RE: Staying Motivated, Keeping your Focus
Motivation is how you interpret what it means to us and how we feel inside of us during failures, disappointments etc. What I mean is that each time something happens to us we give a personal meaning based on our previous experiences. I mention personal because each person generates a different meaning.
We all have to understand that failures are part of life because we are humans. The most successful people had more failures than anybody else. Giving up is an actual failure
Just read the stories of these people and see how they dealt with their failures
Read the story of Colonel Sander, who started at age 65 and he received more than 1009 times “NO” before succeeding.
Read the story of Thomas Edison, where his teacher said that he was “too stupid to learn anything”, where he was fired from his first two jobs for not being productive, and where he more than 1,000 failures before inventing the light bulb.