Why is there hate?

in #life6 years ago

Hate has been there since human beings exist. It is present in personal relationships, in the mistreatment of women, in genocides and in the instigation of terrorism. The ability to hate feeds on the most atavistic fears and presents varied forms. You can detest the enemy for economic, ethnic or religious reasons.

The rejection of those who believe in a different god has unleashed great massacres. If in the Middle Ages the Christians launched a bloody crusade against the infidels, now the jihadists practice suicide attacks against innocents. Other times, hatred is channeled towards an ethnic group that is described as inferior and denied the right to live. That was the argument of the Nazis to cleanse Germany of "impure" races.

In self-managed collectives and in artificial masses, such as the Army, the legality of operation is based on a primordial idea: all for one and one for all. The aspiration to uniformity entails the discrimination of the different. The other, the one who does not agree with our religion, race or flag, is the hated individual to be discarded. Basically, that is the regulatory principle of totalitarianism and racist ideologies. But we do not just hate those who are alien to our clan. Feelings of anger against our peers or immediate family members are more frequent than we think. One only has to think about the thin line that separates love from hatred and how it sometimes leads to gender violence and turbulent marital separations. Although it is hard to recognize, this emotion permeates our lives and marks the development of history.

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