Who are Part of the Generation Z?

in #life6 years ago

Generation Z Groups People born with the World Wide Web and fully developed and present in the vast majority of households. Despite that academics do not coincide with accuracy in the dates that delimit the age cohorts that compose it, they are often considered as members from this generation to those born between 1994 and 2009.

As we see in the table comparison, the context in the that the different generations have grown to adulthood icompletely different. Perhaps the change that is evidenced in a way most notable is the devices technologies that have marked each time, for as long as the generation X has grown with the Walkman, the desktop PC or the Game Boy, the Z generation has at your fingertips a smartphone and tablet, as well as use WhatsApp intensively to communicate. The development of internet has had a lot to do in the process: while in 1992 there were 10 Web pages, in 2013 counted 672 million, data which, no doubt, evidences the leap technology that has been generated in these years. Finally, the context social also makes the difference between the three groups: between 1992 and 2013 the juvenile rate has increased more than 20%, the population foreign exchange has multiplied almost 13 and the stability of bipartisanship
has given way to the emergence of emerging parties and the lack of legitimation of the great parties.

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