Talk about sleep

in #life7 years ago


We all know that getting a good night sleep is very important, but like the 8 glass of water a day, though most of us know eight hours of sleep is standard in terms of sleeping, very few follow what is necessary. Sleep now a days turns out to be a pass time hobby or a luxury instead of a priority.

Worse, privilege because of all the work, school projects, family and other life matters, some seem to forgot already what it really felt like being truly rested.

How much sleep does one really needs?

Lots of researchers invested time and effort for this study. There had been changes as the study goes. Here's some smart guide.


Newborns (0-3 months ):

12-18 hours14-17 hours

Infants (4-11 months):

14-15 hours12-15 hours

Toddlers (1-2 years):

11-14 hours12-14 hours

Preschoolers (3-5):

10-13 hours11-13 hours

School age children (6-13):

9-11 hours10-11 hours

Teenagers (14-17):

8-10 hours8.5-9.5 hours

Younger adults (18-25):

7-9 hoursSame

Adults (26-64):

7-9 hoursSame

Older adults (65+):

7-8 hoursSame


Improve Your Sleep

This article wouldn't be a reminder but a sermon if I would not provide tips on how one can improve his sleep.
Great factor of a good night sleep lies on individual's sleeping routine and habits. Try one or all of the above.

  • Manage your schedule and designate specific hour of sleep.
    Make sure to stick with a fix schedule everyday including weekends. This will regulate one's body clock, which will help attain

  • Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. This helps to regulate your body's clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.

  • Practice an effective bedtime ritual for your personality.

  • Take even a short but daily exercise.

  • Consider temperature, light, and sound a factor


Sleep is as important as food, water and money. No enough sleep can make one sleepy, look tired, and felt restless.
Being inactive will not help one become target oriented, means less chance to accomplish what is needed to fulfill on daily basis. No one likes that.

So when you say one should take good care of his health, it also means to ensure we're getting enough sleep to give time for our body to recharge for the next day. :)


Sleep not only improves healthy but improves work results, happiness to those around you etc

I agree that sleep is as important as food, shelter and water. It's all about balance!

You are right, but I don't know why people especially me can't give myself time to take a sllep

Sleep. that is what I really need.

So am I. It's free but we don't take it much

Everybody knows it is important and the truth is , really it is.

excellent working!

I wish I could sleep too long. i wanted to but don't have much time in sleeping, thinking of so many things I want to do.

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