7 Keys to keep your life in balance

in #life6 years ago

Today I bring you something different friends I bring you some ideas on how to keep your life...

We all have an idea of how important balance is in life, but what few understand is how to do so that the different situations that arise do not lean our ship, and be able to get through the storm

1 - Focus on the positive. Try to get the good out of every situation, turn stumbles into opportunities and difficulties into challenges. Think positive is a skill that can be trained to become a habit, enough to practice enough for the negative to disappear from your life.

2 - Listen to the messages of life. Some say that the best things are not planned, they just happen. Sometimes all you have to do is listen carefully and let yourself go to that place that life has reserved for you. Trust, not everything is in your hands.preview-882910-650x341-98-1484583563.jpg

  1. Do not be silent. If you love someone, tell them; if you want something, express it; If you are not happy with a situation, do not shut up. In the end, if things do not work out, at least you will have the satisfaction of having made yourself heard. Not staying silent is the first step to fight for your dreams and change your world.

  2. Thanks: gratitude is intimately related to happiness. When you thank you, you focus on what you have and not what you need; You cultivate humility and the ability to marvel at the world. Thankful for what you receive will help you recognize how lucky you are.

  3. Recibe y suelta. Serás dueño de una gran sabiduría el día en que sepas cuándo recibir algo y cuándo soltarlo. Recibir implica abrir una puerta, hacerle un espacio a lo nuevo que llega; soltar significa cerrar esa puerta, dejar ir lo que ya no te sirve.lucir_joven_3-.jpg

  4. Return all the good you receive. Generosity attracts more generosity. Give life to the best of you and return all the good you receive. With your good energy you transform your environment and soon you will see how all the help you give comes back to you. In a cycle where everything good returns, no one can lose.

  5. Do not take it personally. When someone offends you, do not take it personally. His hurtful words speak of his inner world and his affective capacities, not of you. What speaks of you is the way you respond. You can get involved in battles that only drain your energy, or reserve for a more intelligent interlocutor and a more enriching situation than a fight.

And do not worry about how many times you fail, remember that life is such a good teacher, that if you do not learn the lesson, it repeats it to you.

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