
Death is inevitable for sinners, the righteous one do not die, they only change city......

End times are indeed near.. To be fore warned is to be fore armed/prepared... After all, we are but mortals.

Poor plant. But you Have to remember @lordgod death is part of life. 😁

It is indeed inevitable

Nature is the one who have suffered the most from human's selfishness!

Nature is the one
Who have suffered the most from
Human's selfishness!

                 - claubzs

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You made me to think about it and to really do something in this regard. 😊😊

@moemanmoesly indeed. celebrate life😂

The human cruelty represented in that photo, the plants provide oxygen, shade, food, beauty and look how they pay.

agreed! so long as we keep believing in lordgods and not keeping in harmony with nature around us.

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