Selection of 20 Most Interesting Documentaries of last 15 years - Part 1: Titles A To I

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This is a first part of my selection of documentaries that I consider the most interesting, informing or intriguing.
I have picked my favorite 20 documentaries from my home collection of over hundred documentaries.
Part 1 includes titles starting with A, up to letter I.
Many of these documentaries are free to watch online (no copyright issue), so I have included the links to full versions. While the remaining links direct to the trailers (you can find full versions for most of these films uploaded by different YouTube/Vimeo/Daily Motion users).

Addicted To Plastic (2007)

This disturbing documentary shows our addiction to plastic and it's damaging effect it on our environment.

Banaz - A Love Story (2012)

This heartbreaking documentary follows a story of Banaz Mahmod who was a victim of honor killing in London in 2006. Honor based violence is very common in United Kingdom. Documentary has won few awards.

Basic Income (2013)

Great, well detailed introduction to the concept of basic income. It is the only documentary in this topic, I have discovered so far that is free to watch online.

Bitter Lake (2015)

Adam Curtis documentary highlighting Western societies complete lack of understanding Afghani culture, which was the major contributor to failed military interventions in Afghanistan.

Blackfish (2013)

The story of Tilikum. A captive serial killer Orca. Nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Documentary.

Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008)

This documentary analyzes depletion of our planet's fresh water supply and the effects it has on our society. The film received few awards.

Born Into Brothels (2004)

"Born Into Brothels" depicts the lives of children of prostitutes from one of the poorest districts in Kolkata, India. This was highly awarded and nominated documentary.

The Choice is Ours (2016)

One of the most eye-opening documentaries of recent years. A thorough criticism of all current socio-economic systems, while also providing well researched scientific solutions to our social and environmental problems.

Cartel Land (2015)

Thrilling and vivid documentary about Mexican drug cartels their drug wars. It has won over dozen of international awards.

Cocaine Cowboys (2006)

Very interesting documentary about growth of illegal drug trade in Miami during 1970s and 1980s which drug wars and sudden influx of cocaine cash completely reshaped the city.

Collateral Murder (2010)

Famous and disturbing video released by Wikileaks and exposing 2007 gun sight footage captured by US Army during Iraqi insurgency after Iraqi war.

Consuming Kids (2008)

"Consuming Kids" uncovers uncomfortable truth about how our multi-billion dollar marketing business contributes to our children's addiction to brands and consumerism from very early age.

Cowspiracy (2014)

This film investigates negative impacts of animal agriculture and the meat industry on our environment and climate change.

Debtocracy (2011) & Catastroika (2012)

These Greek documentaries dissect Greek economic crises caused by large amount of national debt owned to European troika. These films also debunk some myths about Greeks. Very interesting perspective from Greek point of view about the situation within their country.

Earthlings (2006)

Very shocking but also very informing documentary about the reality within animal industry and animal agriculture. A lot of raw footage and facts which take you out of your comfort zone and make you seriously reconsider your lifestyle and actions.

Gasland (2010)

Documentary looking into hydraulic fracturing industry and exposing its ecocidal effects on the environment and communities.

Hell's Angel (1994)

Christopher Hitchens documentary scrutinizing the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It examines the facts which reveal despicable side of her character. This film is older than 15 years but it is still very relevant, especially considering recent canonisation of Mother Teresa by pope Francis.

High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell (1995)

This one is a bit older too but also worth adding to the list.
It is film about lives of crack cocaine addicts the city of Lowell, Massachusetts. Particularly an addict Dicky Eklund. The documentary has won four awards. It was one of the inspirations for the movie The Fighter starring Christian Bale.

Home (2009)

"Visual experience" type of movie without narrator. Beautiful, high definition movie portraying many different parts of Earth with it's versatile life forms. If you like the movies Baraka, Samsara or Godfrey Reggio trilogy, you will love this film.

If A Tree Falls - A Story of Earth Liberation Front (2011)

Documentary film which has won seven awards. It depicts the story of eco-terrorists from Earth Liberation Front. It makes you seriously reconsider the definition of terrorism.

I hope that you have enjoyed this selection.


Saw some animals related as expected. The war ones (including the one against drugs) were not unexpected but quite sad we have to "document" them unfortunate but I guess there's a lesson to learn from history.

Ahhhh Awesome! I've only seen a few of these. Thanks for the suggestions. Upvoted!

You are welcome. Thanks for upvote :-)

Oh, great list! I love documentaries. Thanks for putting this together.

Thanks. Enjoy watching :-)

Great list, many hours of good time spent. Thanks for picking them all out, it would have taken me ages to do that.

Are you missing the link for Cocaine Cowboys (2006)? It didn't pop up for me.

Thanks for pointing out. It's working now :-)

The Empire Unmasked is good by Ryan Dawson. But it's really low budget.
Thx for the list. I've watched Hell's Angel. Not much else.

Thanks for recommendation. I hope you enjoy the others :-)

I love documentaries but it seems I missed a lot of these. I will have to check to see which ones are on Netflix. Could I also suggest The Corporation - it's quite old but interesting (particularly the history part).

Yes, The Corporation will be included in one of my future posts. I already mentioned it in my yesterday's post.

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