$0.00, $0.00, $0.00. Hey, At Least I Can't Go Lower Than $0.00

in #life8 years ago

Today, I thought, hey, I' gonna go do a whole bunch of research and write up a cool post,
so I can be totally ignored by all but my favorite and most valued followers
and make a great heaping pile of $0.00.
$0.00, you say? Yeah, I could use some more $0.00.
In fact I can never get enough $0.00. $0.00 makes my life complete.
Then, I thought, nah, screw this I'm going to go learn today.
This steemit thing isn't really improving my life. I've met a very few, very cool people but,
it takes work to stay interesting. I can feel myself getting more boring, every minute I'm here.
My followers are soon going to start eyeing that unfollow button,
thinking, there's got to be something less boring than this.
To the whales, your idea of value is pretty thin. I defended you when I first got here.
I was thinking that you had earned your advantage but,
that's not what i see on the trending page.
Occasionally I'll see something useful, like corbettreport but,
mostly It's looking like it's just a time sink.
I don't know what the big money voters think is value but,
they might want to look that word up.
One look at the trending page and all I see is steemit promotion,
people's personal fantasies, and fly on a leaf photography.
I do wish that I could hang out with the followers who I share interests with.
I don't relish the term "follower".
These are my steemit core, my support, the reason I come back here.
Maybe someday, we'll all get together and have a very valuable time.
So, until at least tomorrow, I've had about as much $0.00 as I can handle.
To my Core, maybe I'll be more interesting tomorrow. Thank you for all that you do.

image: upload.wikimedia.org


There's a little truth in all jokes/humor

If you look at the trending page and compare yourself to it, you will be disappointed. Similarly, if you go down to wall-street and watch all suits get into their ferrari's and compare your car to theirs, you will be disappointed.

I say this with all the respect I give every human, and no malice, but what are you looking for? I just read through your blog a bit and you're on interesting topics and I like your voice. How are you sharing your post links? Are you engaging in the community via steemit.chat? How are you working on building your following? I know you aren't just after the money, but it can have an effect on an author's morale here.

i do post about what i love. it's a waste of time. i could be learning about or doing what i love. here i'm just trying to share and few care.

If you're just trying to share, you're already successful so I don't get it? I'm not saying there isn't anything to what you're saying, I'm only suggesting that you keep perspective. If you didn't bring a following from somewhere else, you're going to have to win over each follower one by one... and with 1 month in Steemit, you're already dozens of follows ahead of where I was. If you were time-sinking into facebook, this is clearly the more attractive option. Build those roads out. If you aren't earning what you think you should be earning, then forget that and pivot, and engage the community and follow, comment and reply. Your following will build out naturally and they'll all be people who will make up your core.

I hope you find everything you're looking for and I'm following because I like all your other posts. To be honest, I kind of thought that I'd see a bunch of complaining on your blog, but instead it's intelligent and diverse. like this nugget:

you that keep us in shelter,
from the howling galactic maelstrom,
wrapped in the spiraling sphere

This is a great line from one of your poems... but maybe I'm biased because you said ENLIL.

Good luck man

i'm not really comparing myself to the trending page, as much as using it as a defining criteria of value in the context of steemit. i love learning and providing the value of learning to those who desire it. i guess i am looking for a way to find more like minded people, without having to sort through so many people who are not looking for constructive conversation. the "waste of time" i referred to is the lack of response to posts. inspiring thought is an invigoration of dialogue amongst like minds. difficult to gauge success if there isn't response. building my following i do by example, probably not very well. i was raised a preacher, so, i'm not too big on the whole, "leave your nets and follow me" routine. i exalt in intelligent interaction. i'm not against giving but, sharing is bi-directional. putting up a post and getting no response is evidence that something is lacking. i'd rather get 5 replies than $5. this is not despair. if i had 20 of the kind of people who have already replied to this post, that would be better to me than having the eyes of all of steemit upon me. i try to never lack perspective. i'm just looking for like minds to share it with. this is my first month on any social media. i already count myself as wildly successful. posts like this one draw the most attention, i want to find out why. learning from others is the value i get. i'm sure there are others looking for the same. chat, i think, moves faster than i can fully elucidate a thought of the depth and complexity i enjoy. for instance, this reply, i'm not sure this would fit very nicely in the chat stream. i think maybe i'm repelled from the solitude of the post and the sound bite nature of the chat. thank you for your comments. i was so happy to be able to fit ENLIL into prose. thanks for reading it. i like that one a lot.

