Astrology Monthly Horoscope - August 2018

in #life6 years ago



Love - Your enthusiasms flare up almost as if you are subject to an electricity surge, and while in the state of heightened awareness and almost electric energy you tend to be very gung-ho, but you also get bored fast and that can influence feelings in love which can change quickly leaving the other person spinning like a top.

Career - The total lunar eclipse of July 27 will impart effects into the month of August. For Aries, the lunar eclipse is in your 11th house of hopes, dreams, and the collective. This says to me many Aries will reach either a culmination or a tipping point regarding career.

Health - With Mercury retrograde in the 5th house, this can be a tricky month in dealing with children and also making decisions about them; you may keep changing your mind and questioning whether you are doing the right thing or not. Advice from others or from websites can be even more confusing and you cen become quite stressed over it.


Love - The solar eclipse has much to do with family values and also your own level of contentment and security. Taureans who find their partners do not offer some level of contentment or who do not contribute to their security (a key concern for Taurus) will find things reach a tipping point.

Career - There can be a choice to be made between being private and your family life and career or other aspirations. Public figures are more and more accessible via social media, and even bloggers or tweeting can attract attention often negative from those who disagree or trolls. Taurus are capable of being thick skinned, and so you can probably weather any storms, but can your family, and what are you prepared to have them tolerate?

Health - This month can be very intense, especially on a mental level, and you need to use all of your de-stressing techniques.


Love - Your attitude to sex is healthier, and you are more confident in the bedroom, but total satisfaction relies on the energy of your partner, and so unless you are dating Superman or the Duracell bunny, you may have to do some DIY to get the Full Monty in terms of sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

Career - The total lunar eclipse of later last month, and the partial solar eclipse this month bring the focus onto your intellectual needs and to the communicative side of life. Your ability to get a message out into the world is a little like a match that sets a whole forest alight in the dryness of a hot August night, with the flames and smoke being seen for miles around in the blackness of the night.

Health - You are up for challenges, especially physical, and are competitive. You never say die, and while you may not win each time, you leave nothing on the field.


Love - The eclipse brings transformation in the intimate life of relationships – this may be a time you begin a new sexual relationship or revive your current sex life by being more inventive and experimental.

Career - Although Mercury is retrograde for over half the month, it goes direct from the 19th meaning that any delays, annoyances, disagreements, or conflicts over the terms of contracts should even out. You will discover that despite your aggravation about having to reconfigure or redo certain calculations or write ups, it was all worth it, and the final product is far better than what was previously on the table.

Health - The total lunar eclipse of the 27th July and the partial solar eclipse of August 11 throw the focus of attention on money, self-discovery, and also your most intimate relationships and the base desires and instincts they bring out in you. This is a month when you feel everything at a deeper level and are more in touch with aspects of your nature that often are hidden or eclipsed by the more obvious or overt traits.

Love - Humour is vital in love relationships – when all else fails, a joke and a smile, making your partner laugh and encouraging them to see the funny side or at least the upside can be more helpful than indulging their emotions or giving endless advice.

Career - Gaining confidence, personal insight, enrichment of your personality, and expansion of your horizons are the positive effects of the eclipse this month; however, if you are resistant to change and the evaluation of where you need change and growth, there can be arrogance and immediate gratification that is destructive to long-term goals, even if it feels good at first.

Health - It is all about you this month, and Leo need to put the spotlight back on personal goals and your own growth and development, improving your attitude, your skills, your look, your approach and widening your options.


Love - Any fears or reservations you have in a relationship can manifest as you engage in deceptive behaviour or telling white lies. White lies can escalate as new lies are needed to keep the original one going, and you will have to decide what is less damaging: revealing the original lie or piling more lies upon the heap.

Career - You need to maintain flexibility; do not nail yourself down to one position because you could change your mind when more information comes to light, so maintain some wriggle room. The mist is clearing, but slowly, and so wait until everything comes into focus before you rush to judgement.

