2018 ... My Life In Recap

in #life6 years ago

What a year this has been ...

where was I for new years this past year?
Ahh yes! I spent New Years in Nica with Alex and the fam .... what a wonderful year

The purpose of this post is to recap my year ... see what i have done ... what i did well ... figure out what I want to improve in this next year ... and then figure out how i'm going to do it


hmm 2018 ....

started off leaving nica ... coming back to the states

went to play in lei out ...
realized that when you have too much fun around depressed people they get angry ... and sometimes they attack!!
also just being around bad vibes is bad for the health ... in general

left LA ... (phew) ...that place is kind of nasty ...
and came back to Atlanta for a bit

Was in Atlanta for the 2nd half of january and the better part of february ...

I worked with Aaron for a period of time and sold my bike ...
I liked working with Aaron but was frustrated that he wouldn't let me offer the value that I had ...

patience and persistance ... most people are really uptight about their money and it takes time (10-50 instances) before they are willing to make a change ...
also ...renting might be better than owning ... ive bought a lot of things that end up not getting used or getting resold ... be mindful of this ...

what do I need?

what do I want?

what is in between??

Atl trip 1 was ok ... family was tight then ... enjoyed spending time with family ... good vibes for the most part.

OFF to Colombia!!!

This was exciting ... never been to S. America before ...

was on the same flight w/ Josh (now Xue :) ))
we landed in Bogota ...met the family and started exploring ...

life is not complicated ...
good food
good drink
good music
good people
good people
good people

that's really all you need
If i ever need to I can go teach english in another country.



copy writing

teaching english

digital marketing (Mebeeee)

I have a lot of skills now ...a lot of things that I am quite good at ... What do I want to excel at???

what is the key to success??

well we first must define success ...

in this instance

success = making an impact in the world around me ...

ok, the key to success is figuring out which jenga block can be moved and then removing it w/out knocking down the tower

in order to succeed well I need

stable living situation

good healthy

good healthy (doubly important)

access to capital

good emotional / mental (friends, leisure ... good work / life balance etc)

I want to prioritize building my boat ...
what i mean by that is getting housing, getting stable income and simplifying my life ...

let's make my life boring ... so I can live something exciting ... ya feel me??

how we do me

Van = $1500
Monthly budget = $1250

Goal for investments = $10,000

Current state :
$2000 in cryptocurrency
$1000 in the bank
$1500 in assets (un or underused) ...

Delegate delegate delegate!!!

Human beings are VERY powerful ... and for the most part, quite affordable.

Find someone to help me sell all of my extra stuff so I can focus on more important things. It wont be that expensive ... will save me a lot of time and will be a big positive step towards my personal growth.

ok ... let's get back to the year in review ... and then I will come back to this .

Colombia was a magical time ... lots of self exploration ... lots of growth ... fearlessness ... trust ... you know the deal

The universe is me ... i am the universe

I am creating all of this
I am all of this

if i need something it will be there for me

plus, remember to party dance and have fun ... otherwise it's not really worth it

colombia to atlanta ...

this was round two

I tried launching wyznd ...
no I launched wyznd ... it was growing well ... I had really good IG growth numbers ... engagement ... meh

I OVER estimated how easy it would be to generate revenue

IMO ... 10k followers = 1 sale ... I had 3 ... so thats why

Lesson : social media is the long game ... need 3-6 month commitment before you can expect to be pulling stacks

same w/ SEO
in the information biz you have to be committed ...
people have soOooo much info available ... you need to really build a relationship before they will give you their time/money

SO ... lesson learned ...

anytime you are launching an INFO business ... plan for a runway of AT LEAST 6 months before +ROI
AND ... build a community before building a brand. (on the converse ... find an existing community and figure out how to serve them better) ...

Chicago Fort Wayne Atlanta

I came back to the states.... my gma had died ... it was time to return



this is where the schism with my family began ...
because I asked for help they saw me as being broken ,having failed , being lesser than

I am NOT
and if you feel otherwise


I know it's fierce but i'm in the lions den

this time in atlanta marked a different me ...
3 months Colombiano makes me a man

started exploring content creation
started exploring the city

bringing my me around with me ...started living differently

more confidence, more growth, more me

Don't forget your roots ... you are strong capable valuable and worthy
Dont forget your roots

this is when I worked with aaron
he wasn't ready for me to be me and I wasnt able to be what he wanted / needed

work work work work work

flew out there with $300 in the pocket ...

putting belief into action
I felt that I should be able to generate income whenever I wanted / needed ...

did it work??

Yeaaaa boiii!!!

Was magical ... but then ...

lol back to work
my work became my growth
my growth became my work

i learned that there were some things that I had to accept

I do not want to be left behind
I do not want to be left behind
I do not want to be left behind

even though humans can be annoying ... i am one of them ... kinda

and it is valuable (in many ways) to stay up to date with social norms

I have learned so much ... being in a west coast environment I was forced to practice telepathy and non verbals ... I got much better ... and am proud of my growth (still got ways to go)

ask and ye shall receive
if ye dont ask, ye shall not receive

moi simplee
also there are good people out there ....
a lot of them

West coast best coast???

your value is determined by the person with the pocketbook

human beings are chemical factories ...
we want to experience positive emotions ... dopamine ... etc

and most of our behavior is focused around the generation of these chemicals

if you figure out what is driving people .... and then get in the way of the herd (don't get trampled) ... you can secure the bag ...

ok ... so what am I really good at?

taking info from various "topics" and merging it creatively
empathy / understanding others

what does that make me good at ?
innnovative technology disrupting entrenched industries ....








Ok ... I understand ... that should be my focus ... but I'm scared ... not really!!!

back to where i was earlier ...securing my living situation and then scaling

Month operating cost = $1500 ....

Start up = $2500

goal for savings = $ 7500 +

I want to have $10k in the bank by the end of January ...

need = $9000 ($7500 + 1 month living expense) ....

how to make $9000 ???
Haus + ICOwatch

I like having physical and digital

ICOwatch = way to prove to others that I know a lot about Cryptocurrency
review of the top 100 cryptos (coinmarket cap)
100 days ,10,000 pieces of content ??? ( can it be done ???)


Haus ....
All I am doing is building a brand

simple landing page ... then guerilla marketing

Ok that's kind of it folks ...

so ....

create crypto brand / nomer and then launch my own ICO
Launch Haus brand and start building branded objects / install them around the city
Relaunch BLDR and do paid ads ... generate sales and sub out ALL of the work

Ok I think that's it folks

Happy new year and go fuck yourselves!!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63091.92
ETH 2469.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67