Love in times of videogames and anime: The Lion and The Balance

in #life6 years ago

Hello friends steemians today I will tell you my love story a very nice but without a happy ending.


After a while at the cross glances the takes the courage and speaks to me, was not very broad the talk more than all the prices but you could see the flirting, tells me that you have to go I did not want to miss the opportunity, I gave my number and we began to speak by text, I admit that it was nonsense at first that day I had not eaten, and I wanted to go because I was exhausted, when he appeared to me with a hot dog (hotdog for those who read me from other countries), I told him that he would pay the penalty (I have not yet paid).

The next day it was a holiday and a group of friends invited me to the pool, I was there I saw that everyone was with someone so I sent a message inviting him to what he accepted, he arrived and well I don't know how to explain it but my heart accelerated when he was just a square something all at once and already that night we slept together in the apartment of one of my friends we played monopoly and talked many things obviously we kissed, the next day we discovered that we lived close to each other, we went together in the same bus.

The days went by we started to talk daily and very often, she started looking for me at work every day, I started to fall in love, I will never forget the day she asked me to be her boyfriend we were on a bus on our way home and we were talking when suddenly she asked me the question, I didn't know how to react, first I laughed because it was a bus and then I felt many butterflies in my stomach I was clearly happy I accepted that day was July 29.

We began to live many things together, we discovered that we had similar tastes in anime, video games, books and movies, I became cheesy again, although I have always suffered from low self-esteem and depression, with him I felt good even though there were his gray days, but he knew how to always be happy, as every relationship at the beginning there were more discussions on my part because someone was so insecure, it should be noted that at that time was going through delicate situations with my parents.


He made the most hateful day of the year into something special and amazing, I talk about my birthday, I made a memory box with everything he has given me, he is a beautiful person, his only flaw is that he is reserved, and his beautiful personality is lost when he gets together with other people. I am someone very detailed, as my passion is music and singing always dedicated songs to him and sang them.

It always made me feel special and never alone, it taught me the value of being humble, we began to see many movies together of which I still keep the tickets, the wrappings of chocolates and sweets that I gave, became my other half, something that characterized us is that we had already dreamed about each other, there was already a connection, it sounded silly but he was the ying of my yang, literally speaking I have always been a dark person, and he was light, whenever I wore black he appeared with something white, we never agreed to do that.

He earned the right to meet my parents, I had never done that I was nervous, to my surprise they accepted him, he became someone in the family.

He was the only person who supported me in my dream of being a singer, he called himself my number 1 fan and I would always be in the front row in my concerts, but not everything was a fairy tale me with my jealousy and stupid spoilers I think I was turning off his love. We celebrated a year of courtship and what a surprise that takes me, made me a stuffed animal, if he did, and wrote me a letter that says more beautiful letter everything he loves me and everything he feels for me.

"I fell in love, I fell in love with you, with your smile, because I don't care what happens in the world if you are smiling, and I fell in love with your mouth, with every word, I even like it when you get angry and you turn your back on me wishing that I was behind you to hug you and not let you go. I fell in love, I do not have trouble saying it because I namore of your eyes always you are going to be my small boy wounded of brown eyes, I fell in love of your attacks of ecstasy, of when it sings low because you are happy wishing to be listened to. I fell in love with how intelligent you are and how silly you sometimes get. I fell in love with the good and the bad, with your desire to be with me but also with your pride, because when you think you're going to lose me, you swallow it, but don't be innocent because I'm the one who would lose my life for you".

On the next birthday that we spent together, I gave him a necklace with mine of the keys of our signs, leo and libra, the lion and the scale destined to be together, I took him to an anime and video game convention, instead the one in mine, God surprised me by taking me to the movies to see a movie that he didn't like but I wanted to see because it was my favorite, that movie was my little pony, the two young adults in that room were him and me, and he made me a beautiful chocolate cake.

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In the end he became the love of my life but as every story has its end, and that happened on December 10, 2017, my heart was broken into millions of pieces, the reasons my insecurities, my arguments, my jealousy and even feel that we were already together by custom, sounds stupid but I think he was right and the same in his eyes was noticeable love but still hurt, but I think it was only fear that I do not know but I know that there was still love in his eyes and heart. It's been 5 months now and I still miss the last time we saw destiny, I played dirty, me in black in white, and a hummingbird had passed in front of me. I do not lose hope there have been signs but neither do I cling to that if we were really meant to be, the same fate will unite us.

Writing this story has made me shed tears but at the same time smile when I remember so many moments with him, is but enjoy it see you next time!


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Facebook page:Little Gremlin

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