This is a great response. I hope you stick around because these frustrations will come and go, but smart writing is what will eventually win out. I just recently wrote what I feel is one my best poems in the last 2 years and I think it got like 1.50$, while some of my other work garnered much more. Market forces are weird man. After reading your response, I'll be following, and if you stick around, I look forward to future dialogue. It's my general style to always leave comments for exactly the reason you outlined above.

i'm not adverse to a bump or two in the road. that is what keeps things interesting, and me, learning. i haven't written anything for anyone but me in 25 years, up until the last month. it is almost like getting back on the bike, except this particular bike has been stored in a not so waterproof shed for 25 years and may be missing some spokes. i'll be sticking around. i'm not frightened away too easily. thank you.

Post about what you love; don't force it! Don't ask yourself what other people want!

i do post about what i love. it's a waste of time. i could be learning about or doing what i love. here i'm just trying to share and few care.

Following you now also @charlie.wilson - looking at your page (your headlines/topics anyways) I can't believe you're not getting more money.

the replies are what keep me coming back. sharing is bidirectional. money is a benefit but not the goal.

Money is the goal if our pages start to blow up, haha! But right now, its just kind of fun!

it will be one thing or another for money. i wouldn't complain if i could pay my bills with this. i think it unlikely. if/when i do get a day job, i certainly won't have as much time for steeming. writing doesn't seem too painful.

Thanks man! I'm sharing a lot of videos mostly, but I blog a little bit. Blogging takes a lot of time though, so I'm kind of chilling out on that for a while. I'm about to check your stuff out right now.

I just put my time into this instead of other social media because I want it to grow.

Good shit. Gave me a couple good laughs and is brutally honest. xD

thanks, i appreciate it. i have a tendency to find things funny when i'm pissed off.

Better to laugh then cry. 8D

or throw the computer on the floor and piss on it. heh.

Make sure to unplug it first! D:

i don't know, maybe leaving it plugged in could be fun. heh.

Still need to read it, but at first glance, I would say it's a lot better than dealing with the idiocy of negative interest rates, currently a popular weapon of mass financial destruction in the hands of central bankers across the planet.

better is not of necessity good. if you are eating arsenic and cyanide, and stop eating cyanide, yes that is better. but is it good?

I don't know how good steemit will turn out to be, but if this grows like bitcoin, you will be glad you took the time now to learn and get involved.

i count everything i have learned here, even the hard lessons, as victories. i hope others benefit from me as much or more than i have benefited from this community. money is only part of the metric here.

Oh yes, this platform goes a lot further than getting payed for content.

I mean, if @dollarvigilante and @roguemoney both like it here a lot, I pay attention.

@lifeworship, i was laughing so hard at your post. You keep going

it was supposed to be funny. i don't know how many will take it that way. thanks.

I'm following you and I know you have the skill. Just hang in there. This post is hilarious. Your title was good and the content was hilarious. Get in those big juicy whale upvoted post and start talking like in this post. I talk to dozens of people a day. It works. Nothing sweeter than getting whale upvotes on your comment in someone else's post.

A few big fish upvote most comments in their post. You are funny and clever.

i think i'm a little hesitant about getting my rep crushed. nothing ventured nothing gained though, right?

I tried this to be funny and also made over $0.10. It doesn't work, lol... or does it!?

i try to be funny. i sometimes come off as bitter. i keep trying.

Charlie is right on both points! Write what you know of course, especially if you'd be blogging or just wasting away on Flakebook anyways. And don't forget, even the 18cents you've made so far on this post, might be worth $180, $1,800, or $18,000 one day if Steem enjoys success similar to Bitcoin.

this post was mostly a joke. money is ok. these posts agonizing about the state of value on steemit blow off steem and get the most replies. i'm looking for an actual job. i don't expect this will pay my bills. i don't really care about votes or money. every time i discuss value, people go nuts with the replies. i'm trying to understand this. i think many here are starving for value. many are trying to create value, some succeed, only to have it washed down the hole of the time stream, never to be seen again. the upvotes that are supposedly to indicate value, don't. the actual value is too quickly lost from view.

