulders. This is the purpose that is posed upon the whole earth:" Isaiah 14:25,26

The Spiritual Children, who are those whom God has selected to grow in spirit throughout the course of the day. They have been stolen by the work of 666 and belief in heaven and hell while ignoring their spiritual connection.

Image taken from google

So friends, upvote & follow me if you like my thoughts about life and share your thoughts in comments.

Bye for now, Take care...

Regards from: @luciamuresan

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