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RE: What Happened to Individual Agency/Autonomy? TCM, Chemotherapy and Vaccination.

in #life8 years ago

it seems you've gotten the over all point. the individual owns themself and the product of their labor, their children. until such time as the child can advocate competently for themself. i do not think it is a choice between chemo, a provably failed option and TCM, which really only works as a preventative. TCM is based around diet and exercise and balance in the body. it may be something to add to a treatment but is not any kind of emergency intervention of itself. the other choices are multitudinous. i have run across 27 treatments or full blown cures for cancer. to go on my list it must be comprehensible by me AND must be demonstrated effective to my satisfaction. not all claimed treatments make it onto my list. as far as vaccinations go, i agree again with your understanding of the choice being one's own. for the individual and the child or children of that individual. i am at the point where i am on the verge of quitting all debate on this subject but, you seem a most rational person who does not deserve to be misled. i would urge you to reconsider the idea that the science is mostly settled. it is not. the number of doctors, scientists, and studies to demonstrate this are legion. my view is that regardless of this and including your correct statement that the choice is the individual's, there are an enormous number of technologies out there, some not new, that are being kept out of the marketplace due to what is known as regulatory capture. the allopathic model is effective within it's sphere. it can accomplish astonishing things. it is also killing people, regularly, at the limits of it's usefulness. the FDA and AMA and other agencies have been almost completely corrupted by money and power. they are now more dangerous than helpful. the people have been so dumbed down and engineered into dependency, that they believe that only the government and the gods of the hospital can help them. a friend of my housemate went to the emergency room 3 times in 4 days, for altitude sickness, the treatment, which i stated before the first visit, was decided to be, drink some water. we are being kept in an infantile state of dependence. vaccinations and cancer not excepted. thanks, in part, to regulatory agencies, freedom of speech has been suspended. if you are interested in avenues of personal research, let me know. if not all i can say is be very careful about what you allow doctors to do to you or your children.


This is a great discussion between you two without bashing each other for your beliefs. Educating ourselves is truly the only answer, not just following the "prescribed" path. We are born to this planet and immediately a whole set of rules and agendas are placed upon us. It's time for new thought processes, for new awareness and for the courage to stand up and make change.

I am grateful for this post and the comments which provide thought-provoking content. We all have our own opinions and no one's perspective is the absolute truth--(unless it is!). Being responsible for our own life's experiences in conscious connection with well-being is of great value. Honoring and respecting the choices of others and empowering each other with experiential and well-researched information is essential to raising awareness and actually improving all of our overall experience. Open minds to new and ancient ways offers great insight.

If we continue to search for better ways and push perceived limits of our minds, we can leave this a better world than what we entered.

thanks for the positive comment. i have to admit that i abandoned this discussion in dismay. while i do find a certain fun in questioning. i do want to have positive interactions with others but, very rarely see points raised properly addressed. it so often becomes a contest rather than a common search for the truth. further on in the comments i find people such as myself referred to as silly, and an indirect threat of spamming with no reason, except an undemonstrated sense of superiority. i do believe thecryptofiend attempted to address some of my points honestly. this is refreshing and i wish that were more often the case. others here seem to believe that appeal to personal incredulity and appeal to authority makes good science. i believe this harms people. i will continue to attempt reasonable conversation wherever i think it will be well received. thanks again.

chemo, a provably failed option and TCM, which really only works as a preventative

I wouldn't say chemotherapy is failed option but it is far from ideal and is by it's nature very toxic. That said there are new more selective drug treatments which are both less toxic and more effective that we are seeing great success with in early trials.

i have run across 27 treatments or full blown cures for cancer.

Yes many things are currently in late stage trials or being fast tracked.

allopathic model is effective within it's sphere. it can accomplish astonishing things. it is also killing people, regularly, at the limits of it's usefulness

If by allopathic you mean homeopathic I'm pretty skeptical of that but I don't understand how it would be killing people. That said I have looked into a lot of complementary therapies and whilst I would not advocate their use for something like cancers they do have uses for other problems and can be of benefit to people even if one only considers them to be placebos.

allopathic is the standard model, a drug for whatever ails you. i'm not talking about homeopathic. the entire system within which late stage trials and fast tracking exists, is the corrupt, captured market i'm talking about. depending on the cancer and depending on the drug, the five year survival rate can be as high as 90% in some cancers, in others this sinks to as low as 2.1%. the chemotherapies are still very taxing on the systems of the treated and exceedingly expensive. sometimes doctors even make money from each course of chemo prescribed, and have been caught prescribing chemo for people without cancer. this is not having mentioned that this does not even cure the cancer but only allows patients to live longer with it. some surveys have revealed that some 80% of oncologists would refuse chemo if diagnosed with cancer. i, personally, had lymphoma and prostate cancer. i refused treatment and sought my own. that was five years ago, i have had no recurrence. my brother had the same two cancers, went the chemo route and died three years ago. he made his choice. the patent record is online and full of ideas that work, or they would not have been granted patents. i cannot legally recommend it, but, DIY healthcare has worked for me. if i break my leg i'm going to the emergency room. short of that, i'm not going to sell myself to these failed drug companies. hope i'm not getting too overly excited here. sometimes i am not so fluent in tact. it pains me to see intelligent people harmed due to misinformation.

That is something that concerns me about the American system. In the UK it is different due to having the NHS which people pay for through National Insurance. The overall cost of health care is much lower and there is no financial incentive on doctors to do extra treatments.

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