Be the Best Version of Yourself that You can Be.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Imaginations and daydreams are the birth- place of your current reality- You have an endless stream of imaginable possibilities when you eliminate your obstacles.

Listen to your daydreams, authorize them to ignite an ember for a blaze of creation or innovation to your existence.

Ignite your innate fire from within and watch yourself excel in all that you attempt to accomplish. Be apprised about the energy of your dreams, know that they are the key to reach heights of creativity allowing you to ascend to accomplishments through visualizing opportunities like none that you've ever experienced before.

Dreams have higher vibrations than waking thoughts, they release a frequency that is feeding both your mind and imagination. Focus more on opportunities than on obstacles. Obstacles are meant to teach or train us and then we must release them and move on. Release by forgiving, forgetting or at least by not feeding their emotive effects on your psyche any longer than necessary.

Now it's up to you to choose how you want to react or interact with your environment...

Be the best version of yourself that you can be. BE WHO YOU ARE. There is no need to justify, or qualify your life and existence on earth; The Creator let you come here. That's all that matters. Otherwise you wouldn't be here breathing-in the Creator's universe in the first place.

Karmic law is in full-effect, whether you choose to believe or not, it will take place anyway. It is your decision to live a life of truth and honesty by your words and own work, the responsibility remains strictly upon your own shoulders. It's an easy choice to make, don't vacillate your choices, or tempt your fate.

Your daydreams don't include any fallacies, lies, tricks or schemes about gaining abundance by stealing. It will do nothing for you, me or anything positive or of value for anybody. Your daydreams serve to inspire you with pure integrity through-and-through. As you travel, live and breathe,engage and seek justice in the time that you are on earth. We call this time life, it is the call of life where we are asked to experience it with complete presence of mind and in active participation

Remember that there are certain laws that cannot be fixed, mixed altered or changed. Gravity in all earthly forms stays the same.

Live well and enjoy your adventure on this plane we call earth; allow yourself to enhance every aspect of YOUR OWN BEING..

Be a participating party in all of the positive vibrations that you wish to navigate back to yourself... Do your own soul-searching and wording, spend the time to write a poem or make a rhyme...

Be yourself, seen in an endearing way... You were made to be a positive state of a human being and a contribution to collective society. Remember to care enough about treating yourself well and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Be responsible for giving a good production in your life. Living life is like being an actor in a Broadway show. Relax in your downtime, relax in your mental responses, remember that there is a time for working and a time for resting- don't mix the two. BE PRESENT--- MAINTAIN PRESENCE OF MIND. PAY ATTENTION TO THE THINGS THAT RUMINATE IN YOUR MIND...


Pay more attention to your life over the past month than on what happened over the past year or past course of years. Don't carry emotional baggage into your daily life. Once you drop the heavy baggage that no longer serves you: YOU WILL walk taller, lighter and in liberty on this planet.

YOU will accelerate greatly when the weight is lifted FROM YOU. Poof, you are no longer drawn by things THAT NO LONGER SERVE YOU: THINGS THAT you have left, and that have left your vibration too!

Read my other posts..

So friends, upvote & follow me if you like my thoughts about Yourself and share your thoughts in comments.

Bye for now, Take care...

Regards from: @luciamuresan


Thank you for the uplifting post! Good Vibes!

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