
HAH. dude, yes, ESPECIALLY the accents thing.

accents that descend from "white" british areas (hah sorry but true) are still doable--aussie, irish, etc.,

but with completely foreign of non-british-descent accents, i need to take it down to 125% at most.

it gets easier as you go, but some are nearly impenetrable at 150%. only people with the clearest diction can survive the 200% treatment.

going back to 100% after a long period of much faster is agonizing. it feels like everything is going in slow motion.

i's almost making me paranoid. like i'll listen to a youtube video at 100%, and i can almost SWEAR that it's being slowed down, and that 125% is the actual speed.

the best part, other than learning at super speed, is now i've been watching movies at 125% which, as you say, seems like normal, right? then the chase scene comes and everything goes crazy, especially foot chases or horse chases. it makes fight scenes better.

Ahh..I can't respond anymore past that level down there.

That's one thing I've been putting off (upping speed on movies), because I didn't want it to mess up the director's vision or anything, but maybe I'll give it a try with some mindless action XD

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