Is The Paris Accord Working?

in #life7 years ago

Hello Friends,

Here I am Lucia again trying to find a good and virtuous topic to inscribe and share at the same time to learn about.

So the topic for today is "Accord Working in Paris".

The news that the global warming situation has stalled is great news, but the Earth is still more than 1% warmer than anticipated. Although it is now stable, the next step is to reduce it substantially in the immediate future. If this does not happen, the consequences could be catastrophic since weather patterns are already increasing in severity. This is having an effect on agriculture, sea level and the security of households, businesses and governments.


The Antarctic ice is melting at a faster rate than expected, while the Arctic has already been so affected that pathetic images are shown in videos of hungry bears trapped in small icebergs that can not return to Earth.

Such stories will soon be the norm, since there is little chance of restoring ice in the short term. From my studies in archeology, the Ice Age ended about 20,000 years ago and the way the Earth will go there will not be another for some time.

It is very early, of course, to say how the Paris Agreement is working, but countries are doing everything they can to help it. China is replacing coal power plants with renewable energy like many districts in other countries. In the Australian Capital Territory, where I live, the number of areas under solar panels and wind farms is extensive and growing. The government promised to be 100% renewable for 220.

For your credit, you are now building a light rail service to replace buses and trains will use solar energy. Street lights and other things are also saving energy. Many houses have solar panels on top of their roofs and everything is within reach.

It seems that the US state governments UU They are also ignoring Trump's expected withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and are also building their renewable systems. Other state governments in Australia are doing the same, although the Federal Government is in favor of coal.

While the world waits and most take the call seriously, the question is whether it is too late. Have we passed the point of no return? That is something that only time will tell.

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Bye for now, Take care...


Regards from: @luciamuresan


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