The Art of Manifestation and Vision Boards for Your Goals

in #life6 years ago

I highly suggest you should make a vision board. 

Ever since I read "The Secret" in 2009, I've been creating my yearly vision boards around New Years. I have my goals written down with pictures of how I visualize myself in terms of personal growth for the year, where I want to travel, my Amazon business goals, my friendship/relationship goals, and even my weight loss goals. 

Its pretty cool after leaving my vision board on the side for a few months to see where I am in terms of achieving my goals. For example, when my husband and I broke up in 2009 I created my first vision board about my future husband: his personality, qualities, and values.I stumbled upon this book by Arielle Ford called The Secret Soulmate.  One of her suggestions for attracting your soulmate is to make a vision  board. So months later, I decided to make one. I even wrote in detail about my marriage, I remember telling myself that I wanted to get married down the Jersey Shore with my feet feeling the sand and waves of the ocean. 6 years later, I married my best friend at a destination wedding in Cancun. Guess what I wrote that all down in my vision boards: when, where, and pictures of my future wedding. 

A vision board is basically a reminder  of your goals and dreams made with positive pictures and inspiring words  of hope from magazine cut outs. Mine is consisted of positive affirmations about my body image, aspirations in life, future career,  faith in God, dream vacations, my house and cars, and most importantly  my love life. I posted it in my wall after I completed the vision board and I would always look upon it for hope for my future. I wake up  sometimes in the morning and it is the first thing I see.

As a devout Catholic, I believe in the power of prayer and holding on to hope. That's what the vision boards and writing down my goals give me: hope. That as long as you keep on reading your goals and seeing the visuals of those goals, it gives you the motivation and the drive to keep pushing forward to these goals. I've written down in detail that I wanted to live in Washington DC again with a paid fellowship. Life gives you different paths. I specifically said in my vision board in 2015 I wanted to earn the Presidential Paths Fellowship but instead in 2016 I was awarded the Academic Research Fellowship at New York University. 

Keep on working towards your life goals. On the days I am down I reread my vision board to reignite that flame inside of me.

I had a goal for 2018 to build my journalism and writing portfolio. A friend visited me last year and told me about Steemit. It wasn't until I was laid off and took the this time to find myself again. I wrote down for one of my goals in my vision board this year to get paid freelance writing opportunities and I decided to activate my Steemit account and learn more about crytocurrency. It took me a couple of months to be here, but I am now working towards my career goals to build my audience and reputation as a writer and political commentator. 

The vision board is a reminder of what  your goals are. You have to stand up and try to go after the dreams you  put in your vision board by living life to the fullest by manifesting your dreams. Its never too late to go after your dreams despite what society and those around you doubt those dreams that keep you alive. Being lazy and wishing everything will be served in a silver platter won't get you to your goals in life. 

This post about vision boards is dedicated to the dreamers, believers, and those who didn't give up in their pursuit of happiness.


Very informative. Keep it up.

Thank you Kuya Earl and Ate Flo for introducing me to Steemit and CryptoCurrency took me long enough to finally post on Steemit!

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