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RE: Just Some Member Berries

in #life7 years ago

That's why some people want everyone to stop talking about it. It IS insane. No one in their right mind would create a world like this, and yet, here we are, in a world controlled by megalomaniacal compulsive gamblers, and congenital bureaucrats. I'll bet a lot of them don't even know they are mentally deficient and/or completely bat guano.


Im starting to think they are getting what they want. you have the hard left and hard right both fighting for more government control over stuff. antifa claims its fighting an oppressive government and now that they are considered a terrorist group if the government "gives in" to both groups demands so they think they won it only fucks everyone else. then if anyonein the future tries to stand up to the government overstepping its control the people will get called antifa. then b law they can be treated like terrorists, so basically they can send in the military to take you out and im going to guess if you are classified as antifa they could stick you in gutanamo and all that crooked hit where the laws no longer apply to you because your classified as a terrorist.
The people are to busy fighting over identity politics to realize what is really going on. the people on the top are willing to play the slow game. Next we are going to see comericals about how ou should report people if you think they are part of antifa and then all hell breaks loose. people start turning each other in and shit. idk obviously I have no clue what is going to happen but this is a crazy step to classifiy a political movement in America a terrorist orgination when people cant even really define what makes an antifa member because 80% of the people "protesting" with them don't even know what they are protesting about. lol

They'll suffer the consequences of making the wrong decisions, or benefit from making the right ones. If we burn, they burn. I wouldn't guess that they are aware of that, but it's true, and obvious to me.

I would rather not burn.

I'm hoping the authoritarians would rather avoid burning as well.

It is time for life, liberty, and property for all, or existence for none.


All I can think of is the spoiled kid with the ball that when he doesn't get his way pulles a cartman and runs homne with his ball. would rather have no one play even himself then to have everyone play and him not get his way.

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