Health - The lunar and solar eclipse bring greater self-awareness often as a result of criticisms which are initially rejected outright, but later when you reflect, you see that although the delivery was cruel, there is some truth in it, and you need to adapt to it or take it partially on board.


Love - It may be that a friendship suddenly develops into a love and sexual relationship and then back into a friendship again, and that may leave you feeling emotionally frustrated, and so it is important to hold onto your heart and enjoy the game of love without falling in too deep.

Career - It is a time when you need to feel important within your industry and amongst peers, and acceptance matters more than it usually does – you may find that you work harder on goals that are socially ‘fashionable’ or bring you validation.

Health - Librans are keen to promote or set up charitable organisations this month – it may be something which starts in a very small way in response to a gap you see in care provision. While there are ample support groups to quit smoking or lose weight, you may find that there is a dire shortage of other sorts of support or discussion groups, and this is where you may step in.


Love - Love relationships and affection are very much a private matter. New romances may be kept secret, or you may even play down your feelings in front of others. Scorpio are more protective of your private romantic life. You are unlikely to want to share details of your intimate life with friends or family.

Career - The eclipse shines the spotlight on career, and this is a month where there will be developments in your career and life direction and where you can take advantage of the energy to create some movement in a direction of your volition. Scorpio can enhance their reputation and build a platform for further development regarding the public side of your life.

Health - This is a powerful time for meditation and any form of psychoanalysis. Emotions are that much closer to the surface and can be probed and investigated.


Love - Remember that you cannot be responsible for another person’s reactions, and if they choose to be unreasonable then that is their choice; you only have control over your actions. However, right now you tend to bring out the more rational side of others which can make even tough conversations easier to handle without any crockery being damaged in the process.

Career - Sagittarians are focused more on what is abstract than what is concrete, and it is a great time to play about with notions and concepts, You can think laterally and can grasp what others find a little way out. You sense the themes behind the facts and can jump from what is observable to what is causal regarding psychology or other social forces.

Health - Avoid artificially flavoured drinks especially those with sodium benzoate (check out its other aliases, like all bad things it has many names).


Love - Counselling can be very helpful regarding sexual or other issues, and you can both benefit from an outside perspective that does not judge or take sides but gets you both thinking more rationally and sensible about problems. Practical tips on the physical side of lovemaking are also worth seeking out.

Career - All is not lost regarding plans or goals that were set on the back burner; new developments may now mean that the kiss of life can be breathed into these once hopeless aims.

Health - The past and future collide in a cosmic lesson where things in the now make sense regarding being repeating patterns set in motion by events that were until now forgotten. There is an opportunity to grab, an imaginary wire cutter that you can use to cut away the chains which link you to obligations that you never actually signed up for, but which were imposed on you at some point.


Love - The lunar eclipse has you wearing your heart on your sleeve; you are more emotional and also more receptive to the emotions of others. You have greater empathy, and you are quickly moved to action by gut reaction more than logic.

Career - This month you may have more dealings with the public, and these can be very successful – you are more attuned to the needs of your clients especially if you work in a medical field, with children or in a caring capacity.

Health - Balance is vital for health and so if you lack balance regarding work life being totally out of kilter or too much time spend in front of the TV, too many ready meals it is time to get back in line as health really suffers from any extreme behaviour right now, including extreme sports or crash diets.


Love - Things tend not to go as planned in love and there are often misunderstandings. Feelings of self-doubt often morph into a highly critical, sarcastic or defensive attitude which can alienate your partner and make them withdraw leading to those self-doubts being reinforced. So do be careful not to create self-fulfilling prophesies.

Career - Mercury is retrograde until the 19th of the month and so during this phase, your usual workday can become quite dynamic. You may well be off work and perhaps checking into the office via email or sorting stuff out remotely. This month is ideal for taking time out before you start a new job.

Health - This is an excellent time of year for a holiday and so lucky that it is August and many of you will be able to take some time off for the summer or late winter break in the Southern Hemisphere. There is an emotional need to withdraw from pressure situations, to contemplate and to shun the world of the material.

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