Maybe you have the wrong perspective. Steemit is not for good permanent content creators. For Steemit you must create ephemeral content, whose span life is about 24 hours. You should focus on how to catch attention in the tiny moment people look at the title list. For example with a beautiful photo of a butterfly on a leaf.
Everybody has been misguided with the idea that Steemit is for blogging original content and not, it is not for serious content. In fact, Steemit is just more Facebook than Facebook. The only different here that you have to post the very same thing you post in Facebook but using your own words.
If you make an analysis of the infrastructure available to make your content, you only can get one conclusion:
The strategy for Steemit is "write and forget"
Sadly, because it could be a much better platform. Maybe Synereo will fit the expectative of a real content platform powered by blockchain.

Good input - I do a lot of "permanent" work here.. Maybe I should also look into Synero? but lately just this one site is taking all my time!

Synereo will be available maybe in six months.... For the moment I am buying Amps, the crypto currency of Synereo that will power all their blockchain 2.0....

there isn't a wrong perspective, only the misapplication of tactics and strategies to achieve a goal. i'm not actually trying to make money. i'm trying to understand value, in the context of a space like steemit. there are people here who want more than to write and forget. people with short attention spans don't matter to the world of value anyway. they do not contribute, and can only consume. content keeps steemit flowing but value makes people come back.

But, you realize that in 30 days your content is "frozen" in the blockchain and there is not more votes and no more comments. So, your content in Steemit is valuable, in all possible meanings of the word valuable, for this tiny period of time. After that the possibility of interaction are almost zero. In fact, for that reason there is not a necessity of a search tool in Steemit because it will take you to an inactive post buried in the blockchain.
I think that Steemit is a genial idea (maybe poorly implemented and worst executed) but right now, it is not clear for me what niches Steemit cover exactly.
For example, somebody read one of your post one year later, what are the possibilities that you are writing about the same topic? How this person can look for similar content in your lengthy blog history? Or are you going to use use a different account for each topic in order to keep some kind of order in your production....
Again, the infrastructure is oriented to target the people with short attention span....
Steemit still beta... It means there is time to make the necessary changes... 😄

these are some of the aspects that cause me to wonder if steemit will survive. i guess there will always be people with short attention spans. there should be a place for comments on "dead posts" somewhere on the profile page. i feel the same about accessing my old comments and replies. if they're are in the blockchain forever, why not? i've taken to saving significant comments and replies that are not on my posts. it helps me monitor my writing. i hadn't thought much about having multiple accounts. it seems like playing chess against yourself. could be useful.

Hi @lifeworship ! I completely understand you man, I myself have gone up from $0.00 to $0.08 hehe and I try to remain positive but I do know it is dissapointing to see the same names in the trending page every time, posting the same things, getting votes without their content even being read. There are projects that are trying to improve this experience, like project Curie and Robinhood Whale but unfortunatly we need much more projects like those and more Steem Power distribution so that there is more people curating that actually represents something. Hopefully this will change soon and this does not turn into another failed experiment.

I'm in the "hopefully" camp as well. @curie was good to me recently, and I wonder if I'd still be at this without them.

the "vote without reading" is mostly whales giving each other more money, power and control, eating out the substance of the people of steemit. i do not doubt that if that continues, steemit will fail and fall. however, there is an almost unique learning opportunity here, to understand the dynamics of the desire for value that is the lifeblood driving the growth and vigor of this space. successful entrepreneurs know that to be successful, value must be provided. flim-flam artists can get away with providing empty content for a while, but, in not too long a time, the people grow hungry. i hope the projects you mentioned fill some of the needs. ultimately, whatever happens, this experiment has already succeeded. the people here have gotten a glimpse of what is possible, if they chose to see it. the difference between the entrepreneur and the con-man is the value in the content provided.

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