Soft Subservience

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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The subversion of the entire democratic process has come to a point in which the establishment cares not even the tiniest bit what Joe Public thinks for one simple reason; they believe that they are smart and that we are stupid.

If you don't think that there is a ruling class in this country maybe you haven't been paying as close of attention as is necessary. Maybe you think that we are at the pinnacle of mankind and there is no possible solution that could ever surpass a democracy, even though we are actually a constitutional republic. This common misconception is further evidence of how little attention people have been paying to the processes involved with the selection of leaders in the U.S. and almost certainly throughout the world.

The manipulation of the masses is a tool that has been honed into the sharpest plowshare imaginable. These attempts at tilling the soil of society into just the right configuration have proven highly successful and yield the highest rate of return on the establishments investments. In this process our opinion means very little beyond our belief that this is as it should be and the wrongly held belief that it is our duty to select the least bad option out of an invisible hands curated cast of miscreants.

”Well that's how it's always been.”
”Oh well, at least my candidate changed the dialog.”
”The political landscape is changing and I think we can be excited about that.”
”It's not all bad.”
”Over my dead body will we have a President Trump.”
”I think we (Sanders supporter) really accomplished a lot.”

With things like the above said over and over it's no wonder that the establishment doesn't respect the people. When time and time again the sheep stand at attention waiting to be shorn we tend to lose our humanity and after we lose our humanity we become a commodity. We are a product bought and sold over and over then taxed on whatever we produce on our own. This happens all by the same establishment that does everything in it's power to subvert the very processes that "We the People" so wrongly believe to be the penultimate form of societal interaction. Our ideal of the immoral mob rule has been hijacked into an even less moral top down pyramidical rule and it's hard to argue that it is not exactly what most of society deserves.

Unfortunately for the vast minority in society that understand that this isn't the way forward; there is no choice. You will be dragged along behind the ship of state as it careens off of iceberg after iceberg heading full speed into the darkened unknown. The further we go the darker it gets.

The silver lining in all of this is that we are all the light and we must look no further than ourselves to start making the world a brighter place. The future doesn't have to look like "...a boot stamping on a human face - forever." as Orwell so succinctly put it. We were born free and we will die free and any constraints that were placed on our absolute liberty in between our birth and death are all constructs of the collectivist mind and believed into existence. It is upon we, and us, ourselves individually to awaken and unlock the light inside of each of us and to shine it brightly so that we may be able to see a better way forward.

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